With the use of Ai generated articles from Open Ai, we are focusing on future technology stocks that are publicly traded

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Recursion Pharmaceuticals is at the forefront of AI-driven drug discovery!

 Recursion Pharmaceuticals has caught the attention of major pharmaceutical companies due to its innovative approach to drug discovery. More recently, nVidia bought $70 Million of shares in $RXRX

Here’s why it’s worth knowing about:

  1. AI-Driven Drug Discovery:

    Recursion collaborates with major biopharma companies to reduce research and development (R&D) costs and timelines. It employs AI-enabled methods to identify promising biological targets and molecules. By using digital chemistry and machine learning, Recursion calculates potential drug development targets efficiently.

  2. Massive Data Repository:

    Recursion maintains an extensive database with over 3.1 trillion relationships between chemical and biological components. This data helps identify potential drug targets and streamline the drug discovery process.

  3. Recent Acquisitions:

    Recursion recently acquired AI-related biotechs, Cyclica and Valence, which will enhance its drug discovery capabilities. These acquisitions aim to make Recursion even more effective at identifying drug targets and collaborating with pharmaceutical companies1.

  4. Existing Collaborations:

     As we pointed out, powerful players like Roche and Bayer are already among Recursion’s patrons. Collaborating with Recursion allows these companies to leverage AI-driven approaches for drug discovery2.

  5. Rare Disease Pipeline:

    Recursion also has its own development pipeline, including three programs in phase 2 clinical trials for rare diseases. For example, one program targets neurofibromatosis type 2, a condition affecting only 33,000 people worldwide. These pipeline projects could significantly boost Recursion’s revenue in the long term

  6. Recursion Pharmaceuticals (RXRX on the Nasdaq)
  7. offers a unique blend of AI-driven drug discovery, a vast data repository, and promising collaborations, making it an attractive partner for big pharmaceutical companies

Recursion Pharmaceuticals collaborates with NVIDIA to accelerate drug discovery using AI technology. Their newest supercomputer, BioHive-2, powered by 504 NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs, delivers 2 exaflops of AI performance—nearly 5x faster than their previous system.

Latest news:

Recursion ($RXRX)

Has developed an impressive artificial intelligence system called BioHive-2, which is powered by NVIDIA AI.  

 This supercomputer is specifically designed to accelerate drug discovery in the field of biology.


Let me share some details about it:

  1. BioHive-2: Recursion’s BioHive-2 is the largest system in the pharmaceutical industry. It’s located at Recursion’s headquarters in Salt Lake City.

    This supercomputer ranks No. 35 on the latest TOP500 list of the world’s fastest supercomputers. 

  2. It’s a significant improvement over its predecessor, BioHive-1, and delivers an impressive 2 exaflops of AI performance1.

  3. AI in Drug Discovery: Recursion uses AI models on BioHive-2 to accelerate drug discovery. The field of biology is incredibly complex, and finding new drug candidates often involves years of wet-lab experiments.

    Recursion’s scientists can now run over 2 million experiments per week

  4. With AI assistance, they can focus on the most promising areas, significantly reducing the need for extensive wet lab work. The goal is to achieve 80% of the value with only 40% of the experiments, thanks to AI-guided decision-making.

  5. Massive Biological Dataset: Recursion collaborates with biopharma companies like Bayer AG, Roche, and Genentech. Over time, they’ve built a 50-petabyte database containing biological, chemical, and patient data. 

  6. This vast dataset fuels powerful AI models that accelerate drug discovery. In fact, Recursion believes it’s one of the largest biological datasets globally, intentionally spanning both biology and chemistry.

  7. Phenom Models: Using BioHive-1, Recursion developed a family of foundation models called Phenom. These models transform microscopic cellular images into meaningful representations for understanding underlying biology. 

  8. Phenom-Beta, a member of this family, is now available as a cloud API and the first third-party model on NVIDIA BioNeMo, a generative AI platform for drug discovery1.

In summary, Recursion’s AI-driven approach is revolutionizing drug discovery by leveraging massive datasets, powerful AI models, and BioHive-2’s computational prowess. 

Their work has the potential to transform our understanding of biology and improve patients’ lives through better drug treatments

Disclosure: we are long $RXRX

"The rapid and complete resolution of aggressive MSS colorectal cancer tumors observed in this study is unprecedented in the field" says the author Dr. Kasi

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Human body is highly "Adaptive" in fighting desease, and these two companies are developing technology right now to help that system fight Cancer!

