With the use of Ai generated articles from Open Ai, we are focusing on future technology stocks that are publicly traded

Monday, March 4, 2019

Avoiding Index Funds this year may be a good strategy for your Retire Funds

Individual Stocks VS Index Funds in 2019

2019 does not bode well for Stock Indexes and therefore, Index funds.  Buying Index funds has been the go-to investment of individual investors (and some institutional investors) for years now.  Since 2009, many have done very well with this simple strategy which has outdone many money managers over that time.

2019 may be different for a number of reasons! This bull market we have enjoyed since 2009, is getting very long in the tooth and 2019 is beginning to look like the end is in sight.

The macro picture is a mishmash of poor decisions and poor leadership from Central Banks and world leaders alike. The news is dominated by trade war talks, Walls, Brexit, German (read Euro) downturn, and Debt, beyond anything we have witnessed in the past. Real war cannot be dismissed either as the USA and North Korea are at a stalemate, and (nuclear armed) India and Pakistan are shooting down each others fighter jets, to the cheers of their domestic audiences.

With Britain on the verge of a "no deal" Brexit, Italy may be becoming a financial basket case, German output is inching into negative territory, and in France, the Macron government has done nothing to right that ship.

Some believe that, Deutsche Bank may well be the "Lehman Brothers" of the Euro zone this year as creditors close in and a bailout partner is not in sight. The two largest economies on the planet, USA and China are at serious odds over trade AND both are in serious DEBT!

As the USA begins to withdraw from the world under this administration, it owes $22 Trillion dollars and that debt is now growing at 1.5 Trillion per year under Trump.

There are two ways to handle such a debt burden, 1: Default
2: reduce the dollar to a nickel.  There is no other way to pay down such a massive debt! (my bet is that, if it were entirely up to Mr. Trump, he would pick door number 1)

There are now more refugees on the move across the world than WW2 and most countries are putting up barriers to entry. Euro zone countries from Spain to Greece are doing whatever they can to keep out refugees, instead of welcoming them. Climate change, inept governments and wars are the reasons for such a migration.

Witness the debacle in the USA on the southern border as this president continues to threaten to shut down government if he does not get his wall. This argument is a hideous sidelight to what is truly going on in the world. This same administration seems to admire despots while scorning democracy, whether it is in it's own constitution or that of valuable allies.

The USA has now walked away from trade agreements, peace treaties and most recently, a nuclear arms agreement with Russia. None of these things bode well for markets, or indeed, humanity, going forward, but the pied Pipers of Wall Street keep on playing!

On a lesser, and personal financial note, while most index funds have very low fees, they are paid annually, and therefore, add up over time, eating into profits.  As the value of your investments go up, so do your fees. This is a built in strategy that will eventually eat away at your gains. If these investments go down, the fund still gets paid, every year!

Conversely, Buying individual stocks is now usually done online for less than $10 per trade! (One time). When an index tumbles, not all stocks are included. Some stocks actually go up at such times.

 The drawback:

Now you have to do homework!  Stocks are not index funds! They require you to do some investigating of your own, unless, of course, you want to keep all your money in cash, gold and silver, and buried in your back yard!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Investing in Domain names has been quite lucrative for many investors!

Why Invest In Domain Names?

  • Domains are the real estate of the world wide web. Like other real estate assets, location is a big deal. The best location for a web address is, far and away, the .com domain!
  • To this date, the .com extension has been the most sought after extension, followed by .net and .org however in the past several years many other extensions have come online, and some have found six and seven figure values, especially individual country domains.
  • Now there are numerous extensions with words like ,fund, .money, .sex, .store, well, you get the picture!

    Investments in web domain names has grown and there seems to be no end in sight for this rush to own a piece of the Web! 
  • In early 2019, the Web Address Fund .com sold (for a second time) for an estimated value of 2.5 million dollars. The domainName, Retire .Com fetched $2 Million when sold several years ago. The value is not only found in the easy marketing of such addresses, but also in the fact that each of those terms are valuable search terms showing up on major search engines like Google and Yahoo millions of times, and, unbeknown to the mass public, the .com is the "default" address for all searches.
  • It makes sense to own valuable search terms and a domain that is easily marketed and understood.  To that end, we are offering these three domains as a package, if the asking price is reached.

These 3 Retire Fund Domains on sale NOW
as a package!


