With the use of Ai generated articles from Open Ai, we are focusing on future technology stocks that are publicly traded
Showing posts with label D-Wave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label D-Wave. Show all posts

Saturday, September 7, 2024

As AI and quantum computing boom, several companies could be attractive takeover targets for large tech companies due to their advanced technology, niche expertise, or significant intellectual property portfolios.

Here are 10 potential takeover targets:

AI-Focused Companies

  1. C3.ai – Focuses on enterprise AI applications. Its generative AI capabilities, combined with a well-established customer base, could be appealing for big tech firms looking to bolster their AI offerings.

  2. SambaNova Systems – A leading AI hardware and software platform provider, specializing in advanced AI models and efficient processing. Their AI chips are optimized for AI workloads and could be a valuable asset for companies looking to enhance their AI infrastructure.

  3. Hugging Face – Hugging Face is known for its open-source natural language processing (NLP) models. Its leadership in NLP and machine learning models could attract companies looking to expand in these areas.

  4. Scale AI – Specializes in AI data labeling and providing data for machine learning models. Scale AI's data annotation platform could be crucial for tech companies aiming to improve their AI training processes.

  5. Adept AI – A company building general AI agents that can interact with software tools and automate tasks. Its focus on user-friendly AI solutions could make it attractive for companies aiming to improve AI-driven automation.

Of the above Ai companies mentioned, only C3Ai is publicly traded at this writing 

while 2 through 5 are all currently private companies!

Quantum Computing-Focused Companies

  1. Rigetti Computing – Known for its work in hybrid quantum-classical computing. It has been working on quantum hardware and software integration, making it attractive to tech giants like IBM, Google, or Microsoft aiming to accelerate quantum computing development.

  2. IonQ – A leader in trapped-ion quantum computing, offering a unique hardware approach. Their quantum computers are already being deployed in partnerships with major tech firms, which makes them an attractive acquisition target.

  3. PsiQuantum – Focused on building fault-tolerant quantum computers using photonic technology. This could be highly appealing to a big tech company aiming for breakthroughs in scalable quantum hardware.

  4. D-Wave Systems – Specializes in quantum annealing systems. Although it's been more niche, its longstanding expertise and business use cases could be of interest to tech companies looking for a more commercial quantum solution.

  5. Zapata Computing – Specializing in quantum algorithms and software platforms. Its expertise in hybrid quantum solutions and advanced algorithm development could make it attractive for tech companies that want to integrate quantum technology with AI.

Except for PsiQuantum (Which is privately held) these companies are all traded publicly on the Nasdaq Exchange. 

These companies are leaders in their fields and would bring valuable technology, intellectual property, and talent to big tech firms looking to expand in AI and quantum computing.

Editor note:  We own shares in 5 of the companies listed now!

What is Quantum Annealing and where does it fit in the race to Quantum technology supremacy

Friday, August 30, 2024

What is Quantum Annealing and where does it fit in the race to Quantum technology supremacy


Quantum annealing can be compared to hybrid cars in the race to electric vehicles (EVs) as a stepping stone toward ubiquitous quantum computing

Here's how this analogy works:

Quantum Annealing as a Stepping Stone:

  1. Specialized Use Cases:

    • Quantum Annealing: Like hybrid cars, which offer a combination of traditional internal combustion and electric power, quantum annealing is a specialized form of quantum computing that excels in certain tasks, particularly optimization problems. It’s not a universal quantum computer but can provide quantum speedups for specific use cases, making it a practical early application of quantum technology.
    • Hybrid Cars: Hybrid vehicles provide a bridge between traditional gasoline engines and fully electric power, offering improvements in fuel efficiency and reduced emissions without requiring a complete shift to EV infrastructure.
  2. Interim Technology:

    • Quantum Annealing: Quantum annealers, like those developed by D-Wave, represent an intermediate step in the evolution of quantum computing. They are more accessible and feasible to build at scale compared to universal quantum computers, and they allow researchers and industries to experiment with quantum algorithms and applications.
    • Hybrid Cars: Hybrids serve as an interim solution that helps the automotive industry and consumers transition toward fully electric vehicles. They introduce some of the benefits of electric power while still relying on established technology.
  3. Driving Early Adoption:

    • Quantum Annealing: By solving specific problems more efficiently than classical computers, quantum annealing has spurred interest and investment in quantum computing, similar to how hybrids have helped drive early consumer interest in cleaner, more efficient vehicles.
    • Hybrid Cars: Hybrids have been crucial in promoting the adoption of electric vehicles by familiarizing consumers with electric powertrains and building the necessary infrastructure.
  4. Not the Final Goal:

    • Quantum Annealing: While valuable, quantum annealing is not the end goal of quantum computing. The ultimate aim is to achieve a fault-tolerant, universal quantum computer capable of solving a much broader range of problems, much like the goal of the auto industry is to transition entirely to zero-emission electric vehicles.
    • Hybrid Cars: Hybrids are seen as a transition phase, with the ultimate goal being the widespread adoption of fully electric vehicles that eliminate the need for gasoline altogether.

Just as hybrid cars have paved the way for the transition to electric vehicles, quantum annealing represents a significant, albeit specialized, step toward the broader goal of universal quantum computing. It allows the industry to gain valuable experience, build infrastructure, and demonstrate quantum advantages in specific areas, helping to accelerate the development of more advanced quantum computing technologies in the future.

The market leader in quantum annealing technology is D-Wave Systems

D-Wave, a Canadian company, is widely recognized as the pioneer and leader in developing and commercializing quantum annealing computers. They introduced the world's first commercially available quantum computer and have continued to advance the technology.

Key Points about D-Wave Systems:

  1. Specialization in Quantum Annealing:

    • D-Wave has focused specifically on quantum annealing, which is a type of quantum computing optimized for solving certain types of optimization problems, such as those found in logistics, machine learning, and material science.
  2. Commercial Success:

    • D-Wave has successfully commercialized its quantum annealers, making them available to businesses and researchers through both direct sales and cloud-based platforms like D-Wave's Leap. Companies and organizations from various sectors, including aerospace, finance, and pharmaceuticals, use D-Wave's technology for specific applications.
  3. Continuous Innovation:

    • The company has continuously developed more advanced versions of its quantum annealers, with the most recent being the Advantage system. This system boasts over 5,000 qubits and enhanced connectivity, allowing it to tackle more complex problems.
  4. Ecosystem and Partnerships:

    • D-Wave has built a robust ecosystem around its technology, partnering with other technology companies, research institutions, and governments to explore and expand the use of quantum annealing. These partnerships help integrate quantum annealing into existing workflows and explore new applications.
  5. Software and Developer Tools:

    • D-Wave has also invested in developing a comprehensive software stack that includes tools like Ocean SDK, which allows developers to create and run applications on their quantum annealers. This makes the technology more accessible to a broader range of users.


D-Wave Systems remains the clear leader in quantum annealing technology, with a significant head start in both technological development and commercial deployment. While other companies may be exploring quantum annealing, D-Wave's focus and achievements in this niche have positioned it at the forefront of this specialized area of quantum computing.

Reasons why IONQ is leading the quantum computing race, the burgeoning QCAAS market and the Quantum Ai race!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

D-Wave Quantum is actively expanding its presence and capabilities in Japan and Australia!!



Recently, D-Wave has introduced a new hybrid quantum solver designed to tackle complex optimization problems in various sectors, including workforce management, manufacturing, and logistics. This solver is part of D-Wave's strategy to provide practical quantum computing solutions that blend quantum and classical computing resources, enabling businesses to solve real-world problems more efficiently and effectively.

In Japan, D-Wave's technology is being adopted by several leading organizations. For instance, NEC Corporation, a prominent Japanese IT and electronics company, is among the users of D-Wave's quantum computing systems. This collaboration highlights the increasing integration of quantum computing in Japanese industries, particularly for tasks requiring advanced optimization and computational power.

D-Wave’s new solver, capable of handling up to two million variables and constraints, represents a significant advancement in their product offerings. This development is expected to further bolster their market position in Japan by addressing the growing demand for sophisticated computational solutions across various sectors.

Overall, D-Wave's strategic initiatives and technological advancements are positioning it as a key player in Japan's quantum computing landscape, with a focus on providing practical applications that deliver tangible benefits to businesses.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the latest updates on D-Wave's website and their announcements during the Qubits 2024 user conference.

D-Wave Quantum has been making significant strides in Japan, where it has established a diverse customer base across various industries. Some of the key customers and collaborators in Japan include:

  1. NEC Corporation: NEC has been a prominent user of D-Wave's quantum computing technology. They utilize D-Wave's Leap™ quantum cloud service to enhance their computational capabilities and support their clients with advanced quantum solutions.

  2. Tohoku University: This prestigious institution has been involved in research and development using D-Wave machines, focusing on quantum simulations and AI-related scientific research.