 Let’s compare Adaptive BioTechnologies and Agenus Inc. in terms of how they utilize the adaptive immune system to combat cancer:

  1. Adaptive BioTechnologies:

  2. Agenus Inc.:

In summary, both companies leverage the adaptive immune system through innovative approaches to combat cancer, with Adaptive BioTechnologies focusing on immunosequencing and Agenus developing next-generation antibodies like botensilimab. 

Keep in mind that their specific strategies may vary based on their respective pipelines and collaborations.

These two small cap companies can be found on the Nasdaq under the symbols


From the "American College of Surgeons" report!

Friday, May 10, 2024

Can two small caps become the kings of synthetic biology? Only time will tell!

 Both Twist Biosciences and Ginkgo Bioworks are prominent players 

in the field of  Synthetic biology, but they have different focuses and strengths.

Let’s take a closer look at each company: Twist Biosciences: Core Focus: Twist Biosciences specializes in high-quality synthetic DNA production using its Silicon Platform. They offer custom DNA synthesis services to researchers, biotech companies, and other organizations. Technology: Their Silicon Based DNA synthesis platform allows for efficient and precise DNA manufacturing. Applications: Twist’s DNA products are used in various applications, including Gene Editing, vaccine development, Drug discovery, and more. Collaboration with Ginkgo: Twist has a collaboration with Ginkgo Bioworks, which includes a four-year supply agreement. Ginkgo purchases products from Twist, allowing them to test proteins and develop diverse solutions across multiple industries. Recent Deal: In 2022, Twist agreed to supply at least 100 million base pairs of synthetic DNA to Ginkgo over a one-year period for engineering prototype organisms. Ginkgo Bioworks: Core Focus: Ginkgo is a horizontal platform for cell programming. They aim to make programming cells as easy as programming computers. Technology: Ginkgo’s platform enables biotechnology applications across various markets, including food, agriculture, industrial chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. Applications: Ginkgo focuses on organism design and engineering, optimization, and other synthetic biology services. Collaboration with Twist: Ginkgo collaborates with Twist to secure high volumes of DNA. They have ordered approximately one billion base pairs of synthetic DNA from Twist over the past four years for various programs. Expansion Plans: Ginkgo’s collaboration with Twist aims to fuel their expansion plans in the synthetic biology field. In summary, both companies contribute significantly to the synthetic biology ecosystem, but their expertise lies in different areas.
Twist excels in DNA synthesis, while Ginkgo focuses on cell programming and organism engineering.
The collaboration between these two organizations demonstrates their commitment to advancing the field of synthetic biology.

Foot notes:

Most recently Googles "Deep Mind" Ai has been used in combination with Synbio, cell programming and gene editing, to further the advancement in cooperation with a number of companies.

With the deep, data set of Alphabet, combined with Deep Mind's cutting edge Ai, and the massive data bank that is the human DNA, medicine and medical disciplines will benefit immensely from what is coming! And, so will human kind!

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Recent advancements in Synthetic Biology or SynBio as Ai Tech begins to move the science forward faster!


Here are five significant advancements in synthetic biology:

CRISPR-Cas9: This powerful genome editing tool allows scientists to make precise changes to DNA sequences in living organisms. It has revolutionized genetic engineering and holds enormous potential for developing new treatments for genetic diseases. DNA Synthesis: Advances in DNA synthesis technology have made it easier and cheaper to create custom DNA sequences. Researchers can now design and assemble synthetic genes more efficiently, enabling innovative applications in fields like medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology.
Directed Evolution:
This technique mimics natural evolution in the lab. By introducing mutations into genes and selecting for desired traits, scientists can engineer proteins with improved properties. Directed evolution has led to the creation of enzymes, antibodies, and other biomolecules with enhanced functions. Synthetic Cells: Researchers have made significant progress in constructing artificial cells from scratch. These synthetic cells can perform specific functions, such as producing biofuels or sensing environmental changes. The field of synthetic cell biology aims to create minimal cells with simplified genomes, shedding light on the fundamental principles of life. Metabolic Engineering: Metabolic pathways within cells determine how they process nutrients and produce energy. Synthetic biologists manipulate these pathways to optimize cellular behavior. For example, they can engineer microbes to produce bio-based chemicals, pharmaceuticals, or biofuels more efficiently. These innovations are driving synthetic biology forward, transforming how we produce food, energy, and medicines while addressing some of society’s most significant challenges
Exciting times lie ahead as this field continues to evolve!

Here are some of the companies leading the charge: