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Showing posts with label pegmatite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pegmatite. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

International Lithium Corp. Reports High Grade Lithium and a New Exploration Target

Feb 19, 2013 Vancouver B.C. February 19, 2013: International Lithium Corp. ("ILC" or the "Company") (ILC: TSX-V) is pleased to announce lithium and associated rare metal assay results from the first eleven (11) holes of the Company's recent drill program on the pegmatite field spanning the Company's contiguous Mavis Lake and Fairservice claims near Dryden, Ontario. Assays are pending for the remaining 8 holes.

Key Highlights:
1.51% Li2O over 21.40m (incl.2.37% Li2O over 9.2m) intersected in drill hole MF12-24
1.51% Li2O over 6.20m intersected in drill hole MF12-25
2.53% Li2O over 6.0m occurring at surface in drill hole MF12-28 

"In addition to the assay results, we report observing a wide alteration halo surrounding and between the pegmatites containing a lithium bearing mineral holmquistite. This halo is strikingly wider than expected and indicates the possibility of a larger, undiscovered pegmatite body at depth. The next phase of the exploration program will be designed to develop drill targets for testing this model. This new data, supported by a review of historical geophysical and lithogeochemical surveys has changed our targeting from shallow mineralization to more substantial targets at depth" comments John Harrop, VP Exploration.

Holmquistite is a lithium mineral found in rocks hosting lithium bearing pegmatites, immediately adjacent to contacts with the pegmatites. Holmquistite is a valuable exploration indicator towards the discovery of hidden Lithium rich pegmatites. Typically, holmquistite is found within a few metres from the pegmatite contact, but on the Property it is observed up to 10s of metres from the pegmatite contacts. This exceptionally wide alteration suggests that the substantial volume of lithium, which permeated the rocks, may derive from a larger, deeper pegmatite body or pegmatite system than has yet to be discovered.

 Recent Drill Program
  The objective of the 19 hole, 2,075 metre drill program carried out on the Fairservice/Mavis Lake project from November to December in 2012 was to continue testing the subsurface continuity along strike and down dip of significant pegmatite intersections from historical and 2011 drilling. Extensive structural, geological, geochemical and geophysical interpretation of both new and historical data was utilized to co-ordinate drilling this year and to better interpret the orientation and distribution of pegmatite bodies for this and future exploration programs.

The following table reports the highlighted intersections with Li2O (%) and Rb (ppm) reported to date:
Hole From (m) To (m) Length* Li2O (%) Rb (ppm)
MF12-21 103.65 107.35 3.70 1.31 2397
MF12-24 151.35 174.75 21.40 1.51 1915
Incl. 165.55 174.75 9.20 2.37 1530
MF12-25 129.65 135.85 6.2 1.51 2308
MF12-28 6.00 12.00 6.00 2.53 2663
MF12-30 33.70 36.05 2.35 1.33 2135
and 36.95 41.05 4.10 1.23 2135

* All widths reported are drill core widths and have not been converted into true width.

Within the Mavis Lake pegmatite field, significant mineral and metal zonation indicates its highly evolved history. As a result, significant values for metals of interest are often in adjacent zones with limited overlap, which prevents a simple table of results.

The following table includes intervals of significant Tantalum values from MF12-21 through MF12-30:
Hole From (m) To (m) Length(m)* Ta (ppm) Ta2O5%
MF12-24 151.35 152.8 1.45 350.0 0.042
MF12-15A 144.0 144.5 0.5 300.0 0.036
and 146.00 148.45 2.45 301.8 0.036
MF12-27 26.15 27.65 1.50 340.0 0.041
and 51.40 52.90 1.50 325.0 0.039
MF12-30 51.95 52.55 0.60 347.0 0.042

* All widths reported are drill core widths and have not been converted into true width.

