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Showing posts with label domain names. Show all posts
Showing posts with label domain names. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2018

As Crypto Currencies rise and begin to dominate investors thinking, Crypto Domain names are gaining popularity!


Whether you agree or disagree that Digital Assets like Crypto Currencies have value, you cannot escape the facts!

9 years ago Bitcoin was selling under $1 Dollar.

Today, (ups and downs aside) it sells around $6400!

That, my friends is an extreme jump in an investment!

As all Cryptos have increased
in price (for instance Ethereum Classic is up from a few cents to $14) Investors everywhere are wondering how they can get an edge in this new form of investing.

And, as more and more Banks and Businesses increase their Blockchain knowledge (and hire Crypto and Blockchain experts) to investigate how they can more securely transfer money and accounts worldwide, there is another avenue of Crypto investments that may have escaped the attention of mainstream investors.

  That is the area of Crypto Domain names (Web Addresses)

Namepros.com lists the top ten CryptoDomains sold Here to date!

As you can see, the domain Eth.Com lead the pack at a cool $2,000,000

As you can also see in that list, many other Crypto domains like CryptoWorld and CryptoBank sold in 6 figures!

Even the lesser Dot com domains sold in 5 figures.

Domainers have been scooping up these domains by the hundreds, because they know that the new Crypto business startups will be looking for online addresses and possibly new branding.

So, Are DomainNames.Money?

You Bet they are!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

There is Gold in Web Domain Names

Are Domain Names Gold you ask?

Are DomainNames.Money you ask?

You bet they are!

Domainers from every Country on this planet know full well the value of a good Web Address.

And we have some Premium Domains for sale!

Go to:  Http://DomainNames.Money now,
to see the list of DomainNames available!

To buy or bid on the Web Domain of your choice!

Domain Broker is Epik.com
(A Third party broker)
Will handle all sales transactions!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Internet domain Names are a vital and valuable part of today's Ecommerce

Domain names, Domains, Web names, internet addresses,

No matter what you call them, Domain Names are

vital to any business today.


The following Internet Addresses are now on sale!
















Web domains are a vital to any business today! Good marketing and good domains go hand in hand!

 Should you wish to make an offer on any of these domains, just click on the name you are interested in to be taken to the auction for that particular domain.

Good luck!