3 premium web addresses for 1 price!

See: RETIREFUND.com now to buy or place a bid!
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More Domains on Auction Here!

Neo Lithium's 3Q project is one of the purest, and largest Li projects in the world today!

              There are MicroCaps and then there are:



Neo Lithium's 3Q project has the lowest impurities of "any" Lithium Brine project in the world, and is the 8th largest in size!

Company Highlights

  • One of the highest-grade lithium brine assets in the world combined with the lowest critical impurity content of any known salar making it ideal for well-known and simple evaporation processing
  • 8th largest lithium deposit in the world today!
  • 100% ownership - The only Lithium company that owns an entire salar of this size without competitors or third parties
  • Fully permitted to feasibility- EIA well advanced and expected to be finalized in Q1/Q2 2019
  • Strong cash position and robust shareholder register

Experienced board and management focused on the Lithium sector.

CEO, Waldo Perez, was the original founder and past CEO of Lithium Americas.
Chairman, Constantine Karayannopoulos was the director of Lithium Americas and an original founder of Neo Materials, now Molycorp.
Board and management members have strong experience in business development and capital markets.

Right in the heart of the Lithium Triangle, the 3Q Project is located in Catamarca Province, Argentina the largest lithium producing and mining-friendly province in Argentina. Neo is situated between the truly bid dogs of Lithium production!

The 3Q Project has one of the highest-grade lithium brine projects in the world, with a large salar and lithium brine lake covering more than 150km2 and the Company controls more 350km2 in and around the complex. The 3Q Project is 100% owned by Neo Lithium.
The Company has obtained environmental permitting to complete exploration and the pilot plant and has also obtained the easement agreement to access the project for future construction at the project site.
Update: As of this writing, Feb 18th 2019, the Pilot plant is delivered and is being put in place at 3Q! 
We believe Neo Lithium is a prime takeover target in 2019  

Disclosure: We own Shares in Neo Lithium!
Question: Do you?

Saturday, February 9, 2019

The first technological advance in the detection of atherosclerosis, heart disease and stroke in over 100 years awaiting FDA approval!

  (ED Note: We first posted this article 11 months ago, and feel it is even more relevant now with FDA Approval pending)

Lexington Bio Sciences (LexingtonBioSciences.com)


Heart Disease and Heart Attacks are the number one killer of North Americans, and most people, worldwide. Nearly 1 in 3 deaths in the USA alone are attributed to Heart Attack and Stroke!

For 50% of these people, their "first" indication of a problem is a massive heart attack.  They have no warning whatsoever.

Though taking blood pressure and heart rates coupled with ultrasound techniques will sometimes indicate a problem, the fact remains that, only in 50% of all cases do these indicators work. Now, wouldn't it be great if there was a "Non-invasive" way of determining, with a lot more accuracy, if heart disease is prevalent in a patient, "before" the onset of a heart attack? Hey, wouldn't it be great if that test was no more bother than simply taking your blood pressure is?

Well, now there is such a device, currently in Clinical Trials, after 15 years of research and development in California Universities. Lexington BioSciences "HeartSentry" can measure something that has never been measured properly before. Endothelium

Endothelium, are the cells that line all arteries and are critical to the prevention of atherosclerosis, heart disease and stroke, the two leading causes of deaths worldwide (17.5 million people every year). 
The significant value of measuring endothelial function is supported by many peer-reviewed studies.

For ease of use this new, life saving technology has been incorporated into a simple blood pressure cuff.  Utilizing both blue tooth and cloud technology, the device to provide up-to-date, accurate readings of a patients complete cardiovascular health via electronic monitoring.

As you might expect, this is a significant development in a  multi-billion dollar market, and all the patents and the technology are owned by a MicroCap Business, owned and operated by PHD's
The Heart Sentry




Friday, August 10, 2018

As Crypto Currencies rise and begin to dominate investors thinking, Crypto Domain names are gaining popularity!


Whether you agree or disagree that Digital Assets like Crypto Currencies have value, you cannot escape the facts!

9 years ago Bitcoin was selling under $1 Dollar.

Today, (ups and downs aside) it sells around $6400!

That, my friends is an extreme jump in an investment!

As all Cryptos have increased
in price (for instance Ethereum Classic is up from a few cents to $14) Investors everywhere are wondering how they can get an edge in this new form of investing.