The majority of these holes were oriented perpendicular to the surface trace of mapped pegmatites on the property. New information from this drilling program indicates that many individual pegmatites have a more variable dip to the north than was previous realized. Consequently, most of the holes were drilled south. Several bands of pegmatites cross the Property, but only one band, the Central band, has a significant number of outcrops and has been the target of the majority of both the Company's and historical drilling.

Northern Pegmatite Band
The Northern Band of pegmatites, approximately 100m north of the Central Band, was targeted in five drill holes during this campaign following up on the 2011 discovery hole, drill hole MF11-12, that intersected 28.45 metres grading 1.22 %Li2O and 26.25 metres grading 1.86 %Li2O. Holes MF12-21, 22 and re-entered hole MF11-15a targeted the Northern Band near the extensive MF11-12 intersection.

Hole MF12-24, targeting over 25m east of the wide pegmatite intersections of MF11-12, drilled through a well mineralized pegmatite containing 1.51% Li2O over 21.40m including 2.37% Li2O over 9.20m. The vertical drill hole MF11-15 was re-entered (named MF11-15a) and the hole extended an additional 70.3 metres to 175.3 metres depth to test revised models of pegmatite orientation. Pegmatites encountered tended to be significant in tantalum values but less so in lithium, further adding to the understanding of lithium-tantalum zonation on the Property.

Hole MF12-25 was drilled more than 25m to the west of MF11-12 from the north and also contains a well-developed core zone of spodumene and quartz with 1.51% Li2O over 6.0m.

Holes MF12-24 and 25 were drilled approximately 250m to the west, adjacent to the only reported pegmatite outcroppings along the Northern Band and on section to an historical hole from 1956, B-7, that contained 0.917% Li2O over 9.20m.

Hole MF12-22 targeted the shallow up dip direction of the pegmatite intersected in B-7 and encountered narrow and less mineralized pegmatites. 

Hole MF12-21 intersected 1.31% Li2O over 3.70m and occurs below MF12-22 and above the historical B-7 intersection indicating thickening at depth on this section of the Northern Band and may represent the lateral continuity of the well-mineralized pegmatites in MF11-12, MF12-24 and MF12-25 250m to the east.

The presence of well evolved chemistry, significant high-grade intersections, apparent thickening at depth and extensive and unrivalled holmquistite alteration halos indicate a sizable pegmatite or pegmatite system at depth.

Central Pegmatite Band
The remaining six holes targeted the central band of pegmatites.
Hole MF12-28, drilled 25 meters east of MF11-11, collared in a shallow, high grade pegmatite with 2.53% Li2O over 6.0m with the pegmatite open toward the east.

Hole MF12-27 was drilled under an historical lithogeochemical lithium in host rock anomaly. The pegmatite intersected had significant tantalum values, but the wall rocks contained more lithium than the pegmatite itself, suggesting the hole did not test deep enough to identify a pegmatite source related to the surface geochemical anomaly.

Hole MF12-30 tested pegmatite infill at depth between previously drilled outcrops on the central band.

Laboratory work was conducted by Activation Laboratories Ltd of Ancaster, Ontario with the samples being submitted by Company staff to their Dryden prep facilities. Activation Laboratories is an accredited laboratory with ISO 17025:2005 and CAN-P-1579 certification. Analysis was conducted using a sodium peroxide fusion followed by ICP-MS. The Company uses industry recognized practices to ensure quality control. To support this, a number of large samples were collected from surface sites known to have significant lithium and tantalum values. Following preliminary analysis a blend of these samples is being used to develop a certified reference material matrix matched to the Companies pegmatite projects. The new reference material has been inserted into the sample stream at the Property and will be utilized on other Company projects.

The Mavis - Fairservice Property Area
The property is located 15 km Northeast of Dryden, Ontario and is easily accessed via the Trans-Canada Highway and a series of logging roads. The claim blocks comprise a total of 2,624 hectares and straddle a continuous pegmatite field exhibiting high-grade, well-evolved, lithium and tantalum zonation as well as significant levels of cesium and rubidium. Regional pegmatite mineralization is directly associated with the 

strongly peraluminous Ghost Lake Pluton and related pegmatitic granite dykes. Rare metal mineralization in the Mavis Lake area occurs in zoned pegmatites hosted by mafic metavolcanic rocks. Rare metal mineralization occurs in four zones: internal beryl zone within the parent of the Ghost Lake pluton that evolves to the east within the Fairservice and Mavis Lake claim blocks into external zones of beryl-columbite, spodumene-beryl-tantalite and albite-type pegmatites.

John Harrop, P.Geo, FGS, is the company's qualified person on the project as required under NI 43-101 and has reviewed the technical information contained in this press release.

About International Lithium Corp.
International Lithium Corp. is an exploration company with an outstanding portfolio of projects, strong management ownership, robust financial support and a strategic partner and keystone investor Jiangxi Ganfeng Lithium Co. Ltd., a leading China based lithium product manufacturer.

The Company's primary focus is the Mariana lithium-potash brine project in Argentina within the renowned South American 'Lithium Belt' that is host to the vast majority of global lithium resources, reserves and production. The 160 square kilometre Mariana project strategically encompasses an entire mineral rich evaporite basin that ranks as one of the more prospective salars, or 'salt lakes' in the region.

Complementing the Company's lithium brine projects are rare metals pegmatite properties in Canada and Ireland that have revealed through recent highly positive results a clear potential that the Company will advance with the support of its strategic partner, Ganfeng Lithium. These projects can add distinct value as the Company strives to source rare metals to help meet the increasing demand through the growth in global technologies that utilize the rare metals suite of elements.

With the increasing demand of high tech applications in battery and vehicle propulsion technologies, lithium and other rare metals are no doubt the metals of tomorrow's green tech economy. By positioning itself with solid development partners and projects with significant resource potential, ILC aims to be the green tech resource developer of choice for investors and build value for its shareholders.

International Lithium Corp.'s mission is to find, explore and develop projects that have the potential to become world-class lithium, potash and rare metal deposits.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Kirill Klip
President, International Lithium Corp.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Statements in this press release other than purely historical information, historical estimates should not be relied upon, including statements relating to the Company's future plans and objectives or expected results, are forward-looking statements. News release contains certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions and are subject to all of the risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company's business, including risks inherent in resource exploration and development. As a result, actual results may vary materially from those described in the forward-looking statements.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

High-Grade Lithium Boulder Field Discovered On International Lithium Corp.'s Rare Metals Blackstairs Project, Ireland

PegmatiteImage by kid_wendy via Flickr

International Lithium Corp. ("ILC" or the "Company") (ILC:TSXV) is pleased to announce the Company has discovered a high grade lithium, high density pegmatite boulder field on the Company's 100% owned rare metals Blackstairs project ("Property") located 80 kilometres south of Dublin, Ireland.


Key Point Summary:

--  High grade pegmatite boulder field discovered in a recently
        exposed area at Moylisha;
    --  Located 500m along trend to the southwest of past pegmatite
    --  4.59%, 3.45% and 3.27% Li2O grab samples collected*; and
    --  Indicates a potentially sizable, yet to be discovered buried
        pegmatite body.

"The high-grade lithium pegmatite boulder field identified at Moylisha significantly reinforces the potential to discover buried pegmatite bodies on the Property," states Mike Sieb, President of the Company. "These results, from a cursory investigation, far exceeded expectations and dramatically raise the directive for further work."

Moylisha Discovery
A preliminary reconnaissance of the Property performed by Aurum Exploration Services, the Company's geo-services consultant for the project, discovered within a 250 x 250 metre area a high density distribution of pegmatite boulders. This area is in a recently harvested section of a tree farm in which the pegmatite boulders were previously hidden from view. Four samples (MOY2-5)* were collected in this new area with three of the samples grading better than 3% Li2O and the highest returning 4.59% Li2O representing greater than a 50% spodumene content.

