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Showing posts with label retirefund. Show all posts
Showing posts with label retirefund. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What is meant by a negative (minus) PE Ratio on a stock?

 We asked ChatGPT this question:  Here is the answer!

A negative price-to-earnings (PE) ratio typically occurs when a company has negative earnings, meaning it is experiencing a net loss rather than a profit. The PE ratio is calculated by dividing the market price per share by the earnings per share (EPS). When the EPS is negative, the resulting PE ratio also becomes negative.

Here’s a more detailed explanation:

  1. PE Ratio Calculation: The formula for the PE ratio is:

    PE Ratio=Market Price per ShareEarnings per Share (EPS)\text{PE Ratio} = \frac{\text{Market Price per Share}}{\text{Earnings per Share (EPS)}}
  2. Negative Earnings: If a company's earnings (EPS) are negative, the denominator in the PE ratio formula is negative. For example, if a company's market price per share is $50, and its EPS is -$5, the PE ratio would be:

    PE Ratio=505=10\text{PE Ratio} = \frac{50}{-5} = -10
  3. Interpretation: A negative PE ratio indicates that the company is not currently profitable. This situation can arise for various reasons, including high startup costs, research and development expenses, or economic downturns affecting sales and revenues.

  4. Investor Perspective: Investors may view a negative PE ratio as a sign of financial trouble. However, it’s essential to consider the context. For instance, many high-growth companies in their early stages may have negative earnings due to significant investments in growth and expansion. Investors might still find these companies attractive if they believe in the long-term potential.

In summary, a negative PE ratio means the company is losing money. Investors should look beyond the negative PE ratio and analyze the underlying reasons for the losses and the company’s future potential before making investment decisions.

For further details, you can refer to these sources:

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Recent advancements in Synthetic Biology or SynBio as Ai Tech begins to move the science forward faster!


Here are five significant advancements in synthetic biology:

CRISPR-Cas9: This powerful genome editing tool allows scientists to make precise changes to DNA sequences in living organisms. It has revolutionized genetic engineering and holds enormous potential for developing new treatments for genetic diseases. DNA Synthesis: Advances in DNA synthesis technology have made it easier and cheaper to create custom DNA sequences. Researchers can now design and assemble synthetic genes more efficiently, enabling innovative applications in fields like medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology.
Directed Evolution:
This technique mimics natural evolution in the lab. By introducing mutations into genes and selecting for desired traits, scientists can engineer proteins with improved properties. Directed evolution has led to the creation of enzymes, antibodies, and other biomolecules with enhanced functions. Synthetic Cells: Researchers have made significant progress in constructing artificial cells from scratch. These synthetic cells can perform specific functions, such as producing biofuels or sensing environmental changes. The field of synthetic cell biology aims to create minimal cells with simplified genomes, shedding light on the fundamental principles of life. Metabolic Engineering: Metabolic pathways within cells determine how they process nutrients and produce energy. Synthetic biologists manipulate these pathways to optimize cellular behavior. For example, they can engineer microbes to produce bio-based chemicals, pharmaceuticals, or biofuels more efficiently. These innovations are driving synthetic biology forward, transforming how we produce food, energy, and medicines while addressing some of society’s most significant challenges
Exciting times lie ahead as this field continues to evolve!

Here are some of the companies leading the charge:

Monday, May 20, 2019

Stock Markets do not like Tradewars - Is your Retire Fund in Jeopardy?

Is your Retire.Fund in jeopardy of a severe downturn in Stocks

You recently retired, or will retire in the next few years, but you are still heavily invested in the stock markets because that is where the growth has come from for the past 10 or so years.

  Did you take a beating in 2008? Do you even remember what happened that year? Maybe you didn't start saving/investing until late in your career, and you feel you need a bit more!

 Maybe it's time you considered "solidifying" the investments you still have.

Paper profits are great, until they are not! A sudden reversal in stock prices can wipe out 50% of your portfolio.  It can happen really fast these days as the Algos take over the selling, and markets drop like a rock! If that happens this year,(and this writer believes it will), then you may be left trying to decide to "stay in" to try and recoup your losses, or cash out with 20-50% less profit. If such an event occurs, it maybe a decade before you recoup those losses.

To this date the Nasdaq has returned, year to date, over 19%  "THAT" my friends is a great return on investment! The SP500 has returned almost as much YTD!

If your Index Funds are up over 15%, then congratulations, because, I believe, it won't happen again for years to come.  I sincerely do not believe that retirees or those nearing retirement, "will ever see" returns like this again!!!

If you are over 50 or need the money in your portfolio for retirement, if you don't have another 10-15 years to make up losses and cannot afford a downturn in stock prices (or bond prices for that matter see: Bonds) then maybe you should consider the wise advice of the foremost investor in modern history, Mr. Warren Buffett, who famously said:

Remember, "Cash" is also a Position and, at this juncture, it may be the best position!At this writing, we are mostly in cash, with a few exceptions.

Good luck, and be careful!  

Your Retire.Fund depends on it!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Internet domain Names are a vital and valuable part of today's Ecommerce

Domain names, Domains, Web names, internet addresses,

No matter what you call them, Domain Names are

vital to any business today.


The following Internet Addresses are now on sale!
















Web domains are a vital to any business today! Good marketing and good domains go hand in hand!

 Should you wish to make an offer on any of these domains, just click on the name you are interested in to be taken to the auction for that particular domain.

Good luck!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Target dated retirement funds are known as Retirefunds and should be part of your financial future.

If you were to ask a qualified investment adviser what is the best time to begin investing for your retirement, S/he would tell you it was 40 years ago. They would also suggest that, the second best time to begin is today!  Everyone who has ever been involved with the subject of saving for retirement knows how true this statement is. The longer your horizon is to the big day, and the earlier you start saving and investing, the more you will have in retirement.

Retirefunds or target dated retirement funds, set up with your retirement date in mind. If that date is 30 years out, then you are ahead of 98% of your peers in planning for the future.  If that date is only 10 years out, then you are in the middle of the pack so to speak, of your peers in planning for the big day. In other words, most people only think about their retirement and it's financial consequences as it gets closer.  Obviously, the sooner you take the plunge and begin your investment plan, the better off you will be in your golden years. If you are one of the Millennial generation (currently between the age of 18 and 34) you should be talking to a qualified investment adviser right now about "your" plan to retire in good financial health.

I have a nephew who just turned 20 and he recently approached me with some questions about how he should start an investment plan.  We talked briefly about registered retirement savings plans and tax free savings accounts but my main advice to him is to seek out a good financial planner and to make a Retirefund or target dated retirement fund, one of his main options. I wish I had been as in tune with finances at his age as he seems to be. While many of his peers are still looking for jobs, going to college or university etc, he already has some significant savings and is looking for solid advice in planning for a rainy day.

 Facts: 25 years of research shows that, "Individuals don't spend time doing any planning or thinking about retirement until it happens," (Salisbury)  In fact, most people spend much more time planning a vacation than planning for retirement.

I happen to be from the generation that was blessed with a pension plan I had paid into for 36 years,  It makes me more free to play with a portion of my portfolio.  If you are not part of a long term pension plan (and even if you are) you should not "play" with your retirement money.

Since this article is a "heads up" so to speak for the 18-34 yr old crowd, I will not get into boring details of individual funds or companies.  I will leave that to your qualified investment adviser.

Here are some resources to help you investigate Retirefunds, as you begin your journey to financial independence in retirement.

Familiarize yourself with the various funds then sit down with a qualified financial planner to discuss your Retirefund options.  Don't play the market. Leave that to the experts.