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Showing posts with label Uranium City Saskatchewan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uranium City Saskatchewan. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Brigus Gold Reports Additional High-Grade Gold Assays

(Canadian Mid Tier Gold producer  Brigus Gold continues to expand footpront.)

5 hours ago by Business Wire
 Brigus Gold Corp. ("Brigus" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: BRD) (TSX: BRD) is pleased to announce that exploration drilling on the southern portion of the Black Fox Complex continues to return high-grade gold assays from the Contact Zone ("Contact Zone") as well as an intersection of ore-grade gold mineralization, hole GF11-337, in a new area of the Black Fox Complex.

Highlights from recent drilling at the Contact Zone include (all uncut, average gold grades over core length widths):
Hole Number Core Width (m)  Gold Assay (gpt)
-----------  --------------  ----------------
  GF11-238        11.32            3.54
-----------  --------------  ----------------
  including       3.00             7.15
-----------  --------------  ----------------
     and          1.00             7.75
-----------  --------------  ----------------
  GF11-241        4.55             2.91
-----------  --------------  ----------------
                  3.20             10.65
             --------------  ----------------
                  1.80             18.29
             --------------  ----------------
                  7.50             7.19
             --------------  ----------------
  GF11-243        6.00             2.95
-----------  --------------  ----------------
  including       3.00             5.23
-----------  --------------  ----------------
  GF11-265        2.00             36.45
-----------  --------------  ----------------
  including       1.00             69.19
-----------  --------------  ----------------
                  16.00            4.25
             --------------  ----------------
  including       3.00             12.21
-----------  --------------  ----------------
  GF11-259        12.00            3.31
-----------  --------------  ----------------
  including       4.00             5.85
-----------  --------------  ----------------
     and          3.00             4.02
-----------  --------------  ----------------
  GF11-261        2.30             20.55
-----------  --------------  ----------------
  GF11-264        0.50             46.36
-----------  --------------  ----------------
                  8.20             4.53
             --------------  ----------------
  including       3.00             8.60
-----------  --------------  ----------------
  GF11-316        14.00            1.87
-----------  --------------  ----------------
                  72.90            1.77
             --------------  ----------------
  including       18.00            3.54
-----------  --------------  ----------------
The ore-grade gold mineralization discovered in Hole GF11-337 was the result of drill testing underneath a distinct linear topographic low structure. This is the only hole that drill results have been received on to date. Further drill testing in this area will continue early in December. The mineralized intercept is highly brecciated with abundant quartz veins and fine grained pyrite hosted in mafic volcanics. This hole is located approximately 200 metres ("m") to the north of the Contact Zone.

Hole Number Core Width (m)  Gold Assay (gpt)
-----------  --------------  ----------------
  GF11-337             9.00              3.59
-----------  --------------  ----------------
  including            1.00             10.63
-----------  --------------  ----------------
     and               1.00              6.86
-----------  --------------  ----------------
"We are encouraged by the ongoing positive drill results on the southern portion of the Black Fox Complex. Both the 147 and Contact Zones continue to return excellent gold assays," said Howard Bird, Brigus VP Exploration. "We are also excited about the discovery of a potential new zone. Until now, there has only been limited historical exploration drilling between the Contact Zone and the Black Fox Mine. This four kilometre stretch has significant exploration potential."

The Black Fox Complex covers an area of approximately 18 square kilometres within the Timmins Mining District, Ontario. The Contact Zone consists of a steeply dipping gold mineralized fault contact between the north-south trending metasediments and mafic volcanic rocks, and other parallel hanging wall and footwall gold mineralized zones. The general dip of the feature is 78 degrees to the east. To date, Brigus has outlined an area of mineralization approximately 400 m in strike length at the Contact Zone that remains open along strike to the north and open at depth.

Twelve high-priority drill targets and 14 secondary targets have been identified through a 2010 Titan 24 deep induced polarization geophysical and magnetotelluric survey over the Black Fox Complex. Only one of these targets has been drilled to date. Additional drilling of these targets will be included as part of our exploration program going forward.

Drilling at the Black Fox Complex is progressing as planned to complete an initial NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate to be released in December on the 147 Zone and the Contact Zone with five drill rigs operating. Two drill rigs are infill drilling and testing along strike and down-dip on the Contact Zone, two drill rigs are expanding the 147 Zone, and one drill rig is focused on testing other known gold bearing structures, as well as, new potential gold bearing targets defined from the recent induced polarization and magnetic geophysical surveys.