  3. Ogis Research Institute: Ogis Research Institute has applied D-Wave's quantum technology to optimize recipe recommendations on their self-operated recipe site "Bob and Angie."

  4. Shimizu Corporation: In collaboration with Groove X, Shimizu Corporation has used D-Wave's quantum computers to optimize transportation planning for construction site soil, enhancing productivity in civil engineering projects.

These collaborations illustrate D-Wave's versatile application in sectors such as finance, construction, and academia, demonstrating the practical benefits of quantum computing in solving complex, real-world problems in Japan.

For more detailed updates on D-Wave's activities and customer successes in Japan, you can visit their Japanese site D-Wave Japan (D-Wave Japan) (Business Wire).


D-Wave has been actively expanding its presence in Australia through a strategic partnership with NEC Australia. This collaboration aims to bring D-Wave's advanced quantum computing solutions to Australian businesses and government agencies. One of the key aspects of this expansion is the integration of D-Wave’s quantum annealing technology into practical applications, particularly for solving complex optimization problems. These include improving resource mobilization during natural disasters, optimizing cargo transfers at ports, and other real-world challenges.

D-Wave and NEC have been working together to deliver quantum-based solutions since 2021, and they have already implemented successful proof-of-concept projects with the Australian Federal Government and a major transport entity in New South Wales. This partnership is also aligned with Australia's National Quantum Strategy, emphasizing the importance of quantum computing in enhancing the country's technological capabilities.

Moreover, D-Wave's Leap quantum cloud service is being leveraged to provide Australian enterprises with access to quantum computing, enabling them to perform advanced research and develop innovative solutions with the support of D-Wave's quantum data scientists​ (D-Wave Systems) (D-Wave Systems) (MarketScreener).

D-Wave has formed significant partnerships with several entities in Australia, most notably with NEC Australia. This partnership is focused on bringing quantum computing solutions to both commercial and government sectors in the country. Together, they have worked on various proof-of-concept projects, including one with the Australian Federal Government and another with a key transport entity in New South Wales.

NEC Australia plays a critical role in deploying D-Wave's quantum technology by leveraging its extensive experience in delivering complex ICT solutions to Australian businesses and government agencies. The collaboration is also aligned with Australia's National Quantum Strategy, aiming to develop and apply quantum technologies that enhance the country’s competitive edge in the global market.

These efforts have made NEC Australia a key partner for D-Wave, helping to facilitate the practical application of quantum computing across various sectors in Australia​ (D-Wave Systems) (D-Wave Systems).

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Which Quantum computing companies are now providing customers today with quantum solutions?


The most widely used quantum computing systems by customers today are primarily provided by IBM, D-Wave, and Amazon's AWS Braket.

  1. IBM's Quantum Systems: IBM's Qiskit platform is a leading quantum computing software stack used globally by enterprises, research institutions, and universities. It supports a variety of quantum computing activities and provides a robust framework for building, optimizing, and executing quantum circuits. IBM's quantum hardware and Qiskit software have been extensively adopted, making IBM one of the top providers in the quantum computing space​ (IBM Newsroom)​.

  2. D-Wave's Quantum Systems: D-Wave is known for its annealing quantum computers and has recently introduced the Advantage2 prototype with over 1,200 qubits. D-Wave's Leap quantum cloud service allows real-time access to its quantum processing units and hybrid solvers, which have been heavily utilized by customers for solving complex optimization problems​ (D-Wave Systems)​​ (The Quantum Insider)​.

  3. Amazon's AWS Braket: AWS Braket is a fully managed quantum computing service that offers access to various quantum computers from different providers, including D-Wave, IonQ, and Rigetti. It provides a flexible platform for users to develop and test quantum algorithms using a pay-as-you-go model. AWS Braket's accessibility and support for multiple quantum hardware backends make it a popular choice for quantum computing customers​ (The Quantum Insider)​.

Each of these platforms offers unique capabilities and is tailored to different types of quantum computing applications, contributing to their widespread use among customers.

IONQ, a prominent player in the quantum computing field, is known for its innovative trapped ion technology, which boasts long coherence times and high qubit fidelity. However, IONQ is not mentioned here (except as a supplier to Amazon Braket) primarily because the company's technology and market penetration are still evolving compared to established giants like IBM, D-Wave, and Amazon's AWS Braket. 

While IONQ has made significant strides in advancing quantum computing capabilities and achieving technical milestones, it is still in the early stages of widespread commercial adoption and scaling its systems to meet broader market demands​ (The Quantum Insider)​​ (The Quantum Insider)​.

Artificial Intelligence combined with Quantum computing will change society, business and technology in ways we cannot envision yet!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Artificial Intelligence combined with Quantum computing will change society, business and technology in ways we cannot envision yet!

Several companies are currently combining artificial intelligence (AI) with quantum computing to advance various technological frontiers. Some have first mover advantage.

Here are some notable examples:

  1. Google Quantum AI: Google is leveraging its vast resources to build quantum processors and develop novel quantum algorithms. Their TensorFlow Quantum focuses on quantum data and building hybrid quantum-classical models​ (The Quantum Insider)​.

  2. IBM: IBM is a key player in the quantum computing landscape with its IBM Quantum Experience, which allows users to access quantum processors via the cloud. They are working on integrating AI to optimize quantum computing tasks​ (The Quantum Insider)​​ (The Quantum Insider)​.

  3. Microsoft: Through Azure Quantum, Microsoft provides a robust platform for quantum computing combined with AI to accelerate advancements in various scientific domains. Their recent updates include Azure Quantum Elements, which aims to expedite chemical and materials science research using AI​ (The Quantum Insider)​.

  4. Amazon AWS Braket: AWS Braket is Amazon's fully managed quantum computing service that integrates AI tools to facilitate the development and deployment of quantum algorithms. It supports various quantum hardware and provides resources for AI-driven quantum computing research​ (The Quantum Insider)​.

  5. NVIDIA: NVIDIA is developing hardware and software tools for AI-enabled quantum computing. They focus on quantum error correction, algorithm optimization, and quantum state preparation using AI techniques​ (NVIDIA Developer)​.

  6. D-Wave and Zapata Computing: These companies have formed a strategic collaboration to develop quantum-enabled machine learning applications. They aim to leverage D-Wave’s quantum annealing technology and Zapata’s AI expertise to tackle complex computational problems​ (The Quantum Insider)​.

  7. Quantinuum: A merger between Honeywell Quantum and Cambridge Quantum, Quantinuum focuses on various use cases, including quantum machine learning and natural language processing on quantum computers​ (The Quantum Insider)​.

While numbers 1 through 5 might have already been on your watch list, numbers 6 and 7 may be new to investors. They are much smaller players but have first mover advantage and while these companies are currently small players, and are more speculative, their possible up side could be substantial indeed.

These companies are at the forefront of integrating AI with quantum computing, aiming to unlock new possibilities in fields such as drug discovery, materials science, finance, and beyond.

Combining artificial intelligence (AI) with quantum computing holds immense potential to revolutionize various aspects of society, business, and technology. Here are five ways this combination might bring transformative changes:

1. Drug Discovery and Healthcare

Quantum computing can process complex molecular and chemical simulations far more efficiently than classical computers. When combined with AI, this capability can accelerate drug discovery, enabling the development of new medications and treatments at unprecedented speeds. AI can help identify potential drug candidates, while quantum computing can accurately simulate their interactions at the molecular level, drastically reducing the time and cost involved in bringing new drugs to market​ (The Quantum Insider)​​ (The Quantum Insider)​.

2. Optimization of Supply Chains

AI algorithms are already used to optimize supply chains, but the addition of quantum computing can enhance these optimizations significantly. Quantum computers can handle complex optimization problems, such as determining the most efficient routing and inventory management strategies, in ways that classical computers cannot. This can lead to more resilient, efficient, and cost-effective supply chains, benefiting industries like manufacturing, logistics, and retail​ (The Quantum Insider)​​ (NVIDIA Developer)​.

3. Advanced Materials and Chemistry

AI and quantum computing together can revolutionize materials science by discovering new materials with desirable properties, such as superconductors or novel catalysts. Quantum simulations can predict the behavior of complex materials at the atomic level, while AI can analyze these simulations to identify patterns and suggest new materials with optimal characteristics. This can lead to breakthroughs in energy storage, electronics, and other fields​ (The Quantum Insider)​​ (The Quantum Insider)​.

4. Financial Modeling and Risk Management

In finance, AI is already used for trading algorithms, risk assessment, and fraud detection. Quantum computing can take these applications to the next level by solving complex optimization problems and simulating market scenarios that are currently infeasible. This combination can improve predictive models, enhance portfolio optimization, and provide more accurate risk assessments, leading to more robust financial systems and investment strategies​ (Exploding Topics)​​ (NVIDIA Developer)​.

5. Climate Modeling and Sustainability

Accurate climate modeling requires processing vast amounts of data and solving complex equations, tasks well-suited for quantum computing. AI can analyze climate data to identify trends and predict future changes, while quantum computing can handle the computationally intensive simulations needed to model these changes accurately. Together, they can provide more precise climate predictions and help develop effective strategies for mitigating climate change and promoting sustainability​ (The Quantum Insider)​​ (The Quantum Insider)​.

By combining the strengths of AI and quantum computing, these technologies can tackle some of the most challenging problems across various domains, leading to significant advancements and societal benefits.


Pure plays in the race for Quantum Computing technology, IONQ, Quantinuum and D-wave technologies - comparisons!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

IONQ and Dwave quantum technologies could well be a drawing card for much larger companies to consider buying, Here's why!

 D-Wave Systems is a company known for its quantum computing technology. If it were to be bought out by a larger company, potential acquirers could include:

  1. Tech Giants: Companies like Google, IBM, Microsoft, and Amazon have already invested heavily in quantum computing research and development. Acquiring D-Wave could provide them with additional expertise, technology, and intellectual property to advance their quantum computing efforts further.

  2. Traditional Tech Companies: Companies outside of the tech giants might also be interested in quantum computing capabilities. This could include companies like Intel, NVIDIA, or even Apple, which may see potential applications for quantum computing in their respective industries or want to stay competitive in the rapidly evolving technology landscape.

  3. Defense Contractors: Given the potential national security implications of quantum computing, defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon Technologies, or Northrop Grumman could see value in acquiring D-Wave's technology to bolster their own capabilities in areas like cryptography and cybersecurity.

  4. Financial Institutions: Banks and financial institutions are interested in quantum computing for its potential to revolutionize areas like portfolio optimization, risk management, and algorithmic trading. Companies like JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, or Bloomberg LP could view acquiring D-Wave as a strategic move to gain a competitive edge in the financial services industry.

  5. Telecommunications Companies: Quantum computing has implications for secure communication and network optimization, which could be of interest to telecommunications companies like Verizon, AT&T, or Huawei.

  6. Energy Companies: Companies in the energy sector, such as ExxonMobil, BP, or Shell, might see potential applications for quantum computing in areas like materials science, optimization of energy production and distribution, and climate modeling.

  7. Pharmaceutical and Biotech Companies: Quantum computing has the potential to accelerate drug discovery, molecular modeling, and genomics research. Therefore, companies like Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, or Novartis might be interested in acquiring D-Wave to leverage its technology for advancing healthcare innovation.

These are just some examples, and the interest of specific companies would depend on their strategic priorities, existing capabilities, and the perceived value of D-Wave's technology in advancing their business objectives.

Given the unique capabilities of D-Wave in quantum annealing and the potential to address specific types of problems efficiently, any of these companies could see value in an acquisition. However, companies like Amazon and Nvidia might have particularly strong synergies given their respective focuses on cloud-based services and optimization in AI and machine learning contexts.(ChatGPT)

IONQ, like D-Wave Systems, is a prominent player in the field of quantum computing. If it were to be acquired by a larger company, the potential suitors might be similar but could also differ based on the specific strengths and focus areas of IONQ. Here are some potential acquirers for IONQ:
  1. Tech Giants: Companies such as Google, IBM, Microsoft, and Amazon, which are already heavily invested in quantum computing, could see value in acquiring IONQ to strengthen their technology portfolio and talent pool. IONQ's expertise in trapped-ion quantum computing could complement existing efforts in areas like superconducting qubits or quantum algorithms.

  2. Traditional Tech Companies: Similar to D-Wave, companies like Intel, NVIDIA, or Apple might be interested in acquiring IONQ to bolster their quantum computing capabilities or to diversify their technology offerings.

  3. Defense Contractors: Given the potential applications of quantum computing in areas like cryptography and secure communication, defense contractors like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon Technologies, or Northrop Grumman might view acquiring IONQ as a strategic move to enhance their capabilities in this domain.

  4. Financial Institutions: Banks, hedge funds, and other financial institutions are exploring quantum computing for its potential to optimize portfolio management, risk assessment, and algorithmic trading. Companies like JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, or Citadel Securities could be interested in acquiring IONQ to gain a competitive advantage in the financial services industry.

  5. Telecommunications Companies: Quantum computing could have implications for secure communication and network optimization, making it potentially attractive to telecommunications companies like Verizon, AT&T, or Huawei.