This newly identified lithium pegmatite boulder area is situated 500m to the southwest and along the district trend from past exploration activities at Moylisha, where five drill holes totalling 212 metres were drilled revealing a pegmatite between 5 and 10 metres in width and a best intersection grading 1.66% Li2O over 9.4m.
The observed high grade lithium bearing pegmatites and extensive boulder occurrence within such a small area represents a highly prospective and unexplored zone along strike from a previously identified pegmatite and specifically indicates a potentially sizable, yet to be discovered buried pegmatite body.
The discovery was made during a preliminary exploration programme that included boulder mapping at six of the known lithium prospects and the initiation of exploration for additional occurrences within the Property. A total of 21 varied samples were collected across the Property and of the 8 spodumene bearing pegmatite samples collected, all returned greater than 1% Li2O. The table below lists the 8 highlighted grab samples.
Table 1: Highlighted Grab Samples*

Prospect     Sample  Li2O%

Moylisha     MOY10   4.74

Moylisha     MOY5    4.59

Moylisha     MOY4    3.45

Moylisha     MOY3    3.27

Moylisha     MOY2    1.21

Aclare House AX10501 3.93

Aclare House AH01    1.71

Stranakelly  AX10502 1.88

*Grab samples are by definition selective and are unlikely to represent average grades on the property.
Grab sample MOY10 was collected in proximity to the past exploration activity at Moylisha.
The 21 samples were analysed at OMAC Laboratories Ltd., Loughrea, Galway County, Ireland. OMAC is part of the ALS Group, a recognized and certified international firm for geochemical analysis and assays. Samples were prepared by OMAC and analysed using ICP-AES following multi-acid digestion.
Blackstairs Project
The Blackstairs project, comprised of eight mineral exploration licences totalling 292 square kilometres, is located 80 km south of Dublin straddling the Counties of Carlow and Wicklow in Leinster, south-east Ireland. The Property encompasses an extensive NE-SW oriented 50 kilometre long rare metals pegmatite belt situated within the East Carlow Deformation Zone along the eastern side of the Leinster Granite. Approximately 19 significant lithium pegmatite occurrences have been discovered within the Property to date primarily as boulder trails with five buried pegmatites known through past trenching and drilling.
Lithium bearing pegmatite occurrences were first reported in the area in 1970. In the period through to 1977, Irish Base Metals carried out a preliminary exploration program comprising prospecting, sampling, trenching and geophysical surveys culminating in 47 short boreholes totalling 2,300 metres at 4 of the 19 lithium pegmatite occurrences over a number of seasons.
Due to the prevalent overburden cover and scarcity of outcrop, prospecting for lithium pegmatite boulders was the most successful exploration method utilised to identify priority target areas. The relative location, size and quantity of pegmatite boulders within the dry stone field boundaries provided a reliable indication for the approximate position of buried pegmatites. The Aclare House occurrence, situated in the center of the Property, has witnessed the most exploration activity on the Property and was initially discovered through this exploration approach.
Thirty-three short drill holes totalling 1,703m were drilled at Aclare House. A pegmatite body up to 20 metres wide and traced for more than 400 metres along strike was delineated and a pre-NI43-101 historical resource of 570,000 tonnes grading 1.5% Li2O was reported. (A Qualified Person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate as current mineral resources, the issuer is not treating the historical estimate as current mineral resources and the historical estimate should not be relied upon.)
Five drill holes, for a total of 163 metres, were drilled at the Stranakelly occurrence situated proximal to the northeast Property boundary. Lithium-bearing pegmatite mineralization was intersected in four of the holes with hole STK3 grading 1.85% Li2O over 5.3 metres.
Five drill holes, for a total of 212 metres, were drilled at the Moylisha occurrence situated approximately 10 kms northeast of Aclare House. The width of the pegmatite body encountered varied between 5 and 10 metres with one hole grading 1.66% Li2O over 9.4 metres.
Four drill holes, for a total of 280 metres, were drilled at the Seskinnamadra occurrence situated approximately 8 kms southwest of Aclare House. The narrow pegmatite intersections reported from the drilling does not explain the significant frequency and size of the lithium pegmatite boulders mapped in the area that suggests a potentially large yet to be discovered buried pegmatite body.
