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Showing posts with label Cambridge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cambridge. Show all posts

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Could using "Trapped Ion quantum technology" in developing quantum computers be the VHS of the race for quantum supremacy?

How Trapped Ion Technology Works in Quantum Computing

Trapped ion technology is a prominent approach in the development of quantum computers. It involves using ions (charged atoms) as the fundamental units for quantum bits, or qubits. Here's a detailed breakdown of how it works:

  1. Ion Trapping:

    • Ionization: Neutral atoms are ionized to create ions, which are easier to control with electric and magnetic fields.
    • Trapping: The ions are confined in space using electromagnetic fields in devices called ion traps. These traps can be linear or more complex, designed to hold ions in specific configurations.
  2. Qubit Initialization:

    • Initialization: Ions are initialized into a specific quantum state using laser cooling techniques. This process cools the ions to their lowest energy state.
  3. Quantum State Manipulation:

    • Lasers and Microwaves: Lasers or microwave radiation are used to manipulate the quantum states of the ions. These manipulations encode quantum information by changing the internal energy levels of the ions, creating superpositions and entanglement, which are essential for quantum computing.
    • Gate Operations: Quantum gates, analogous to classical logic gates, are implemented through precise laser pulses that induce interactions between ions. Common gates include the CNOT gate and the single-qubit rotation gate.
  4. Measurement:

    • State Detection: The quantum states of the ions are measured by shining a laser on the ions and observing the resulting fluorescence. The presence or absence of fluorescence indicates the state of the qubit, thus allowing the extraction of quantum information.

Leading Companies in Trapped Ion Quantum Computing

Several companies and research institutions are at the forefront of developing quantum computers using trapped ion technology. Here are some of the leading entities:

  1. IonQ:

    • Technology: IonQ is a pioneer in trapped ion quantum computing. They have developed systems with high-fidelity qubits and are focused on scaling up the number of qubits while maintaining low error rates.
    • Achievements: IonQ has demonstrated some of the highest fidelity quantum gates and has made its quantum computers available through cloud platforms like Amazon Braket and Microsoft Azure.
  2. Honeywell:

    • Technology: Honeywell Quantum Solutions has developed high-performance trapped ion quantum computers. They leverage their expertise in precision control systems to achieve impressive coherence times and gate fidelities.
    • Achievements: Honeywell has produced systems with high quantum volume, a measure that combines several aspects of a quantum computer's performance, indicating the ability to handle complex computations.
  3. Quantinuum:

    • Formation: Quantinuum is a company formed through the merger of Honeywell Quantum Solutions and Cambridge Quantum Computing. It combines hardware expertise with advanced quantum software and algorithms.
    • Technology and Goals: Quantinuum continues to push the boundaries of trapped ion quantum computing, focusing on scalability, error correction, and real-world applications.
  4. AQT (Alpine Quantum Technologies):

    • Technology: AQT focuses on building modular trapped ion quantum processors. Their approach emphasizes flexibility and integration into existing technological infrastructures.
    • Research and Development: AQT collaborates with academic and industrial partners to advance quantum computing technology and explore practical applications.


Trapped ion technology offers precise control and high-fidelity operations, making it a strong contender in the race to build practical quantum computers. Companies like IonQ, Honeywell (now part of Quantinuum), and AQT are leading the way with significant advancements in this field. These organizations are pushing the envelope in terms of both hardware capabilities and the development of scalable, error-corrected quantum systems.

Notes: we are long IONQ stock for a number of reasons :

  1. Leader in Quantum Computing: IONQ is recognized as a leader in the field of quantum computing, which is a promising technology expected to revolutionize various industries.

  2. Technological Potential: Quantum computing has the potential to solve complex problems that classical computers struggle with, such as optimization, cryptography, and material science.

  3. Market Potential: Investors may see quantum computing as a burgeoning market with substantial growth opportunities in the future.

  4. Strategic Partnerships and Investments: The company's partnerships with major tech firms or strategic investments may boost confidence in its future prospects.

  5. Innovative Approach: IONQ's approach to quantum computing, using trapped-ion technology, is considered promising due to its potential scalability, error correction capabilities and can operate at "room temperature".

  6. Speculative Interest: Like many emerging technologies, quantum computing attracts speculative interest from investors looking to capitalize on potential future gains.

These factors combined contribute to our interest and investment in IONQ stock.

The business partnerships that IONQ has in advancing trapped ion, quantum computing, are a who's who of business and Government and so is their list of investors

Interest in Quantum computing technology is growing. Should there be consolidation in the quantum space, one company stands out as a takeover target!

What exactly is, "Blind" Quantum Computing, what are it's benefits, who will use the technology and who is leading the charge?

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Ginkgo Bioworks has been bolstering its position as a first mover in Synthetic Biology!

 Here are the companies they’ve acquired and the reasons behind each acquisition:

  1. Proof Diagnostics:

    -  Ginkgo Bioworks acquired Proof Diagnostics, a Cambridge-based CRISPR test developer co-founded by Feng Zhang (an early discoverer of Crispr technology) of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. 
  2. Proof Diagnostics has been working on a “future-proof” COVID-19 screener with a rapid tabletop analyzer capable of detecting not only COVID-19 but also the flu, respiratory syncytial virus, and other diseases using gene-editing technology. 
  3. Ginkgo was mainly attracted to Proof Diagnostics for its intellectual property and libraries of RNA-programmable, non-Cas enzymes called OMEGAs. These emerging OMEGAs offer potential upgrades over current genomic medicine tools, making them easier to deliver into cells. Ginkgo plans to use these enzymes to support its gene therapy services, providing an alternative approach to gene editing.
  4. Patch Biosciences: - Ginkgo acquired Patch Biosciences, a New York-based AI platform developer focused on computer-designed cargos for genetic medicines. By integrating Patch’s capabilities, libraries, and datasets, Ginkgo aims to enhance its existing genetic medicine toolkit. 

    The machine-learning models and downstream assays from Patch Biosciences will contribute to Ginkgo’s offerings.
  5. Reverie Labs:

     - Ginkgo also acquired Reverie Labs, an AI-powered drug discovery company. Reverie Labs specializes in developing biology-focused foundation models and small molecule design. Four members of Reverie’s AI team, including Chief Technology Officer Ankit Gupta, have joined Ginkgo. 

    This acquisition will accelerate Ginkgo’s work in drug discovery and strengthen its expertise in biological engineering approaches.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that Ginkgo Bioworks made its largest acquisition to date by acquiring it's competitor, Zymergen, which is expected to significantly enhance Ginkgo’s platform by integrating strong automation and software capabilities

These acquisitions demonstrate Ginkgo’s commitment to advancing synthetic biology and expanding its capabilities in molecular medicine and AI-driven research

 Ginkgo Bioworks is an American biotech company founded in 2008 by five scientists from MIT, led by Jason Kelly. 

Their specialty lies in using genetic engineering to produce bacteria with industrial applications for other biotech companies. 

Essentially, they create custom-designed microorganisms that can be used in various fields, from agriculture to pharmaceuticals.

Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings (NYSE: DNA) is owned by 57.35% institutional shareholders, 13.56% by insiders, and 29.08% retail investors.


KEY POINTS from this article:

  • 1.   The biofoundry's platform is scaling up, "big time" and customers are flocking.
  • 2.

    Powerful collaborators are signing up

    It's working with MerckModernaEli Lilly, and many others in biopharma and agriculture.

  • Ginkgo's valuation is attractive, and trading as a penny stock at all time lows!

Disclosure: we own stock in Ginkgo Bioworks ($DNA) and are accumulating!

Analysts high on Ginkgo and it's platform.

StockScan estimates an average price of $6.06 for Ginkgo Bioworks in 2025, with predictions ranging from a low of $4.78 to a high of $7.34​ (Stock Screener, Chart, and Price) This indicates a potential rise of approximately 980.45% from the last recorded price. While Ginkgo faces challenges, its long-term opportunities in #CellProgramming and #Biosecurity could drive significant growth. Keep in mind that investing involves risks, and it’s essential to conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions