With the use of Ai generated articles from Open Ai, we are focusing on future technology stocks that are publicly traded
Showing posts with label Generative Ai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Generative Ai. Show all posts

Saturday, September 7, 2024

As Tech giant, Apple, prepares to announce it's jump into the Ai realm, new partnerships will most likely become investment targets!


Besides partnering with, and using the technology of, Ai leader Open Ai (still a privately held company) here are three publicly traded companies currently under the radar, that could also become partners providing Apple with new technology for the jump into Ai!

1. Opera is known for its web browser that includes several advanced features such as:

  1. Built-in AI system: Opera integrates AI-based tools, such as ChatGPT and other AI-powered enhancements.
  2. Free VPN: Opera offers a free, unlimited VPN service directly integrated into the browser.
  3. Built-in ad blocker: Opera provides an ad-blocker to improve user experience and speed.
  4. Integrated crypto wallets: The browser has built-in cryptocurrency wallets to support crypto transactions.

While there haven't been official announcements of a partnership between Opera and Apple, the company's innovative features and expanding reach could make them a potential partner for tech giants like Apple in the future.

2. Mozilla, with its product Firefox and their focus on user privacy and personalized experiences. Mozilla is developing its own generative AI models with a strong focus on user data privacy, ensuring that AI learns from user activities in a privacy-centric way, unlike broader models like ChatGPT that rely on vast datasets without specific tailoring to individual users. 

Mozilla’s AI aims to create personalized experiences while keeping user data secure, aligning with Apple's vision of creating personalized AI devices through its Apple Intelligence initiative. Mozilla’s approach could make it an ideal partner for Apple in future AI projects, especially those focused on personalization and privacy.

3. Enovix. Enovix has developed proprietar3D silicon batteries, creasing energy demands of modern devices, including those using AI, making Enovix well-positioned to play a significant role in the next era of Apple's AI-driven devices.

This advanced battery technology aligns with Apple's potential needs for more efficient energy solutions as they continue to develop AI-powered hardware, making Enovix a strong candidate to partner with Apple.

Editor note:  

While it is pure speculation that these three companies may partner with Apple to help produce Apple Ai Intelligence, we have bought shares in one of these companies already and plan to add the other two to our portfolio on Monday, Sept 9th!

As AI and quantum computing boom, several companies could be attractive takeover targets for large tech companies due to their advanced technology, niche expertise, or significant intellectual property portfolios.

Here are 10 potential takeover targets:

AI-Focused Companies

  1. C3.ai – Focuses on enterprise AI applications. Its generative AI capabilities, combined with a well-established customer base, could be appealing for big tech firms looking to bolster their AI offerings.

  2. SambaNova Systems – A leading AI hardware and software platform provider, specializing in advanced AI models and efficient processing. Their AI chips are optimized for AI workloads and could be a valuable asset for companies looking to enhance their AI infrastructure.

  3. Hugging Face – Hugging Face is known for its open-source natural language processing (NLP) models. Its leadership in NLP and machine learning models could attract companies looking to expand in these areas.

  4. Scale AI – Specializes in AI data labeling and providing data for machine learning models. Scale AI's data annotation platform could be crucial for tech companies aiming to improve their AI training processes.

  5. Adept AI – A company building general AI agents that can interact with software tools and automate tasks. Its focus on user-friendly AI solutions could make it attractive for companies aiming to improve AI-driven automation.

Of the above Ai companies mentioned, only C3Ai is publicly traded at this writing 

while 2 through 5 are all currently private companies!

Quantum Computing-Focused Companies

  1. Rigetti Computing – Known for its work in hybrid quantum-classical computing. It has been working on quantum hardware and software integration, making it attractive to tech giants like IBM, Google, or Microsoft aiming to accelerate quantum computing development.

  2. IonQ – A leader in trapped-ion quantum computing, offering a unique hardware approach. Their quantum computers are already being deployed in partnerships with major tech firms, which makes them an attractive acquisition target.

  3. PsiQuantum – Focused on building fault-tolerant quantum computers using photonic technology. This could be highly appealing to a big tech company aiming for breakthroughs in scalable quantum hardware.

  4. D-Wave Systems – Specializes in quantum annealing systems. Although it's been more niche, its longstanding expertise and business use cases could be of interest to tech companies looking for a more commercial quantum solution.

  5. Zapata Computing – Specializing in quantum algorithms and software platforms. Its expertise in hybrid quantum solutions and advanced algorithm development could make it attractive for tech companies that want to integrate quantum technology with AI.

Except for PsiQuantum (Which is privately held) these companies are all traded publicly on the Nasdaq Exchange. 

These companies are leaders in their fields and would bring valuable technology, intellectual property, and talent to big tech firms looking to expand in AI and quantum computing.

Editor note:  We own shares in 5 of the companies listed now!

What is Quantum Annealing and where does it fit in the race to Quantum technology supremacy

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Zapata Ai is one of those cutting edge start ups that is pushing the boundaries of combining GenerativeAi and Quantum Computing!

 Zapata AI is a company that specializes in Industrial Generative AI

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Industrial Generative AI:

    • Zapata AI focuses on creating Industrial Generative AI, which is a category of enterprise software. This technology harnesses both language models and numerical models for domain-specific, industrial-scale applications.
    • These solutions are tailored to businesses, helping them make better decisions by automating language tasks and customizing large language models.
    • Some use cases include:
  2. Background:

  3. Platform:

In summary, Zapata AI is at the forefront of revolutionizing how businesses approach complex problems using cutting-edge AI techniques.


ZapataAi's CEO, Christopher Savoie, played a significant role in the development of Apple’s Siri. 

He is the co-inventor of AAOSA, the A.I.-based natural language interface technology used to create Siri

His expertise extends to medicine, biochemistry, and computer science, and he has led big data analytics efforts at Nissan. 

Currently, Christopher is the Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Zapata AI

Zapata has recently partnered with two Quantum Computing companies with first mover advantage in that market.

IONQ and Dwave Quantum.

It will be very interesting to monitor how quickly these companies are able to bring problem solving methods to industry through the use of Quantum AdaptiveAi technology.

(Update, June 26 2024)

Zapata AI recently joined the KT Consortium to assist in transforming chemical engineering processes using generative AI. This collaboration allows Zapata AI to work directly with leading chemical and biochemical manufacturers, utilizing their expertise in generative AI technologies to address complex industrial challenges​.

Said Georgios Kontogeorgis, KY Consortium head and Professor of Chemical and Biochemical engineering at DTU, 

" Zapata's cutting edge advancements in quantum, generative Ai represents a significant leap forward for our industry partners, together we are poised to drive transformative progress and set new standards in the industry"!

Is the buildout of Quantum Generative Ai here or soon to be here?