Details of the most recent Contact Zone drill holes are posted on the Company's website at www.brigusgold.com.

Surface drilling was conducted by Norex Drilling and was supervised by the Brigus exploration team. All sample analyses reported herein were performed by Polymet Labs of Cobalt, Ontario, which is ISO 9001:2000 certified in North America using standard fire assay procedures. Intercepts cited do not necessarily represent true widths, unless otherwise noted. Brigus Gold's quality control checks include insertion of blanks, standards and duplicates to ensure laboratory accuracy. Senior Exploration Project Manager John A. Dixon, P. Geo., reviewed the technical exploration information in this release as the Qualified Person for the Company.

About Brigus
Brigus is a growing gold producer committed to maximizing shareholder value through a strategy of efficient production, targeted exploration and select acquisitions. The Company operates the wholly owned Black Fox Mine and Mill in the Timmins gold district of Ontario, Canada. The Black Fox Complex encompasses the Black Fox Mine and adjoining properties, all in the Township of Black River - Matheson, Ontario, Canada. Brigus is also advancing its Goldfields Project located near Uranium City, Saskatchewan, Canada, which hosts the Box and Athona gold deposits. In Mexico, Brigus has entered a transaction to sell 75% of its Ixhuatan silver-gold projected located in the state of Chiapas. In the Dominican Republic, Brigus has signed an agreement to sell its remaining interests in three mineral exploration projects.

Cautionary and Forward-Looking Statements
Statements contained in this news release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements that involve risk, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. All statements regarding the ability of the Company to achieve targeted gold production at its Black Fox Mine, including underground production, and cash costs, mill expansion results, meet capital construction schedules and costs, and the continuation of a rising gold price are forward-looking statements and estimates that involve various risks and uncertainties. This forward-looking information includes, or may be based upon, estimates, forecasts, and statements as to management's expectations with respect to, among other things, the issue of permits, the size and quality of the company's mineral resources, progress in development of mineral properties, future production and sales volumes, capital and mine production costs, demand and market outlook for metals, future metal prices and treatment and refining charges, and the financial results of the Company.
Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include environmental risks and other factors disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" in Brigus Gold's most recent Annual Information Form and Management Discussion and Analysis filed under the Company's name at www.sedar.com and annual report on Form 40-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov as well as elsewhere in Brigus' documents filed from time to time with the Toronto Stock Exchange, the NYSE Amex Equities, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory authorities. All forward-looking statements included in this news release are based on information available to the Company on the date hereof. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable securities laws.
SOURCE: Brigus Gold Corp.
Brigus Gold Corp. 
Jennifer Nicholson, CA 
Vice President Investor Relations 
Katherine Burgess 
Manager Stakeholder Relations 
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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Brigus Gold provides positive update on Goldfields project.

 2 hours ago by Business Wire
 Brigus Gold Corp. ("Brigus" or the "Company") (NYSE Amex: BRD) (TSX: BRD) is pleased to report results from a recent independent Technical Report (the 'Report') on its wholly owned Goldfields development project in northern Saskatchewan. The Report, prepared by March Consulting Associates Inc., is a pre-feasibility study which indicates a Net Present Value (NPV) of $144.3 million at a 5% discount rate with an internal rate of return (IRR) of 19.6% assuming a gold price of $1,250 per ounce. 

Brigus retained Wardrop, a Tetra Tech company, to complete the updated resource estimate for the Box and Athona deposits. The Report was prepared in compliance with the Canadian National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) and will be filed with SEDAR and posted on the Company website within seven days.

Report Highlights:
-- Mine life of 13 years (including both Box and Athona deposits) based on existing reserves of 1,020,000 ounces of gold at an average gold grade of 1.97 grams per tonne (gpt) over the first 7 years and 1.42 gpt over the life of the mine.
-- Processing rate of 1,825,000 tonnes per year (5,000 tonnes per day (tpd)) and a recovery rate of 91% for the Box deposit and 89% for the Athona deposit.
-- Average cash operating costs of $601 per ounce with a break-even gold price of approximately $1,000 per ounce.
-- Capital costs of approximately $160 million (leased mining fleet not included).
-- NPV of $144.3 million at a 5% discount rate with an IRR of 19.6% and a payback period of five years assuming a gold price of $1,250 per ounce.
-- At $1,500 per ounce of gold, the NPV for the project increases to $300 million with an IRR of 32%.
-- Average annual production of approximately 100,000 ounces per year during the first seven years.
-- The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been submitted and approved. Therefore no permitting delays are anticipated.
Mineable Reserves for Box and Athona Deposits
Ore (t)       Grade (gpt)    Gold (oz)    Waste (t)
                       ----------    -----------    ---------    ----------
Box Mine
Proven + Probable      16,502,247    1.508          800,000      75,228,132
Athona Deposit
Proven + Probable      5,830,798     1.172          220,000      6,423,778
Total                  22,333,045    1.420          1,020,000    81,651,910
-----------------      ----------    -----------    ---------    ----------

