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Showing posts with label finance. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

All about Rigetti computing, their background and the Quantum technology being developed at Rigetti

Rigetti Computing is a prominent player in the quantum computing space, founded in 2013 by Chad Rigetti, a former researcher at IBM. Chad Rigetti holds a Ph.D. in applied physics from Yale University, where he specialized in quantum computing. Before founding Rigetti Computing, he worked in IBM’s quantum computing group, gaining valuable experience in the field. His vision for the company was to make quantum computing accessible to industries for practical use cases by developing quantum hardware and integrated cloud solutions.

Rigetti's quantum technology is based on superconducting qubits, which are processed in their own chip fabrication facility known as "Fab-1" located in Fremont, California. The company’s hybrid approach combines quantum and classical computing to address complex computational problems.

The technology at Rigetti has been integrated into cloud-based quantum computing platforms like Amazon Braket and Microsoft Azure Quantum, allowing broader access for researchers and developers to test and develop quantum applications.

Rigetti Computing’s "hybrid approach" in quantum computing has a conceptual analogy to the hybrid approach used in electric vehicles (EVs), though the specifics of each system differ in terms of their operational mechanics.

In the case of electric vehicles, the hybrid approach typically involves a combination of two power sources, such as an internal combustion engine (ICE) and an electric motor. These vehicles switch between, or combine, the two power sources depending on driving conditions to optimize efficiency, reduce fuel consumption, and enhance performance. The hybrid system allows for the benefits of both electric and traditional fuel sources to be harnessed in a complementary way.

For Rigetti Computing's hybrid approach in quantum computing, the concept is similar but applied to computation rather than power. In this approach, classical computers (traditional systems like CPUs and GPUs) work alongside quantum computers to solve complex problems.

The analogy:

  • Complementary nature: Just as an EV uses a combination of electric and gas-powered systems to perform optimally, Rigetti's hybrid quantum-classical system uses classical computing for tasks that are well-suited to traditional processors, while quantum computers handle problems that are better addressed by qubits (such as certain optimization problems or simulations).
  • Optimization and efficiency: In both cases, the hybrid system seeks to leverage the strengths of each technology. EVs use electric power when it’s more efficient (e.g., low-speed driving), while Rigetti's system uses classical computing for parts of a problem that are easier for classical computers (e.g., data processing), and quantum computing for tasks where qubits have a unique advantage (like solving complex mathematical models).
  • Interfacing between two systems: Both hybrid vehicles and Rigetti's approach require seamless interaction between the two systems. In a hybrid vehicle, the ICE and electric motor must coordinate smoothly for optimal performance. In Rigetti’s approach, classical and quantum computers must communicate efficiently to share and process data, which is handled through their Quantum Cloud Services (QCS) platform.

In essence, just like hybrid vehicles combine two power sources for better overall performance, Rigetti's hybrid quantum computing model leverages both classical and quantum processors to tackle problems more effectively than either system could on its own.

In addition to founder Chad Rigetti, Rigetti Computing has attracted a number of prominent developers and scientists in the quantum computing field. The company has a multidisciplinary team of experts in physics, engineering, computer science, and quantum information theory. Some key contributors and scientists who have played significant roles in the development of Rigetti’s technology include:

1. Dr. Mark HodsonSenior Vice President of Quantum Engineering

  • Dr. Hodson has been a pivotal figure in developing Rigetti's quantum hardware. With a background in cryogenic systems and quantum processors, he oversees the design and optimization of Rigetti’s quantum computing architecture.
  • He has extensive experience in superconducting qubits, which form the foundation of the quantum processing units (QPUs) that Rigetti develops.

2. Dr. Michael ReagorPrincipal Quantum Engineer

  • Dr. Reagor is a key figure in developing Rigetti's quantum devices, particularly in improving the coherence times and performance of superconducting qubits.
  • He has contributed to major advancements in quantum chip fabrication and architecture, helping improve quantum error correction and gate fidelities.

3. Dr. David IbbersonSenior Quantum Research Scientist

  • Specializing in quantum algorithms and applications, Dr. Ibberson has helped lead efforts to explore and build hybrid quantum-classical algorithms that are tailored for industrial applications.
  • His work spans quantum software development, with a focus on integrating quantum computing into classical workflows via Rigetti’s Quantum Cloud Services (QCS) platform.

4. Dr. Andrew BestwickVice President of Quantum Devices

  • With a Ph.D. in physics, Dr. Bestwick has contributed to research on quantum materials and devices. At Rigetti, he leads efforts to innovate around superconducting qubits and the design of quantum processors.
  • He is responsible for pushing the boundaries of Rigetti's quantum chip fabrication and improving the scaling of quantum systems.

5. Dr. Colm RyanVice President of Quantum Software

  • Dr. Ryan leads Rigetti's quantum software team, working on algorithms, programming tools, and cloud services for quantum computing.
  • He oversees the development of Quil (Quantum Instruction Language), which is used to program quantum computers on the Rigetti platform.

6. Dr. Frederic T. ChongAdvisor

  • Dr. Chong is a professor of computer science at the University of Chicago and has worked closely with Rigetti in an advisory role, particularly on quantum architecture and error correction.
  • His expertise in quantum systems and scalable architectures helps inform the direction of Rigetti's long-term technology strategy.

7. Dr. Will ZengFormer Head of Quantum Cloud Services

  • Dr. Zeng played a central role in creating Rigetti's cloud-based quantum computing platform, Quantum Cloud Services (QCS). His background in quantum programming languages and algorithms has been critical in the company’s development of software tools that allow users to run quantum programs in a hybrid quantum-classical environment.

Collaboration with Universities and Research Institutions

  • Rigetti also collaborates closely with various academic and research institutions to push forward quantum computing research. Universities like MIT, Yale, and the University of Chicago have had researchers who collaborate with Rigetti to develop both hardware and software solutions.

These individuals, along with many other scientists and engineers at Rigetti, contribute to the advancement of quantum computing technology, from improving quantum processor performance to enabling practical applications of quantum systems through software development.

Also, Rigetti Computing has several contracts and partnerships with industry, government agencies, and academic institutions. 

These collaborations are vital for the development, deployment, and testing of its quantum computing technology in real-world applications.

Some of the most notable partnerships include:

1. Amazon Web Services (AWS) – Amazon Braket

  • Partnership Scope: Rigetti is integrated into Amazon Braket, AWS’s quantum computing platform. Through this partnership, Rigetti’s quantum computers are accessible via the cloud, allowing businesses and researchers to use Rigetti's quantum processing units (QPUs) alongside other quantum hardware available on Braket.
  • Significance: This partnership allows Rigetti to reach a broader audience by providing access to its quantum technology to companies, startups, and academic institutions worldwide through AWS.

2. Microsoft Azure Quantum

  • Partnership Scope: Similar to the Amazon Braket partnership, Rigetti’s quantum computing technology is accessible via Microsoft Azure Quantum. Microsoft’s cloud-based quantum platform allows developers and enterprises to explore Rigetti’s hybrid quantum-classical systems.
  • Significance: This integration makes Rigetti’s QPUs available through one of the largest cloud ecosystems, supporting broader adoption of quantum computing and enabling research in various industries like materials science, optimization, and machine learning.


  • Contract Scope: Rigetti entered into a partnership with NASA to explore how quantum computing can be applied to solve optimization problems related to space exploration.
  • Significance: NASA's work with Rigetti includes the exploration of hybrid quantum-classical algorithms to improve computational performance for large-scale optimization and machine learning tasks, which are crucial for space mission planning, simulations, and autonomous operations.

4. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

  • Contract Scope: Rigetti has partnered with the DOE as part of their Quantum Systems Accelerator (QSA) program. This initiative brings together national labs, universities, and companies to advance quantum computing.
  • Significance: Rigetti’s work with the DOE is focused on pushing the boundaries of quantum hardware and software and exploring its applications in solving energy-related challenges, such as grid optimization and advanced materials research.

5. U.S. Air Force and DARPA

  • Contract Scope: Rigetti has won contracts from the U.S. Air Force and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to explore quantum computing applications for defense-related problems, including optimization, machine learning, and simulations.
  • Significance: These contracts provide funding for Rigetti to develop quantum computing technologies that can be applied to defense and national security, which require complex computations and problem-solving.

6. Partnership with Standard Chartered Bank

  • Partnership Scope: In collaboration with Standard Chartered Bank, Rigetti is exploring the use of quantum computing in the financial sector, particularly for solving problems in risk management, portfolio optimization, and financial modeling.
  • Significance: This partnership demonstrates Rigetti’s involvement in applying quantum computing to real-world commercial applications within the financial services industry, which is highly computationally intensive.

7. Partnership with ADIA Lab (Abu Dhabi Investment Authority)

  • Partnership Scope: Rigetti and ADIA Lab are working together to advance research in quantum machine learning and optimization, focusing on applications in financial services and other commercial domains.
  • Significance: This partnership aligns with efforts to bring quantum computing into industries that can benefit from the optimization and predictive power of quantum algorithms, especially in the Middle East.

8. Collaborations with Universities and Research Labs

  • University Partnerships: Rigetti collaborates with top academic institutions, including Yale, MIT, and the University of Chicago, for quantum computing research and development.
  • Research Institutions: The company works with institutions such as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory to enhance quantum technologies and address fundamental scientific problems.

Industry Applications:

Through these partnerships, Rigetti is applying quantum computing to industries including:

  • Finance: Quantum algorithms for risk analysis, portfolio optimization, and cryptography.
  • Healthcare: Drug discovery and molecular simulations.
  • Energy: Grid optimization and materials research for energy storage.
  • Logistics: Solving complex optimization problems in supply chains and operations.
  • Aerospace: Developing simulations and optimization solutions for space missions.

These partnerships underscore Rigetti’s commitment to working with both public and private sectors to advance quantum computing for practical, industry-specific applications.

In August 2024, Rigetti Introduced a Novel Chip Fabrication Process

For Scalable, High Performing QPUs

Rigetti's novel technique, Alternating-Bias Assisted Annealing (ABAA), allows for more precise qubit frequency targeting, enabling improved execution of 2-qubit gates and a reduction in defects, which both contribute to higher fidelity. 

This work was recently published in Nature Communications Materials.

What is Quantum Annealing and where does it fit in the race to Quantum technology supremacy

Friday, June 21, 2024

Quantum annealing technology has real world benefit for both businesses and society in general!

  Quantum annealing is a quantum computing technique designed to solve optimization problems faster than classical algorithms. It leverages quantum mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and tunneling, to explore and identify optimal solutions in complex landscapes more efficiently than classical methods.

Benefits for Business and Society

  1. Optimization Problems: Quantum annealing excels in solving optimization problems that are prevalent in various industries. For instance, it can optimize supply chain logistics, portfolio management in finance, and scheduling problems in manufacturing and transportation .

  2. Drug Discovery: In pharmaceuticals, quantum annealing can enhance drug discovery by efficiently modeling molecular interactions, potentially leading to the faster development of new medications .

  3. Material Science: It can be used to discover new materials by simulating atomic structures and properties more accurately than classical computers .

  4. Artificial Intelligence: Quantum annealing can improve machine learning algorithms by optimizing training processes and solving complex optimization problems inherent in AI development .

Leading Companies in Quantum Annealing

  1. D-Wave Systems: D-Wave is the pioneer in commercial quantum annealing technology. They have developed several generations of quantum annealers and provide quantum computing services through their cloud platform. D-Wave's systems are used in various applications, including optimization, AI, and machine learning .

  2. Fujitsu: Fujitsu has developed a digital annealer, which is inspired by quantum annealing principles. Although it is not a quantum computer, it mimics the quantum annealing process and offers significant speed-ups for optimization problems. Fujitsu markets this technology for logistics, financial services, and manufacturing industries .

  3. Hitachi: Hitachi is another player in the field, working on technologies that leverage quantum annealing for various industrial applications, including transportation and logistics optimization .


Quantum annealing is a promising quantum technology with tangible benefits for business and society. It is particularly powerful in solving complex optimization problems that are challenging for classical computers. Leading companies like D-Wave Systems, Fujitsu, and Hitachi are at the forefront of developing and applying this technology across various sectors, demonstrating its potential to revolutionize industries through enhanced computational capabilities.

Disclosure: writer has a position in D-wave Quantum - $QBTS on Nsdq

D-Wave Quantum Inc., a leader in quantum computing systems, software, and services, has several notable advantages in the field of quantum technology.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

IONQ and Dwave quantum technologies could well be a drawing card for much larger companies to consider buying, Here's why!

 D-Wave Systems is a company known for its quantum computing technology. If it were to be bought out by a larger company, potential acquirers could include:

  1. Tech Giants: Companies like Google, IBM, Microsoft, and Amazon have already invested heavily in quantum computing research and development. Acquiring D-Wave could provide them with additional expertise, technology, and intellectual property to advance their quantum computing efforts further.

  2. Traditional Tech Companies: Companies outside of the tech giants might also be interested in quantum computing capabilities. This could include companies like Intel, NVIDIA, or even Apple, which may see potential applications for quantum computing in their respective industries or want to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving technology landscape.

  3. Defense Contractors: Given the potential national security implications of quantum computing, defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon Technologies, or Northrop Grumman could see value in acquiring D-Wave's technology to bolster their own capabilities in areas like cryptography and cybersecurity.

  4. Financial Institutions: Banks and financial institutions are interested in quantum computing for its potential to revolutionize areas like portfolio optimization, risk management, and algorithmic trading. Companies like JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, or Bloomberg LP could view acquiring D-Wave as a strategic move to gain a competitive edge in the financial services industry.

  5. Telecommunications Companies: Quantum computing has implications for secure communication and network optimization, which could be of interest to telecommunications companies like Verizon, AT&T, or Huawei.

  6. Energy Companies: Companies in the energy sector, such as ExxonMobil, BP, or Shell, might see potential applications for quantum computing in areas like materials science, optimization of energy production and distribution, and climate modeling.

  7. Pharmaceutical and Biotech Companies: Quantum computing has the potential to accelerate drug discovery, molecular modeling, and genomics research. Therefore, companies like Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, or Novartis might be interested in acquiring D-Wave to leverage its technology for advancing healthcare innovation.

These are just some examples, and the interest of specific companies would depend on their strategic priorities, existing capabilities, and the perceived value of D-Wave's technology in advancing their business objectives.

Given the unique capabilities of D-Wave in quantum annealing and the potential to address specific types of problems efficiently, any of these companies could see value in an acquisition. However, companies like Amazon and Nvidia might have particularly strong synergies given their respective focuses on cloud-based services and optimization in AI and machine learning contexts.(ChatGPT)

IONQ, like D-Wave Systems, is a prominent player in the field of quantum computing. If it were to be acquired by a larger company, the potential suitors might be similar but could also differ based on the specific strengths and focus areas of IONQ. Here are some potential acquirers for IONQ:
  1. Tech Giants: Companies such as Google, IBM, Microsoft, and Amazon, which are already heavily invested in quantum computing, could see value in acquiring IONQ to strengthen their technology portfolio and talent pool. IONQ's expertise in trapped-ion quantum computing could complement existing efforts in areas like superconducting qubits or quantum algorithms.

  2. Traditional Tech Companies: Similar to D-Wave, companies like Intel, NVIDIA, or Apple might be interested in acquiring IONQ to bolster their quantum computing capabilities or to diversify their technology offerings.

  3. Defense Contractors: Given the potential applications of quantum computing in areas like cryptography and secure communication, defense contractors like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon Technologies, or Northrop Grumman might view acquiring IONQ as a strategic move to enhance their capabilities in this domain.

  4. Financial Institutions: Banks, hedge funds, and other financial institutions are exploring quantum computing for its potential to optimize portfolio management, risk assessment, and algorithmic trading. Companies like JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, or Citadel Securities could be interested in acquiring IONQ to gain a competitive advantage in the financial services industry.

  5. Telecommunications Companies: Quantum computing could have implications for secure communication and network optimization, making it potentially attractive to telecommunications companies like Verizon, AT&T, or Huawei.

  6. Pharmaceutical and Biotech Companies: Quantum computing holds promise for accelerating drug discovery, molecular modeling, and genomics research. Therefore, companies in the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors, such as Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, or Novartis, might consider acquiring IONQ to leverage its technology for advancing healthcare innovation.

  7. Energy Companies: Quantum computing could also be valuable for energy companies in areas like materials science, optimization of energy production and distribution, and climate modeling. Therefore, companies like ExxonMobil, BP, or Shell might see potential in acquiring IONQ.

Based on these factors, Intel might have the most technical alignment with IonQ's trapped-ion approach, given its experience with silicon-based technologies that require atomic-level precision and control, similar in rigor and scale to what's needed for trapped-ion quantum computing. However, any of these companies could potentially benefit from acquiring IonQ if they aim to diversify their quantum technology portfolios or enhance their existing services.

Again, the interest of specific companies would depend on various factors including their strategic priorities, existing capabilities, and the perceived value of IONQ's technology in advancing their business objectives.

Discl: we own shares in both IONQ and Dwave Quantum (QBTS)

Note: It's plausible that Rigetti might also be considered a takeover target if there's consolidation in the quantum computing space. Rigetti has been known for its innovative approaches to quantum computing hardware, and its technology might be attractive to larger companies looking to strengthen their position in the market. However, whether it's a viable target would depend on various factors including its current market position, technological advancements, financial health, and strategic fit with potential acquirers.

What exactly is, "Blind" Quantum Computing, what are it's benefits, who will use the technology and who is leading the charge?

Friday, August 10, 2018

As Crypto Currencies rise and begin to dominate investors thinking, Crypto Domain names are gaining popularity!


Whether you agree or disagree that Digital Assets like Crypto Currencies have value, you cannot escape the facts!

9 years ago Bitcoin was selling under $1 Dollar.

Today, (ups and downs aside) it sells around $6400!

That, my friends is an extreme jump in an investment!

As all Cryptos have increased
in price (for instance Ethereum Classic is up from a few cents to $14) Investors everywhere are wondering how they can get an edge in this new form of investing.

And, as more and more Banks and Businesses increase their Blockchain knowledge (and hire Crypto and Blockchain experts) to investigate how they can more securely transfer money and accounts worldwide, there is another avenue of Crypto investments that may have escaped the attention of mainstream investors.

  That is the area of Crypto Domain names (Web Addresses)

Namepros.com lists the top ten CryptoDomains sold Here to date!

As you can see, the domain Eth.Com lead the pack at a cool $2,000,000

As you can also see in that list, many other Crypto domains like CryptoWorld and CryptoBank sold in 6 figures!

Even the lesser Dot com domains sold in 5 figures.

Domainers have been scooping up these domains by the hundreds, because they know that the new Crypto business startups will be looking for online addresses and possibly new branding.

So, Are DomainNames.Money?

You Bet they are!!!