And, as more and more Banks and Businesses increase their Blockchain knowledge (and hire Crypto and Blockchain experts) to investigate how they can more securely transfer money and accounts worldwide, there is another avenue of Crypto investments that may have escaped the attention of mainstream investors.

  That is the area of Crypto Domain names (Web Addresses)

Namepros.com lists the top ten CryptoDomains sold Here to date!

As you can see, the domain Eth.Com lead the pack at a cool $2,000,000

As you can also see in that list, many other Crypto domains like CryptoWorld and CryptoBank sold in 6 figures!

Even the lesser Dot com domains sold in 5 figures.

Domainers have been scooping up these domains by the hundreds, because they know that the new Crypto business startups will be looking for online addresses and possibly new branding.

So, Are DomainNames.Money?

You Bet they are!!!

Monday, July 30, 2018

About Lexington Bio Sciences - Early Detection and prevention of Heart Disease and Stroke!

The Endothelium: Getting to the “Heart” of Cardiovascular Disease

Despite positive developments in medication and lifestyle changes to reduce risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and atherosclerosis (plaque build-up in arteries), stroke and heart attack remain the leading cause of death worldwide.
 Innovation in medical care and medical devices will likely play a central role in improving long term cardiovascular health outcomes. Over the past several years, Lexington Biosciences has focused on the health of the endothelium, which is the critical inner lining covering all blood vessels throughout the body.

 We are excited to introduce the HeartSentry device as an important endothelial health measurement tool, which can serve as an early predictor in the cardiovascular disease process.
From the heart to the tiniest capillary, endothelial cells form the innermost lining of the entire circulatory system. Cumulatively called the endothelium, it is composed of a single layer of cells which are critical to vascular health, and which may function as a kind-of “built-in” sensor for the vascular system. They act to guide the arteries to dilate or constrict under stress or other external stimuli.
Disruption of normal endothelial function is known to be a precursor to CVD and atherosclerosis. In short, as the vascular system becomes burdened with atherosclerosis, the endothelial cells stop working as well as they did as before, which can provide a key signal that the health of the cardiovascular system has been adversely affected. A dysfunctional endothelium can be one of the earliest signs that plaque is accumulating inside arteries, which can be non-invasively observed as an inability to dilate effectively under different flow conditions or environmental stresses.
Once the endothelium is disrupted and plaque starts to accumulate, it’s usually there for good – barring medical intervention. If left untreated over time, plaque will eventually increase until it blocks the artery or breaks free to enter the circulatory system. The result is typically either a heart attack or a stroke.
The good news is that medication can help improve cardiovascular disease and decrease risk of catastrophic events like heart attack or stroke. Therefore monitoring endothelial function may offer an essential approach to prevent cardiovascular disease and guide treatment. This is why we have developed and positioned HeartSentry as a front line cardiovascular diagnostic device.
While the above is widely acknowledged in medical circles, most of the general population aren’t aware of the importance of the endothelium because few people undergo testing for it. Testing modalities are currently limited, and often involve procedures which can be hard to perform such as flow-mediated dilation (FMD) to evaluate endothelial function. FMD measures the endothelial response during reactive hyperemia (changes in blood flow). However, it has shortcomings in that it is difficult to perform and is subject to a high degree of user dependent test variability.
While the literature supports endothelial assessment as being a valuable precursor of CVD and atherosclerosis, many of the tests to evaluate it can be invasive or difficult to perform and, all too often, are not ordered until the disease has undergone significant progression.
We believe that a non-invasive, reproducible, and instantaneous test of endothelial function could be a game-changer for long term cardiovascular disease prevention
 Lexington Biosciences has developed an easy-to-use device that will enable users to obtain endothelial function measurements as easily as stepping on a scale or measuring blood pressure or temperature, that can be done in a clinic or potentially even from the comfort of home.
 We are optimistic that HeartSentry can help to fill this important need, advancing the field to help prevent cardiovascular diseases like heart attack and stroke.

More From Lexington BioSciences

Lexington BioSciences Inc. aims to become a leader in the development of cardiovascular measurement solutions proposed for common clinical applications with the potential for future home use. 
Please visit our website to watch our video, find out more about us, and subscribe to Twitter or Facebook to receive the latest news, newsletters, blog posts and more.
Join the conversation about our exciting HeartSentry product