The Goldfields Project includes 22,333,045 tonnes of ore at an average gold grade of 1.420 gpt for a total of 1,020,000 ounces of gold. Total waste rock moved from the project is 81,651,910 tonnes over the 13 year life of mine (LOM) resulting in a strip ratio of 4.56 at Box and 1.10 at Athona.

Mill feed is planned at 1,825,000 tonnes per year for a 5,000 tonne per day average throughput. During the first seven years, gold production will average 100,000 ounces per year with an overall gold recovery of 91% for the Box deposit and 89% for the Athona deposit. 

Capital Cost Estimate
Description                  Total Capital ($000s)
                                  ----------------------             ---------------------
Directs                           Infrastructure                             $44,535
                                  ----------------------             ---------------------
                                  Mine                                       $12,956
                                  ----------------------             ---------------------
                                  Mill                                       $44,838
                                  ----------------------             ---------------------
                                                Subtotal                          $102,329
-----------                       ----------------------             ---------------------
Indirects                         Construction Indirects                     $27,379
-----------                       ----------------------             ---------------------
                Freight Indirects                             $5,249
                -----------------                            -------
                Owners Costs                                  $5,119
                -----------------                            -------
                         Subtotal                            $37,747
                -----------------                            -------
Contingency                       Contingency                                $19,159
                                  ----------------------             ---------------------
                                                Subtotal                           $19,159
-----------                       ----------------------             ---------------------
                                      Total Capital Cost                          $159,235
Summary of Operating Costs
Description                         BOX                      ATHONA                  LG STOCKPILE
================================    ===================        ===================        ===================
                                    $/t milled     $/t mined   $/t milled     $/t mined   $/t milled     $/t mined
                                    ----------    ---------    ----------    ---------    ----------    ---------
Mine                                  $14.47         $2.60        $4.15         $1.97        $0.73         $0.73
--------------------------------    ----------    ---------    ----------    ---------    ----------    ---------
Mill                                  $10.70           -         $10.70           -         $10.70           -
--------------------------------    ----------    ---------    ----------    ---------    ----------    ---------
G&A                                    $4.99           -          $4.70           -          $3.94           -
--------------------------------    ----------    ---------    ----------    ---------    ----------    ---------
Total Operating Cost - Purchase       $30.17           -         $19.55           -         $15.37           -
--------------------------------    ----------    ---------    ----------    ---------    ----------    ---------
Equipment / Facility Lease Costs       $4.07                      $0.41
--------------------------------    ----------                 ----------
Total Operating Cost - Lease          $34.24                     $19.96                     $15.51
--------------------------------    ----------                 ----------                 ----------
While completing the pre-feasibility study, Brigus has continued exploration and definition drilling on the Goldfields property as well as confirmatory metallurgical sampling and geotechnical investigations. This additional work is expected to enhance the resource and the economics of the project. The ore body is open at depth with the possibility of future upside through underground mining.

 Brigus remains focused on establishing steady state production levels at its Black Fox operation and potential near term expansion from new discoveries within the Black Fox Complex. Once Black Fox has reached its steady state production level in excess of 25,000 ounces of gold per quarter, Brigus will make a decision on the development of the Goldfields Project.

Qualified Persons
The Qualified Persons who reviewed the technical information of this news release were Richard Allan, P.Eng., Chief Operating Officer for Brigus, Cliff Lusby, P.Eng., Principal Mine Engineer Associate and Kyle Krushelniski, P.Eng., Senior Project Manager, on behalf of March Consulting Associates Inc.

About Brigus
Brigus is a growing gold producer committed to maximizing shareholder value through a strategy of efficient production, targeted exploration and select acquisitions. The Company operates the wholly owned Black Fox Mine and Mill in the Timmins gold district of Ontario, Canada. The Black Fox Complex encompasses the Black Fox Mine and adjoining properties, all in the Township of Black River - Matheson, Ontario, Canada. Brigus is also advancing its Goldfields Project located near Uranium City, Saskatchewan, Canada, which hosts the Box and Athona gold deposits. In Mexico, Brigus has a letter of intent to sell 75% of its Ixhuatan silver-gold project located in the state of Chiapas. In the Dominican Republic, Brigus has signed an agreement to sell its remaining interests in three mineral exploration projects.

