Thursday, December 7, 2023

MAGA- Antifa. Who is behind America's current crisis of extremist thought!

 As the far right Maga crowd truly believe their own government is the enemy,


As the far left Antifa crowd truly believe their own government is their enemy, and as different ethnic groups begin to look at other ethnic groups as their adversaries, one question begs to be asked by every freedom loving person, Where did that vile and disruptive influence originate. Where did it come from? I do not believe it began in America or it's government! Now, how would a true adversary attack the greatest democracy ever created,
who owns the greatest military ever created?

Well, you certainly can't confront their military directly.
That would be a national suicide for any adversary!

So, with proper planning by your intelligence services, you attack from within, using a superb weapon, democracy itself!

You concentrate your intelligence operation on the lynchpin of a great democracy,
FREE SPEECH! You use the new social media platforms, constantly, over years, maybe decades, to influence the population and you concentrate on the differences found in any democracy!

Free speech supplies all the bullets you need, words!

Those bullets are fired every minute, of every day, of every week, of every month of every year, by the guns of social media, such as: X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, Tik Tok (the young are easily led), You Tube, Whats App, Instagram, Reddit, Snapchat, pinterest, etc etc

You concentrate your fire directly at various groups who may distrust each other for various reasons, and you extend that mistrust continually, until, eventually, it resembles hatred. You concentrate your fire on the differences apparent in the two major political parties, and you work both sides.

Because these platforms allow your agents or bots to hide behind false names, false businesses, etc, they are the ideal guns pointed at the millions of American who use them every day, more and more.

I learned over many decades in Government, and in business, that, if you have a meeting of dozens of people on any subject, it will be the most ill-informed who speak the most and the loudest.

Now it is those who are loudest, that have the largest megaphones, supplied by social media platforms. These are the artillery, the big guns of your insidious attack. They have access to millions of ears, both young and old. Some may even have been recruited by your intelligence service, over years.

You stay relentless in your subtle and surreptitious attack until Democracy itself turns into a vortex like a black hole, and eventually swallows itself!

THAT, is how you attack the greatest democracy ever created on earth!

Who did it? Who's responsible?

These are the important questions we should all be asking, while we stay vigilant and aware that the adversaries of freedom have found our only weakness, and are exploiting that weakness every day!

HP @Retirefund

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