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Showing posts with label Brigus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brigus. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Brigus Gold Reports Q3 Production and Goldstream Repurchase

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia (Business Wire) -- Brigus Gold Corp. (BRD-TSX) (“Brigus” or the “Company”) produced 19,526 gold ounces in the third quarter of 2012 – an increase of 7 percent over second quarter production of 18,254 ounces.
The Company is also pleased to announce that it has secured $30 million in debt financing. $26.4 million of the debt proceeds will be used to repurchase 4 percent of the existing 12 percent goldstream with Sandstorm Gold Ltd. (“Sandstorm”). The debt financing was arranged by Casimir Capital and a finance structure fee is payable in exchange for Casimir's services.

Under the agreement with Sandstorm, the Company may repurchase up to 6 percent of the goldstream until January 1, 2013. Brigus will make a decision on the remaining 2 percent prior to the end of the year.
“We are pleased with the growth in gold production at Black Fox during the third quarter.” said Wade Dawe, Brigus' President and CEO. “Gold production continues to increase quarter over quarter as expected. Brigus' repurchase of the goldstream is an accretive transaction providing an immediate and advantageous increase in cash flow."

Production from the underground portion of the Black Fox mine is steadily increasing as crews develop and access larger ore zones at depth.

The open pit continues to perform as expected. Phase 3 overburden removal has commenced and production from Phase 3 is scheduled to begin in 2013.

The mill processed 190,879 tonnes of ore at an average grade of 3.34 grams of gold per tonne and an average recovery of 95.1 percent in the quarter. Throughput averaged 2,075 tonnes per day.

    Ounces Produced   Average Grade
Q1   16,922   3.04
Q2   18,254   3.30
Q3   19,526   3.34
Total   54,702   3.23  

Brigus continues to forecast full year gold production of 77,000 to 85,000 ounces for 2012:
2012   Low   High   Actual
Q1   15,500   17,000   16,922
Q2   18,000   21,000   18,254
Q3   21,500   23,000   19,526
Q4   22,000   24,000    
Total   77,000   85,000    
Cash costs are targeted at $775-$825 per ounce for the year, declining to approximately $700 per ounce by the end of 2012.

About Brigus Gold
Brigus is a growing Canadian gold producer committed to maximizing shareholder value through a strategy of efficient production, targeted exploration and select acquisitions. The Company operates the wholly owned Black Fox Mine and Mill in the Timmins Gold District of Ontario, Canada. The Black Fox Complex encompasses the Black Fox Mine, the new Grey Fox property and adjoining properties in the Township of Black River-Matheson, Ontario, Canada. The Black Fox Mine is in production and the Grey Fox Mine, located four kilometres from Black Fox is in development. Brigus is also advancing the Goldfields Project located near Uranium City, Saskatchewan, Canada, which hosts the Box and Athona gold deposits. In Mexico, Brigus owns the Ixhuatan Project located in the state of Chiapas. In the Dominican Republic, Brigus has signed an agreement to sell its remaining interests in three mineral exploration projects.

Cautionary and Forward-Looking Statements
Statements contained in this news release, which are not historical facts, are forward-looking statements that involve risk, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. All statements regarding the ability of the Company to achieve its production, total cash costs, steady state annual production and mining rate estimates; estimated average gold grades for the open pit and underground operations; increase in gold production; increase in profitability; exploration drill results and resource additions, are forward-looking statements and estimates that involve various risks and uncertainties. This forward-looking statements include, or may be based upon, estimates, forecasts, and statements as to management's expectations with respect to, among other things, the outcome of legal proceedings, the issue of permits, the size and quality of the Company's mineral resources, progress in development of mineral properties, future production and sales volumes, capital and mine production costs, demand and market outlook for metals, future metal prices and treatment and refining charges, and the financial results of the Company.
Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include environmental risks and other factors disclosed under the heading “Risk Factors” in Brigus' most recent Annual Information Form and Management Discussion and Analysis filed under the Company's name at www.sedar.com and annual report on Form 40-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov as well as elsewhere in Brigus' documents filed from time to time with the Toronto Stock Exchange, the NYSE Amex Equities, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory authorities. All forward-looking statements included in this news release are based on information available to the Company on the date hereof. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable securities laws.

Brigus Gold
Jennifer Nicholson, CA, 902-442-7186
Executive Vice President
Kate Wood, 902-442-7184
Manager, Stakeholder Relations
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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Brigus Gold Reports 480,850 Indicated Ounces in New Grey Fox Resource (bwire)

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia (Business Wire) -- Brigus Gold Corp. (“Brigus” or the “Company”) (NYSE MKT: BRD; TSX: BRD) is pleased to announce a new National Instrument 43-101 (“NI 43-101”) mineral resource estimate for the 147 and Contact zones on the Grey Fox property of the Black Fox Complex, which covers approximately 18 square kilometres within the Timmins Mining District. Highlights of the updated resource estimate include:

Zone   Indicated Ounces   Inferred Ounces
Brigus announced an initial resource estimate from Grey Fox in December 2011. The focus of the Company's exploration drilling program over the last year has been to convert Inferred ounces to Indicated ounces through systematic in‐fill drilling. The new resource is based on a total of 488 holes and approximately 65,000 metres of drilling.

We have increased the Indicated gold resource at Grey Fox from 116,710 to 480,850 ounces. This is a material increase in the Company's total Indicated resource and adds substantial value to the Black Fox Complex,” said Howard Bird, Brigus Gold's Senior Vice President of Exploration. “Both the 147 and Contact zones remain open at depth and the Contact Zone remains open along strike to the north. We are excited about the near term potential to further increase this resource with on-going drilling.”

Approximately 84 percent of the new resource occurs within 200 m from surface where most of the drilling has taken place and therefore has open pit mining potential. Over the next year Brigus will focus on extending and expanding both the 147 and Contact zones through systematic drilling below the 200m level and along strike to build a resource suitable for underground mining.

“Exploration drilling over the last year has converted a large portion of our Inferred gold resource to Indicated,” said Wade Dawe, Brigus Gold's President and Chief Executive Officer. “We are confident that the Grey Fox property has the potential to host in excess of one million ounces of gold.”
This new resource does not include results from Brigus' newly discovered Grey Fox South Zone

This multiple horizon gold zone is located approximately 400 metres to the east and running sub-parallel to the 147 Zone. Drilling is on-going at Grey Fox South and has intersected the gold mineralized trend over a 275 metre strike length. The zone remains open in all directions. Two drilling rigs are focused on defining the orientation and size of gold mineralized shoots and extending the mineralization along strike.

All three zones occur within close proximity of each other and provide Brigus with near term production growth opportunities because of their proximity to the Black Fox Mine infrastructure.

Summary of New Mineral Resource Estimate – 147 and Contact Zones
The new mineral resource estimates are reported to reflect potential open pit and underground resource values for both the 147 and Contact Zones which include calculated cut-off grades of 0.65 g/t gold for potential open pit mining and 2.63 g/t gold for potential underground mining based on parameters from the Black Fox Mine. The reported potential open pit resource was based on the resources above a plane approximately 200 m below surface level and the potential underground resource estimate was based on the remaining resources below the 200 m level plane.

Black Fox Complex - 147 and Contact Zones 

Cut-off Grade
(g/t Au)
Au (g/t)
Au (oz)


Open Pit

Total Indicated

Open Pit

Total Inferred

1) The effective date of this resource estimate is 14 August, 2012.
2) The quantity and grade of reported Inferred resources in this estimation are uncertain in nature and there has been insufficient exploration to define these Inferred resources as an Indicated or Measured mineral resource and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in upgrading them to an Indicated or Measured mineral resource category.

3) CIM definitions and guidelines were followed for Mineral Resources.

4) The resource was estimated using version Gemcom GEMS 6.4.1 . The database used for the estimate comprised diamond drill core composites and assays. All samples were collected by Company personnel. A top cut of 100 g/t was applied to assay grades prior to compositing grades for interpolation into model blocks using Ordinary Kriging and Inverse Distance Weighting Squared methods, and was based on 1.5 m composites within a 3m long x 3m wide x 3m high block model. Nearest neighbor interpolation was also used for grade estimation and validation. The ordinary kriged grade model for the Contact and 147 Zones was felt to best represent the continuity and distribution of the gold grade based on the current geological model.

5) Bulk densities were assigned to the five of the six interpreted lithological domains based on 1,162 density measurements. The average of the bulk density measurements, 2.88 t/m3, was used for all other lithologies.

6) No recoveries were applied to the estimated grades.

7) A gold price of US$1,250/oz and an exchange rate of US$1.00=C$1.00 was utilized in the gold cut-off grade calculations of 2.63 g/t for potential underground and 0.65 g/t for potential open-pit Mineral Resources. Underground and open-pit mining costs, process costs and G&A costs were estimated using experience gained from Brigus' Black Fox mine. Process recovery was assumed at 95%.

The 147 Zone mineral resource estimate is based on 266 core holes. The core area of the zone is approximately 275 m in a north-south direction dipping at approximately 80 degrees to the east. The gold mineralization primarily occurs within multiple quartz carbonate brecciated zones within bleached units of variolitic mafic volcanics and other parallel hanging wall and foot wall gold mineralized zones. The 147 Zone remains open at depth. Most recently, targeted drilling has intersected the 147 Zone at a vertical depth of approximately 435 m below surface.

The Contact Zone resource is based on 222 core holes. The gold mineral resource estimate lies within approximately 450 m of strike length and mineralization remains open along strike to the north and down dip. The Contact Zone consists of a steeply dipping mineralized fault contact between the north-south trending metasediments and mafic volcanic rocks, and includes parallel foot wall and hanging wall gold mineralized zones.

All potential future mining on the 147 and Contact zones in the Grey Fox area will be supported by the nearby Black Fox mine infrastructure. This area falls within the ongoing environmental monitoring program associated with the Black Fox mine operation. Initial hydrogeological test work and Acid Base Accounting (ABA) testing of various rock types is complete. Good progress is being made with Baseline Terrestrial Studies, Closure Plan, Mine Water Ponds, and Preliminary Review for Air Emissions and Metallurgical test work. A preliminary economic assessment (“PEA”) for Grey Fox will be released in Q4, and will incorporate the new resource.

Qualified Persons and Technical Report
The new mineral resource estimate announced in this release was prepared by Mr. Paul Daigle, P.Geo., an employee of Tetra Tech (Tetra Tech), and an Independent Qualified Person ("QP"), as defined by Section 1.5 of NI 43-101. Mr. Paul Daigle and Senior Exploration Project Manager Mr. John A. Dixon, P. Geo., have reviewed and approved the technical exploration information in this release. Mr. Dixon is the Qualified Person for the Company.

Tetra Tech is preparing a NI 43-101 Technical Report to support disclosure of the new mineral resource estimate. This report will be filed by Brigus in its entirety on SEDAR ( www.sedar.com ) within 45 days of the date of this news release, and the report will also be available on Brigus' website at www.brigusgold.com
All sample analyses were performed by Polymet Labs of Cobalt, Ontario, SGS Laboratories of Sudbury, Ontario and Swastika Laboratories of Swastika, Ontario using standard fire assay procedures. Brigus Gold's quality control checks include insertion of blanks, standards and duplicates to ensure laboratory accuracy.