Cautionary and Forward-Looking Statements
Statements contained in this news release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements that involve risk, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. All statements regarding the ability of the Company to achieve targeted gold production at its Black Fox Mine, including underground production, and cash costs, mill expansion results, meet capital construction schedules and costs, and the continuation of a rising gold price are forward-looking statements and estimates that involve various risks and uncertainties. This forward-looking information includes, or may be based upon, estimates, forecasts, and statements as to management's expectations with respect to, among other things, the issue of permits, the size and quality of the Company's mineral resources, progress in development of mineral properties, future production and sales volumes, capital and mine production costs, demand and market outlook for metals, future metal prices and treatment and refining charges, and the financial results of the Company.
Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include environmental risks and other factors disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" in Brigus Gold's most recent Annual Information Form and Management Discussion and Analysis filed under the Company's name at www.sedar.com and annual report on Form 40-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov as well as elsewhere in Brigus' documents filed from time to time with the Toronto Stock Exchange, the NYSE Amex Equities, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory authorities. All forward-looking statements included in this news release are based on information available to the Company on the date hereof. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable securities laws.
SOURCE: Brigus Gold Corp.
Brigus Gold Corp. 
Jennifer Nicholson, CA 
Vice President Investor Relations 
Phone: (902) 422-1421 
Email: jnicholson@brigusgold.com
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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Brigus Gold Corp. reports higher grade gold assay results at Black Fox Mine.

9 hours ago by Business WireBrigus Gold Corp. ("Brigus" or the "Company") (NYSE Amex: BRD) (TSX: BRD) is pleased to announce that exploration drilling on the southern portion of the Black Fox Complex continues to return high-grade gold assays. Drilling at the Contact Zone ("Contact Zone"), 400 metres north of the recently discovered 147 Zone, has intersected 16.18 grams per tonne ("gpt") over 4.50 metres ("m") that included 83.04 gpt over 0.75m. To date, Brigus has outlined an area of mineralization approximately 400 m in strike length. The Zone remains open along strike to the north and open at depth.

Highlights from continued drilling at the Contact Zone include (all uncut, average gold grades over true widths):
Contact Zone
-- GF11-154: -- 6.09 gpt over 3.03 m; and
-- 3.32 gpt over 4.04 m; and
-- 2.19 gpt over 12.94 m
-- GF11-234: -- 6.95 gpt over 4.11 m; -- including 11.75 gpt over 1.46 m
-- GF11-236: -- 3.89 gpt over 3.51 m; and
-- 7.75 gpt over 1.76 m
-- GF11-245: -- 16.18 gpt over 4.50 m; -- including 83.04 gpt over 0.75 m
-- 1.30 gpt over 11.70 m; -- including 2.57 gpt over 3.00 m

The Black Fox Complex covers an area of approximately 18 square kilometres within the Timmins Mining District, Ontario. The Contact Zone consists of a steeply dipping gold mineralized fault contact between the north-south trending metasediments and mafic volcanic rocks, and other parallel hanging wall and footwall gold mineralized zones. The general dip of the feature is 78 degrees to the east with horizontal widths varying from 3.5 m to 35 m.

Drilling at the Black Fox Complex is progressing as planned with six drill rigs operating. Two drill rigs are infill drilling and testing along strike and down-dip on the Contact Zone, three drill rigs are expanding the 147 Zone, and one drill rig is focused on testing other known gold bearing structures, as well as new potential gold bearing targets defined from the recent induced polarization and magnetic geophysical surveys.

Details of the most recent Contact Zone drill holes are listed in Appendix 1 and a drill-hole location map is included in Appendix 2. All drill hole data is posted on the Company's website at www.brigusgold.com.
Surface drilling was conducted by Norex Drilling and was supervised by the Brigus exploration team. All sample analyses reported herein were performed by Polymet Labs of Cobalt, Ontario, which is ISO 9001:2000 certified in North America using standard fire assay procedures. Intercepts cited do not necessarily represent true widths, unless otherwise noted. Brigus Gold's quality control checks include insertion of blanks, standards and duplicates to ensure laboratory accuracy. Senior Exploration Project Manager John A. Dixon, P. Geo., reviewed the technical exploration information in this release as the Qualified Person for the Company.