  6. Pharmaceutical and Biotech Companies: Quantum computing holds promise for accelerating drug discovery, molecular modeling, and genomics research. Therefore, companies in the pharmaceutical and biotech sectors, such as Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, or Novartis, might consider acquiring IONQ to leverage its technology for advancing healthcare innovation.

  7. Energy Companies: Quantum computing could also be valuable for energy companies in areas like materials science, optimization of energy production and distribution, and climate modeling. Therefore, companies like ExxonMobil, BP, or Shell might see potential in acquiring IONQ.

Based on these factors, Intel might have the most technical alignment with IonQ's trapped-ion approach, given its experience with silicon-based technologies that require atomic-level precision and control, similar in rigor and scale to what's needed for trapped-ion quantum computing. However, any of these companies could potentially benefit from acquiring IonQ if they aim to diversify their quantum technology portfolios or enhance their existing services.

Again, the interest of specific companies would depend on various factors including their strategic priorities, existing capabilities, and the perceived value of IONQ's technology in advancing their business objectives.

Discl: we own shares in both IONQ and Dwave Quantum (QBTS)

Note: It's plausible that Rigetti might also be considered a takeover target if there's consolidation in the quantum computing space. Rigetti has been known for its innovative approaches to quantum computing hardware, and its technology might be attractive to larger companies looking to strengthen their position in the market. However, whether it's a viable target would depend on various factors including its current market position, technological advancements, financial health, and strategic fit with potential acquirers.

What exactly is, "Blind" Quantum Computing, what are it's benefits, who will use the technology and who is leading the charge?

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Is the buildout of Quantum Generative Ai here or soon to be here?

 D-Wave Quantum Inc. and Zapata AI announced their strategic technical and commercial collaboration on February 8, 2024.  

Zapata is also collaborating with IONQ in this search for the ultimate solution, Quantum Generative Ai!

These multi-year partnerships aim to develop and bring to market commercial applications that combine the power of generative AI and quantum computing technologies

The collaboration will focus on joint technical development and commercial deployment of applications for customers faced with computationally complex problems. 

By leveraging quantum-enabled machine learning algorithms, these applications will harness the capabilities of D-Wave’s quantum technologies, which have been proven to perform coherent quantum annealing with 5,000+ qubits, pushing beyond the boundaries of classical computers

Initially, the collaboration will concentrate on building quantum generative AI models to accelerate the discovery of new molecules. 

Zapata AI gains access to D-Wave’s powerful Advantage™ annealing quantum computing systems, quantum-hybrid solvers, and development resources, which will accelerate commercial application development and provide production access to Zapata’s customers. 

Additionally, the collaboration includes joint go-to-market efforts, with exclusive availability of the commercial applications via a solver hosted in D-Wave’s Leap™ real-time quantum cloud service. 

This partnership represents a significant step toward unlocking previously unattainable value by combining generative AI and quantum computing technologies to tackle complex problems.

QBTS In the news:

Dwave  will be included in the broad-market Russell3000(R) Index , effective at the open of US equity markets on Monday, July 1st, 2024, according to a preliminary list of additions posted on Friday, May 24th, 2024.

Dwave was highlighted this week in the Wall St Journal for it's strides in Quantum Computing and how it is already being used in business through it's many partnerships!

Taylor Swift's team is even using Dwave in their concert lineup! see:

Taylor Swift Concert goes Quantum | by GQuinta | May, 2024 | Medium

Disclosure: We are long Dwave Quantum - QBTS and IONQ and we're adding to both!

D-Wave on X:

"We're 'Enchanted' to hear that GQuinta (via @Medium) was a 'Mastermind' and used D-Wave to create the ultimate @taylorswift13 playlist! Never in our 'Wildest Dreams' did we imagine our #quantum tech used like this! D-Wave + #Swifties = ‘Love Story’! https://t.co/7og11gWjrC $QBTS" / X

Zapata AI and IonQ have also joined forces in a strategic alliance to advance generative AI research

This collaboration builds upon their previous quantum work and focuses specifically on generative AI techniques. Here’s how they’re working together: 

  1. Benchmarking Generative AI Techniques on Quantum Hardware:

  2. Joint Collaboration and Expertise:

  3. Scaling Delivery for Enterprise Customers:

In summary, this collaboration between Zapata AI and IonQ aims to unlock the potential of quantum computing for generative AI, ultimately benefiting businesses and solving complex challengesFor more information, you can visit Zapata AI’s website