About Brigus Gold
Brigus is a growing gold producer committed to maximizing shareholder value through a strategy of efficient production, targeted exploration and select acquisitions. The Company operates the wholly owned Black Fox Mine and Mill in the Timmins Gold District of Ontario, Canada. The Black Fox Complex encompasses the Black Fox Mine and adjoining properties in the Township of Black River-Matheson, Ontario, Canada. Brigus is also advancing the Goldfields Project located near Uranium City, Saskatchewan, Canada, which hosts the Box and Athona gold deposits. In Mexico, Brigus has granted Cangold Limited the option to acquire a 75% interest in the Company's Ixhuatan Project located in the state of Chiapas. In the Dominican Republic, Brigus has signed an agreement to sell its remaining interests in three mineral exploration projects.
Cautionary and Forward-Looking Statements
Statements in this news release, which are not historical facts, are forward-looking statements that involve risk, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. All statements regarding the Company's ability to successfully expand the Black Fox Complex gold resource, add to Black Fox resources, advance new discoveries to production, convert resource estimates into near-term production, release of an updated mineral resource estimate in 2012 and the Black Fox underground mine exploration drilling program and continue to obtain positive down dip continuity of significant gold mineralization are forward-looking statements and estimates that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include environmental risks and other factors disclosed under the heading “Risk Factors” in Brigus Gold's most recent Annual Information Form and Management Discussion and Analysis filed under the company's name at www.sedar.com and annual report on Form 40-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov and elsewhere in Brigus Gold's documents filed from time to time with the Toronto Stock Exchange, the NYSE Amex, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory authorities. All forward-looking statements included in this news release are based on information available to the Company on the date hereof. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable securities laws.

Brigus Gold Corp.Jennifer Nicholson, CA
Executive Vice President
(902) 442-7186
Email: jnicholson@brigusgold.com
Katherine Burgess
Manager, Stakeholder Relations
(902) 442-7184
Email: kburgess@brigusgold.com
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Monday, September 10, 2012

Brigus Gold Makes New High-Grade Gold Discovery

3 hours ago by Business Wire
Brigus Gold Corp. ("Brigus" or the "Company") (NYSE MKT: BRD; TSX: BRD) is pleased to announce that exploration drilling on the southern portion of the Black Fox Complex confirms a new multiple horizon gold zone within the Grey Fox South gold mineralized corridor located approximately 400 metres to the east and running sub-parallel to the 147 Zone.

The following table includes highlights from the drill holes reported today from the new Grey Fox South Zone (all uncut, average gold grades over core length widths):
 Hole Number  From     To    Core Width   Gold Assay
-----------  ------  ------  ----------  -----------
               (m)     (m)       (m)      grams/tonne
             ------  ------  ----------  -----------
  GF11-393    83.40   92.00     8.60         2.10
-----------  ------  ------  ----------  -----------
             163.00  165.00     2.00         10.20
             ------  ------  ----------  -----------
             185.00  297.00    112.00        1.89
             ------  ------  ----------  -----------
  including  230.54  261.00     30.46        2.85
-----------  ------  ------  ----------  -----------
     and     276.00  289.00     13.00        4.63
-----------  ------  ------  ----------  -----------
  GF11-401   136.00  156.00     20.00        4.72
-----------  ------  ------  ----------  -----------
  GF11-408   139.00  147.00     8.00         1.57
-----------  ------  ------  ----------  -----------
             163.00  167.00     4.00         3.07
             ------  ------  ----------  -----------
             268.00  293.00     25.00        6.30
             ------  ------  ----------  -----------
  including  269.00  278.00     9.00         13.38
-----------  ------  ------  ----------  -----------
  GF11-409   201.80  215.00     13.20        1.89
-----------  ------  ------  ----------  -----------
             298.00  312.42     14.42        1.45
             ------  ------  ----------  -----------
  GF12-559    80.00   85.90     5.90         4.67
-----------  ------  ------  ----------  -----------
             296.50  308.45     11.95        7.34
             ------  ------  ----------  -----------
  GF12-563   152.00  168.45     16.45        1.93
-----------  ------  ------  ----------  -----------
             295.50  299.00     3.50         41.79
             ------  ------  ----------  -----------
  GF12-573    75.00   78.00     3.00         4.27
-----------  ------  ------  ----------  -----------
             300.53  307.30     6.77         3.42
             ------  ------  ----------  -----------
  GF12-580   124.00  134.75     10.75        4.96
-----------  ------  ------  ----------  -----------
  including  124.50  127.55     3.05         14.13
-----------  ------  ------  ----------  -----------

"We are very excited to announce the discovery of another high-grade gold zone within the Grey Fox property of the Black Fox Complex," said Howard Bird, Senior Vice President Exploration Brigus. "This discovery has the potential to significantly increase the Company's gold resources."

Drilling has intersected the gold mineralized trend over a 275 metre strike length. The zone remains open in all directions. Currently two drilling rigs are focused on defining the orientation and size of gold mineralized shoots and extending the mineralization along strike.

The Grey Fox South Zone, the 147 Zone and the Contact Zone all occur within close proximity of each other and provide Brigus with near term production growth opportunities because of their proximity to the Black Fox Mine infrastructure. The Black Fox Complex covers an area of approximately 18 square kilometres within the Timmins Mining District, Ontario.

Planning is underway to develop the Grey Fox Mine located on the southeast portion of the Black Fox Complex. The initial resource estimate from this area, announced in December 2011, added more than 50 percent to the gold resource at the Black Fox Complex. Brigus is in the process of expanding the resource and converting Inferred ounces to Indicated ounces through systematic in-fill drilling. An updated resource estimate will be released later this month. Initial engineering studies have been initiated and will continue through 2012 to determine project economics as well as development and production timelines. A preliminary economic assessment ("PEA") for Grey Fox will be released in Q4, and will incorporate the new resource.

Details of the most recent Grey Fox South Zone drill holes and drill-hole location map can be found on the Company's website at www.brigusgold.com.

Surface drilling was conducted by Norex Drilling and was supervised by the Brigus exploration team. All sample analyses reported herein were performed by Polymet Labs of Cobalt, Ontario, which is ISO 9001:2000 certified in North America using standard fire assay procedures. Intercepts cited do not necessarily represent true widths, unless otherwise noted. Brigus Gold's quality control checks include insertion of blanks, standards and duplicates to ensure laboratory accuracy. Senior Exploration Project Manager John A. Dixon, P. Geo., reviewed the technical exploration information in this release as the Qualified Person for the Company.

About Brigus Gold
Brigus is a growing gold producer committed to maximizing shareholder value through a strategy of efficient production, targeted exploration and select acquisitions. The Company operates the wholly owned Black Fox Mine and Mill in the Timmins Gold District of Ontario, Canada. The Black Fox Complex encompasses the Black Fox Mine and adjoining properties in the Township of Black River-Matheson, Ontario, Canada. Brigus is also advancing the Goldfields Project located near Uranium City, Saskatchewan, Canada, which hosts the Box and Athona gold deposits. In Mexico, Brigus has granted Cangold Limited the option to acquire a 75% interest in the Company's Ixhuatan Project located in the state of Chiapas. In the Dominican Republic, Brigus has signed an agreement to sell its remaining interests in three mineral exploration projects.
Cautionary and Forward-Looking Statements

Statements in this news release, which are not historical facts, are forward-looking statements that involve risk, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. All statements regarding the Company's ability to successfully expand the Black Fox Complex gold resource, add to Black Fox resources, advance new discoveries to production, convert resource estimates into near-term production, release of an updated mineral resource estimate in 2012 and the Black Fox underground mine exploration drilling program and continue to obtain positive down dip continuity of significant gold mineralization are forward-looking statements and estimates that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include environmental risks and other factors disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" in Brigus Gold's most recent Annual Information Form and Management Discussion and Analysis filed under the company's name at www.sedar.com and annual report on Form 40-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov and elsewhere in Brigus Gold's documents filed from time to time with the Toronto Stock Exchange, the NYSE Amex, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory authorities. All forward-looking statements included in this news release are based on information available to the Company on the date hereof. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable securities laws.