The observed lithium bearing pegmatites and extensive boulder occurrences within the Property represent a highly prospective and underexplored region. In addition, the recent discovery of a high concentration of pegmatite boulders reporting grades exceeding 4% Li2O at Moylisha only serve to highlight the exploration potential of the Property.
John Harrop, P.Geo, is the company's Qualified Person on the project as required under NI 43-101 and has reviewed the technical information contained in this press release.
International Lithium Corp. is an international rare metals mineral exploration company with an outstanding portfolio of projects, strong management ownership, robust financial support and a strategic partner, Jiangxi Ganfeng Lithium Co. Ltd., a leading China based lithium product manufacturer, as a keystone investor.
ILC currently has 9 active rare metals projects, well balanced between lithium brines in Argentina and Nevada and hard-rock pegmatites in Canada and Ireland. The Company's primary focus is the Mariana lithium brine project, a salar or 'salt lake,' covering an expansive 160 square kilometres and strategically encompassing the entire basin. Mariana is located in the renowned South American 'Lithium Belt' centred on the junction of Argentina, Bolivia and Chile that is host to the vast majority of global lithium resources, reserves and production. The Mariana lithium brine project ranks as one of the more prospective salars in the region.
Complementing the Company's lithium brine projects are the rare metals pegmatite properties. The key characteristics shared by the hard-rock rare metals projects are their limited past exploration, excellent accessibility, limited assaying for rare metals, clear potential for additional exploration to add project value and development potential to meet the global technological growth in demand for the rare metals suite of elements.
International Lithium Corp.'s mandate is to increase shareholder value through aggressive advancement of its core projects and to source joint venture partners to expand the scope and diversify risk of its exploration effort.
On behalf of the Board,
Mike SiebPresident – International Lithium Corp.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Statements in this press release other than purely historical information, historical estimates should not be relied upon, including statements relating to the Company's future plans and objectives or expected results, are forward-looking statements. News release contains certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions and are subject to all of the risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company's business, including risks inherent in resource exploration and development. As a result, actual results may vary materially from those described in the forward-looking statements.
Stock Symbol: ILC:TSXVShares CUSIP: #459820 10 6Warrants Symbol: ILC.WTWarrant CUSIP: #459820 11 4
620 - 650 West Georgia StreetVancouver, British ColumbiaV6B 4N9, Canada Voice: (604) 687-7551Fax: (604) 687-4670 1-800-667-4470E-mail: info@internationallithium.com Website: http://www.internationallithium.com
SOURCE International Lithium Corp.
To view this news release in HTML formatting, please use the following URL: http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/February2012/01/c8334.html
SOURCE: International Lithium Corp.
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Friday, May 20, 2011

International Lithium Corp to begin trading on May 24th!

TNR Gold Corp.


TNR Gold Corp.
International Lithium Corp.

International Lithium Corp.
May 20, 2011 09:00 ET

TNR Gold Corp.: International Lithium Corp. Listing Date

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - May 20, 2011) - TNR Gold Corp. ("TNR") (TSX VENTURE: TNR) and wholly-owned International Lithium Corp. ("ILC") (TSX VENTURE:ILC)(TSX VENTURE:ILC.WT) (jointly the "Company") are pleased to announce effective at the opening May 24, 2011, the Shares and Warrants of ILC will commence trading on TSX Venture Exchange.
Key Highlights:
  • At the opening on May 24, 2011, International Lithium Corp. will commence trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the trading symbol ILC
  • Newest Lithium and Rare Metals public company possessing a highly regarded drill ready portfolio of projects;
  • 65,901,354 common shares of ILC will be issued and outstanding, of which 27,230,087 common shares will be escrowed;
  • Notable share owners of IL
  • C are TNR at 29%, Jiangxi Ganfeng Lithium Co. Ltd. at 9.99% and Non-Executive Chairman Kirill Klip at 10.5%; and
  • 12,243,500 Units of ILC sold in related financing for gross proceeds of $3,060,875 representing an over-subscription of 2,243,500 Units.
International Lithium Corp. (TSX VENTURE:ILC) New Listing