About Brigus
Brigus is a growing gold producer committed to maximizing shareholder value through a strategy of efficient production, targeted exploration and select acquisitions. The Company operates the wholly owned Black Fox Mine and Mill in the Timmins gold district of Ontario, Canada. The Black Fox Complex encompasses the Black Fox Mine and adjoining properties, all in the Township of Black River - Matheson, Ontario, Canada. Brigus is also advancing its Goldfields Project located near Uranium City, Saskatchewan, Canada, which hosts the Box and Athona gold deposits. In Mexico, Brigus has a letter of intent to sell 75% of its Ixhuatan silver-gold projected located in the state of Chiapas. In the Dominican Republic, Brigus has a letter of intent to sell its remaining interests in three mineral exploration projects.

Cautionary and Forward-Looking Statements
Statements contained in this news release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements that involve risk, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. All statements regarding the ability of the Company to achieve targeted gold production at its Black Fox Mine, including underground production, and cash costs, mill expansion results, meet capital construction schedules and costs, and the continuation of a rising gold price are forward-looking statements and estimates that involve various risks and uncertainties. This forward-looking information includes, or may be based upon, estimates, forecasts, and statements as to management's expectations with respect to, among other things, the issue of permits, the size and quality of the company's mineral resources, progress in development of mineral properties, future production and sales volumes, capital and mine production costs, demand and market outlook for metals, future metal prices and treatment and refining charges, and the financial results of the Company.
Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include environmental risks and other factors disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" in Brigus Gold's most recent Annual Information Form and Management Discussion and Analysis filed under the Company's name at www.sedar.com and annual report on Form 40-F filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov as well as elsewhere in Brigus' documents filed from time to time with the Toronto Stock Exchange, the NYSE Amex Equities, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory authorities. All forward-looking statements included in this news release are based on information available to the Company on the date hereof. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable securities laws.
Appendix 1: 2011 Drill Hole Assay Results at the Black Fox Complex's Contact Zone
Contact Zone 2011 Exploration Drilling
   Hole ID      From           To           Core           Zone            Assay
                 (m)           (m)          Width          True            grams
                                             (m)         Width (m)       Au/tonne
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
  GF11-151     194.00        194.60         0.60           0.42            4.59
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
     and       256.50        257.50         1.00           0.70            2.06
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
     and       263.00        268.20         5.20           3.65            2.20
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
  GF11-154     381.25        385.00         3.75           3.03            6.09
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
     and       397.00        402.00         5.00           4.04            3.32
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
     and       477.00        493.00         16.00          12.94           2.19
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
  GF11-160     124.65        125.60         0.95           0.65            2.19
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
     and       289.00         296.5         7.50           5.16            2.10
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
  including    289.00        291.00         2.00           1.38            5.43
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
     and       324.00        325.00         1.00           0.69            3.57
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
     and       346.00        347.00         1.00           0.69            2.06
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
     and       498.00        499.00         1.00           0.69            2.34
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
  GF11-166      47.00         48.00         1.00           0.62            1.65
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
     and       206.30        207.15         0.85           0.53            1.17
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
     and       225.00        233.00         8.00           4.98            3.60
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
  GF11-234      78.00         79.00         1.00           0.88            5.28
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
     and        86.00         87.00         1.00           0.88            1.17
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
     and        90.85         95.50         4.65           4.11            6.95
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
  including     90.85         92.50         1.65           1.46            11.75
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
     and       138.45        140.45         2.00           1.77            1.20
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
  GF11-236      87.00         91.00         4.00           3.51            3.89
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
     and        97.00         98.00         1.00           0.88            1.30
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
     and       163.00        165.00         2.00           1.76            7.75
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
 GF11-245(1)    81.00         83.00         2.00           1.50            2.37
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
     and        88.00         94.00         6.00           4.50            16.18
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
  including     91.00         92.00         1.00           0.75            83.04
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
     and       101.00        108.00         7.00           5.26            2.21
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
     and       112.00        127.57         15.57          11.70           1.30
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
  including    112.00        116.00         4.00           3.00            2.57
-----------    ------        ------        -----        ---------        --------
(1) 60 assays pending
Appendix 2 available at: http://www.businesswire.com/cgi-bin/mmg.cgi?eid=6852184&lang=en
Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available: http://www.businesswire.com/cgi-bin/mmg.cgi?eid=6852184&lang=en

SOURCE: Brigus Gold Corp.
Brigus Gold Corp. 
Jennifer Nicholson, CA 
Vice President Investor Relations 
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