SOURCE: Brigus Gold Corp.
Brigus Gold Corp. 
Jennifer Nicholson, CA, 902-442-7186 
Executive Vice President 
Katherine Burgess, 902-442-7184 
Manager, Stakeholder Relations 
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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Brigus Gold - 147 Zone shows more high grade gold deposits

Brigus Gold's 147 Zone Continues to Return High-Grade Gold Results (bwire)
HALIFAX, Nova Scotia (Business Wire) -- Brigus Gold Corp. (“Brigus” or the “Company”) (NYSE MKT: BRD; TSX: BRD) is pleased to announce that exploration in-fill drilling on the southern portion of the Black Fox Complex continues to return high-grade gold assays from the 147 Zone.
The following table includes highlights from the drill holes reported today from the 147 Zone (all assays are capped at 100 gpt gold, average gold grades over core length widths):

Hole Number   From   To   Core Width   Gold Assay
    (m)   (m)   (m)   grams/tonne
GF12-441   189.00   223.00   34.00   2.01
GF12-451   33.00   49.00   16.00   2.46
GF12-472   136.00   147.00   11.00   3.12
GF12-475   211.00   214.00   3.00   11.45
GF12-478   41.90   49.30   7.40   6.40
GF12-482   90.00   93.00   3.00   10.16
GF12-485   228.00   261.00   33.00   3.94
including   249.30   261.00   11.70   6.98
GF12-513   70.00   87.00   17.00   5.89
GF12-517   31.80   36.00   4.20   4.80
    42.80   59.00   16.20   3.28
GF12-530   43.65   56.00   12.35   2.32
    98.20   105.00   6.80   7.21
GF12-539   116.00   126.00   10.00   5.91
    159.70   212.00   52.30   2.51
including   187.30   204.00   16.70   5.03
GF12-551   113.00   123.00   10.00   14.52
    134.00   152.00   18.00   2.64
GF12-553   203.00   205.60   2.60   42.78 

“We continue to be very pleased with the high grades, thicknesses and continuity of the drill intercepts at the 147 Zone,” said Howard Bird, Brigus Senior Vice President Exploration. “We are looking forward to the updated National Instrument 43-101 Resource Statement on the 147 and Contact zones which will be released later this month.”
The initial resource estimate for the 147 and Contact zones, as released in December 2011, added more than 50 percent to the gold resource at the Black Fox Complex. An updated resource estimate is expected to be released later this month.
The 147 and Contact zones provide Brigus with near term production growth opportunities because of their proximity to the Black Fox Mine infrastructure.

The Black Fox Complex covers an area of approximately 18 square kilometres within the Timmins Mining District, Ontario. The core area of the 147 Zone extends for approximately 250 m in a north-south direction dipping at approximately 80 degrees to the east. Gold mineralization primarily occurs within multiple quartz carbonate brecciated zones within bleached units of variolitic mafic volcanics and other parallel footwall zones.

Details of the most recent 147 Zone drill holes and the drill-hole location map can be found on the Company's website at www.brigusgold.com.

Surface drilling was conducted by Norex Drilling and was supervised by the Brigus exploration team. All sample analyses reported herein were performed by Polymet Labs of Cobalt, Ontario, which is ISO 9001:2000 certified in North America using standard fire assay procedures. Intercepts cited do not necessarily represent true widths, unless otherwise noted. Brigus Gold's quality control checks include insertion of blanks, standards and duplicates to ensure laboratory accuracy. Senior Exploration Project Manager John A. Dixon, P. Geo., reviewed the technical exploration information in this release as the Qualified Person for the Company.