Effective at the opening on May 24, 2011, the Shares and Warrants of International Lithium Corp. will commence trading on the TSX Venture Exchange under the trading symbol ILC upon successful completion of a Plan of Arrangement involving a restructuring of TNR Gold's business and assets in order to spin-out its lithium and rare metals mineral property interests.
In order to complete the Plan of Arrangement, a minimum raise of $2.5 million was initiated to provide ILC with sufficient operating and administration funds to satisfy Exchange requirements for listing (the "Financing"). The Financing consisted of units in ILC offered at a price of $0.25 per unit with each unit consisted of one common share and one ILC Warrant. Each ILC Warrant entitles the holder to purchase one additional common share of ILC at a price of $0.375 for a period of two years from the date of closing ("ILC Units").
Due to the increased level of demand, 12,243,500 Units of ILC were purchased in the Financing for gross proceeds of $3,060,875 representing an over-subscription of 2,243,500 Units or $560,875. At listing, ILC will have 65,901,354 common shares issued and outstanding, of which 27,230,087 common shares will be escrowed.
Notable Share Owners of ILC at listing include:
  1. TNR at 29% through property disbursements and a 2,000,000 Unit participation in the Financing;
  2. Jiangxi Ganfeng Lithium Co. Ltd. ("Ganfeng Lithium"), a leading China based multi-product lithium manufacturer has committed through a Strategic Relationship Agreement to an initial strategic investment consisting of a 9.99% equity stake in ILC. Ganfeng Lithium brings significant current and future project development assistance capability. For further details regarding Ganfeng Lithium refer to the Company's press release dated April 18, 2011; and
  3. Non-Executive Chairman Kirill Klip at 10.5% through his previous equity stake in TNR and a 1,000,000 Unit participation in the Financing.
Certain fees may be payable on a portion of the placement, in compliance with Exchange requirements. The common shares and ILC Warrants comprising the ILC Units sold under the Financing will be restricted from trading for 4 months in accordance with applicable securities laws.
International Lithium Corp. Project Summary
Benefiting from the early acquisition of select high potential lithium brine and hard rock rare metals pegmatite properties through TNR, ILC at its initiation possesses a robust portfolio of projects staged for aggressive exploration.
The Mariana lithium brine project in Argentina, covering an expansive 160 square kilometres, revealed highly compelling geochemistry from a cursory investigation, reporting average grades of 440 mg/l lithium and 12,700 mg/l potassium. The potassium levels were unexpected and represent one of the highest grades comparative to any of the neighbouring salars outside of the world class operation on the Atacama salar.

Shortly following listing, preparation is to commence for a phase 1 drill program with the objective to identify and isolate separate brine horizons for a first-time representative characterization of the subsurface brine geochemistry. Subsequent drilling will continue to delineate and add to the confidence level of the geochemistry of the subsurface brine pool with an Inferred Resource estimate targeted for early next year. The Mariana project is expected to experience the most rapid advancement of any of the projects within the current ILC portfolio.

ILC holds three additional lithium brine properties in Nevada (Fish Lake, Runway and Sarcobatus Flats) located in adjacent valleys to the Silver Peak operation in Clayton Valley, the sole lithium brine producer in North America which has been in operation since 1966.

This past year, in an integrated regional lithium exploration approach using geochemical and basin modeling utilizing a detailed gravity survey, ILC identified multiple drill targets across all three properties. These targets exhibit analogous geological features which provided both a source and trap for the lithium brines currently extracted at Silver Peak. In 2011, ILC is planning to mobilize a drill to all three properties, target the lithium brine aquifers within the stratigraphy and test their viability.