About Brigus Gold
Brigus is a growing gold producer committed to maximizing shareholder value through a strategy of efficient production, targeted exploration and select acquisitions. The Company operates the wholly owned Black Fox Mine and Mill in the Timmins Gold District of Ontario, Canada. The Black Fox Complex encompasses the Black Fox Mine and adjoining properties in the Township of Black River-Matheson, Ontario, Canada. Brigus is also advancing the Goldfields Project located near Uranium City, Saskatchewan, Canada, which hosts the Box and Athona gold deposits. In Mexico, Brigus has granted Cangold Limited the option to acquire a 75% interest in the Company's Ixhuatan Project located in the state of Chiapas. In the Dominican Republic, Brigus has signed an agreement to sell its remaining interests in three mineral exploration projects.
Cautionary and Forward-Looking Statements
Statements in this news release, which are not historical facts, are forward-looking statements that involve risk, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. All statements regarding the Company's ability to successfully expand the Black Fox Complex gold resource, add to Black Fox resources, advance new discoveries to production, convert resource estimates into near-term production, release of an updated mineral resource estimate in 2012 and the Black Fox underground mine exploration drilling program and continue to obtain positive down dip continuity of significant gold mineralization are forward-looking statements and estimates that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include environmental risks and other factors disclosed under the heading “Risk Factors” in Brigus Gold's most recent Annual Information Form and Management Discussion and Analysis filed under the company's name at www.sedar.com and annual report on Form 40-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov and elsewhere in Brigus Gold's documents filed from time to time with the Toronto Stock Exchange, the NYSE Amex, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory authorities. All forward-looking statements included in this news release are based on information available to the Company on the date hereof. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable securities laws.

Brigus Gold Corp.
Jennifer Nicholson, CA, Executive Vice President
Katherine Burgess, Manager, Stakeholder Relations
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Brigus Gold production doubles; sees higher 2012 output

 3 hours ago by Thomson Reuters
 April 24 (Reuters) - Brigus Gold Corp's quarterly production nearly doubled and the gold miner said it expects a rise in full-year output as the development of its Black Fox underground mine in Ontario speeds up.
The company forecast output of 77,000 to 85,000 ounces of gold for 2012, up from 55,756 ounces in 2011.
Production rose to 16,922 ounces of gold for the first quarter from 8,500 ounce a year ago.

The company, which had been facing delays in the development of its main Black Fox mine due to staffing and equipment issues, said it expects production to increase from the mine throughout the year and reach 25,000 ounces per quarter by the year-end.

The company's shares closed at 80 Canadian cents on Monday on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
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Friday, April 20, 2012

Brigus Gold Reports 5.95 Grams Per Tonne Gold over 56.7 Metres from the 147 Zone on the Black Fox Complex

Tuesday Apr 17, 2012 by Business WireBrigus Gold Corp. ("Brigus" or the "Company") (NYSE Amex: BRD; TSX: BRD) is pleased to announce that exploration drilling on the southern portion of the Black Fox Complex continues to return high-grade gold assays from the 147 Zone. 

The following table includes highlights from the drill holes reported today from the 147 Zone (all uncut, average gold grades over core length widths):
Hole Number   From      To      Core    Gold Assay
                (m)      (m)     Width   grams/tonne
-----------   ------   ------   -----   -----------
  GF11-286     61.60    64.60    3.00       8.92
-----------   ------   ------   -----   -----------
  including    63.60    64.60    1.00       25.10
-----------   ------   ------   -----   -----------
  GF11-348    256.00   263.00    7.00       3.92
-----------   ------   ------   -----   -----------
  including   259.00   262.00    3.00       7.81
-----------   ------   ------   -----   -----------
              310.25   313.00    2.75       15.98
              ------   ------   -----   -----------
  including   311.25   312.10    0.85       43.71
-----------   ------   ------   -----   -----------
  GF12-412     52.00    66.00    14.00      1.58
-----------   ------   ------   -----   -----------
               93.00   103.00    10.00      27.78
              ------   ------   -----   -----------
  including    95.00   101.00    6.00       45.17
-----------   ------   ------   -----   -----------
  GF12-415     47.00   103.70    56.70      5.95
-----------   ------   ------   -----   -----------
  including    74.00    92.00    18.00      7.97
-----------   ------   ------   -----   -----------
     and       97.00   100.00    3.00       38.10
-----------   ------   ------   -----   -----------