ILC's property portfolio is well balanced by a number of highly prospective rare metals' hard-rock pegmatite projects that have been selected by ILC's technical experts under stringent guidelines. The key outstanding characteristics shared by all the rare metals' projects are their underexplored nature, excellent accessibility, under-analyzed rare metals' history, initial high confidence level that additional exploration will add project value and ultimately the potential to develop the projects to address the global technological growth in demand for the rare metals' suite of elements.

Highlighting these rare metals' projects is the Moose property located near the shore of Great Slave Lake in the NWT which was a minor lithium and tantalum producer in the 1950's with reported production of 119 tonnes of lithium ore and an estimated 4,409 tonnes of high grade tantalum-niobium ore. The 2010 exploration program was limited as to exposure, however a channel sample returned 1.50 wt% Li2O over 7.5 metres confirming the continuity of high grade lithium across substantial widths within the pegmatite and a muck pile returned 8.44 wt% Li2O indicating that the source pegmatite is highly evolved and underscores the future potential of the property. In support of the untested potential, the historic exploration and mining did not penetrate below the 25 metre mark or extend beyond the local workings.

In addition, surface exploration on the Mavis Lake rare metals' project, located 15 km Northeast of Dryden, Ontario, revealed high-grade well-evolved lithium and tantalum zonation as well as significant levels of cesium and rubidium across multiple pegmatite bodies. Both the Moose and Mavis Lake projects are clearly emerging as premier multi-element rare metals projects and warrant drill programs in 2011 to determine their potential.

Potentially overshadowing the other rare metals projects is the Blackstairs project in Ireland consisting of eight prospecting licenses totaling 292 square kilometres hosting an extensive lithium pegmatite belt extending for more than 50kms. Historical exploration has been highly localized with reported boulder occurrences suggesting potentially large undiscovered pegmatites. The pegmatites that have been observed reveal well developed internal zoning reflecting strong fractionation and multi-rare-metals mineralizing potential.

The merits of ILC's portfolio of lithium and rare metal projects, particularly the Mariana, have garnered significant interest from retailers, institutions and international investors. A dedicated effort has been expended this past year prior to listing in the establishment of a strong network of interested parties. Significant advancement of ILC's projects through 2011 in conjunction with the progression of the lithium and rare metals' sectors will potentially have a marked effect on ILC in the coming period.

TNR is a diversified international mineral exploration company focusing on the advancement of existing properties and identifying and acquiring new prospective projects. TNR has a portfolio of 18 active projects, of which 9 rare metals projects, including Mariana, will be held or optioned to TNR's wholly owned subsidiary ILC upon completion of the Plan of Arrangement.

The objective of the Plan of Arrangement is to spin-out TNR's rare metals property interests into a separate public company, ILC. The Plan of Arrangement has been approved by TNR's shareholders, the courts of British Columbia and the TSX Venture Exchange. For further details of the spin-out, please visit International Lithium's website and TNR's information circular dated May 10, 2010 which is available on the SEDAR website at www.sedar.com.

The recent acquisition of lithium, other rare metals and rare-earth elements projects in Argentina, Canada, USA and Ireland confirms the TNR and ILC's commitments to generating projects, diversifying its markets, and building shareholder value.

On behalf of the board,
Mike Sieb
President – International Lithium Corp.
COO – TNR Gold Corp.
Statements in this press release other than purely historical information, historical estimates should not be relied upon, including statements relating to the Company's future plans and objectives or expected results, are forward-looking statements. News release contains certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions and are subject to all of the risks and uncertainties inherent in the Company's business, including risks inherent in resource exploration and development. As a result, actual results may vary materially from those described in the forward-looking statements.
TNR Gold Corp.
CUSIP: #87260X 109
SEC 12g3-2(b): Exemption #82-4434
International Lithium Corp.
Shares CUSIP: #459820 10 6
Warrant CUSIP: #459820 11 4
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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