"The ongoing drill program on the 147 Zone continues to deliver impressive results that expand and further confirm the continuity of this high grade gold zone," said Howard Bird, Brigus VP Exploration. "The near surface intercepts in drill holes GF12-412 and 415 are located within the conceptual open-pit design. Brigus recently commenced work to complete a preliminary economic assessment on both the 147 and Contact zones. The results of this study will be released in the third quarter along with an updated resource statement."
The initial resource estimate for the 147 and Contact zones, as released in December 2011, added more than 50 percent to the gold resource at the Black Fox Complex

The 147 and Contact zones provide Brigus with near term production growth opportunities due to their close proximity to the existing Black Fox Mine infrastructure.

To date, the Company has systematically explored 25 percent of the property and significant upside potential remains on the rest of the property. The Black Fox Complex covers an area of approximately 18 square kilometres within the Timmins Mining District, Ontario. The core area of the 147 Zone extends for approximately 250 m in a north-south direction dipping at approximately 80 degrees to the east. Gold mineralization primarily occurs within multiple quartz carbonate brecciated zones within bleached units of variolitic mafic volcanics and other parallel footwall zones.

Details of the most recent 147 Zone drill holes and the 147 Zone drill-hole location map is on the Company's website at www.brigusgold.com.Surface drilling was conducted by Norex Drilling and was supervised by the Brigus exploration team. All sample analyses reported herein were performed by Polymet Labs of Cobalt, Ontario, which is ISO 9001:2000 certified in North America using standard fire assay procedures. Intercepts cited do not necessarily represent true widths, unless otherwise noted. Brigus Gold's quality control checks include insertion of blanks, standards and duplicates to ensure laboratory accuracy. Senior Exploration Project Manager John A. Dixon, P. Geo., reviewed the technical exploration information in this release as the Qualified Person for the Company.

About Brigus Gold
Brigus is a growing gold producer committed to maximizing shareholder value through a strategy of efficient production, targeted exploration and select acquisitions. The Company operates the wholly owned Black Fox Mine and Mill in the Timmins Gold District of Ontario, Canada. The Black Fox Complex encompasses the Black Fox Mine and adjoining properties in the Township of Black River-Matheson, Ontario, Canada. Brigus is also advancing the Goldfields Project located near Uranium City, Saskatchewan, Canada, which hosts the Box and Athona gold deposits. In Mexico, Brigus has granted Cangold Limited the option to acquire a 75% interest in the Company's Ixhuatan Project located in the state of Chiapas. In the Dominican Republic, Brigus has signed an agreement to sell its remaining interests in three mineral exploration projects.

Cautionary and Forward-Looking Statements
Statements in this news release, which are not historical facts, are forward-looking statements that involve risk, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. All statements regarding the Company's ability to successfully expand the Black Fox Complex gold resource, add to Black Fox resources, advance new discoveries to production, convert resource estimates into near-term production, release of an updated mineral resource estimate in 2012 and the Black Fox underground mine exploration drilling program and continue to obtain positive down dip continuity of significant gold mineralization are forward-looking statements and estimates that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include environmental risks and other factors disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" in Brigus Gold's most recent Annual Information Form and Management Discussion and Analysis filed under the company's name at www.sedar.com and annual report on Form 40-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov and elsewhere in Brigus Gold's documents filed from time to time with the Toronto Stock Exchange, the NYSE Amex, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory authorities. All forward-looking statements included in this news release are based on information available to the Company on the date hereof. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable securities laws.
SOURCE: Brigus Gold Corp.
Brigus Gold Corp. 
Jennifer Nicholson, CA, 902-442-7186 
Executive Vice President 
Katherine Burgess, 902-442-7184 
Manager, Stakeholder Relations 
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