With the use of Ai generated articles from Open Ai, we are focusing on future technology stocks that are publicly traded

Saturday, June 8, 2024

The convergence of robotics, AI, and quantum technology is shaping the future across various industries. Here are some companies at the forefront:


There are many companies now making a charge to combine these technologies!
Here are 7 that should make any list when considering this area as an investment!

  1. Medtronic (MDT): Medtronic’s Hugo robot assists surgeons in robotic surgery, leveraging advanced robotics for better patient outcomes.
  2. Palantir (PLTR): With a 20-year AI headstart, Palantir is positioned to be a winner in the field. Their AI solutions span various applications.
  3. Trimble (TRMB): Partnering with Boston Dynamics, Trimble delivers AI sensing tech to its famous robots, enhancing their capabilities1.
  4. IBM: A leader in quantum computing, IBM has developed the world’s first 127-qubit processor.
  5. Nvidia: Known for increasing productivity in factories and warehouses with Smart Transport Robots.
  6. Alibaba: Deploying smart supply chain solutions to boost efficiency, productivity, and revenue
  7. ZapataAi is a cutting edge start ups that is pushing the boundaries of combining GenerativeAi and Quantum Computing!

These companies are driving innovation and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with AI and robotics. Keep an eye on their developments! 

Pure plays in the race for Quantum Computing technology, IONQ, Quantinuum and D-wave technologies - comparisons!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Zentek Ltd., focuses on nanotechnology-enabled solutions. Here’s what they’re up to:

 Zentek Ltd.

Is a Canada based, Nano Technology company with a focus on making better technology for Healthcare, BioTech, clothing, protection and other markets through it's cutting edge graphene technology that is being patent protected.

Graphene Research and Developmen at Zentek 

Zentek engages in research and development related to graphene and other nanomaterials

  1. ZenGUARD™ Coating:

  2. Collaborative Research Projects:

  3. Viability:

Zentek has filed a provisional patent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office for a novel Graphene-Wrapped Silicon Anode material developed by Prof. Michael Pope and his team at the University of Waterloo.

 This technology aims to improve lithium-ion batteries by upgrading graphite to graphene-wrapped silicon anodes

Remember, investing decisions should consider comprehensive research and professional advice. Zentek’s commitment to breakthroughs in health, safety, and the environment makes it an intriguing player in the field

Disclosure: We have made a small investment recently in this Canadian co which is still in penny stock territory!


"The rapid and complete resolution of aggressive MSS colorectal cancer tumors observed in this study is unprecedented in the field" says the author Dr. Kasi

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Zapata Ai is one of those cutting edge start ups that is pushing the boundaries of combining GenerativeAi and Quantum Computing!

 Zapata AI is a company that specializes in Industrial Generative AI

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Industrial Generative AI:

    • Zapata AI focuses on creating Industrial Generative AI, which is a category of enterprise software. This technology harnesses both language models and numerical models for domain-specific, industrial-scale applications.
    • These solutions are tailored to businesses, helping them make better decisions by automating language tasks and customizing large language models.
    • Some use cases include:
  2. Background:

  3. Platform:

In summary, Zapata AI is at the forefront of revolutionizing how businesses approach complex problems using cutting-edge AI techniques.


ZapataAi's CEO, Christopher Savoie, played a significant role in the development of Apple’s Siri. 

He is the co-inventor of AAOSA, the A.I.-based natural language interface technology used to create Siri

His expertise extends to medicine, biochemistry, and computer science, and he has led big data analytics efforts at Nissan. 

Currently, Christopher is the Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Zapata AI

Zapata has recently partnered with two Quantum Computing companies with first mover advantage in that market.

IONQ and Dwave Quantum.

It will be very interesting to monitor how quickly these companies are able to bring problem solving methods to industry through the use of Quantum AdaptiveAi technology.

(Update, June 26 2024)

Zapata AI recently joined the KT Consortium to assist in transforming chemical engineering processes using generative AI. This collaboration allows Zapata AI to work directly with leading chemical and biochemical manufacturers, utilizing their expertise in generative AI technologies to address complex industrial challenges​.

Said Georgios Kontogeorgis, KY Consortium head and Professor of Chemical and Biochemical engineering at DTU, 

" Zapata's cutting edge advancements in quantum, generative Ai represents a significant leap forward for our industry partners, together we are poised to drive transformative progress and set new standards in the industry"!

Is the buildout of Quantum Generative Ai here or soon to be here?

Friday, May 31, 2024

Why invest in Taiwan Semiconductor Inc? Maybe we should ask Elon Musk!

 Musk's project Apollo is his new baby, and, as everyone well knows, this century's most prolific entrepreneur makes things happen. Early investors know this and are not hesitant to invest in this new Musk project.

  1. Investment Partners:

Elon Musk's companies, including Tesla, have a history of leveraging advanced semiconductor technology for their operations. While Tesla has not publicly detailed every aspect of its supply chain, there are several compelling reasons why Musk's ventures might choose Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) as a supplier of GPUs or other semiconductor components for initiatives like Xai, Tesla, or other related projects:

1. Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

TSMC is renowned for its cutting-edge semiconductor manufacturing processes. They are leaders in producing advanced nodes, such as 7nm, 5nm, and even 3nm technologies, which are critical for the high-performance computing needs of GPUs. This capability would be crucial for Musk's companies, which require powerful and efficient hardware for AI and autonomous driving applications.

2. High Production Quality and Reliability

TSMC has a reputation for high-quality production and reliability. For Tesla's autonomous driving systems or any AI-related work under Xai, having reliable and high-performance GPUs is essential. TSMC's stringent quality control measures ensure that the components meet the rigorous standards required for such applications.

3. Capacity to Meet High Demand

Musk's ventures, particularly Tesla, have significant production demands. TSMC has the capacity to produce large volumes of semiconductors, making them an ideal partner to meet the scaling needs of Musk’s projects. This is crucial for maintaining the production schedules and market supply requirements of Tesla vehicles and other tech products.

4. Innovation and Technology Leadership

TSMC is at the forefront of semiconductor innovation. Partnering with TSMC gives Musk’s companies access to the latest advancements in semiconductor technology. This can provide a competitive edge in developing AI, machine learning, and autonomous systems, which are central to Tesla's and potentially Xai’s business strategies.

5. Strategic Partnerships

TSMC collaborates with a wide range of tech companies, including those that develop GPUs such as NVIDIA and AMD. These collaborations often lead to the development of highly optimized and specialized components. By using TSMC, Musk’s companies could benefit from these synergies and advancements.

6. Economic and Political Considerations

While geopolitical tensions and trade issues are considerations, Taiwan remains a major hub for semiconductor manufacturing. The strategic decision to use TSMC could also be influenced by the current global semiconductor supply chain dynamics and efforts to diversify supply sources.

7. Existing Industry Practices

Many leading technology companies, including Apple, NVIDIA, and AMD, use TSMC for their most advanced semiconductor needs. Following industry best practices, Musk’s ventures would naturally consider TSMC for similar requirements, ensuring they stay on the cutting edge of technology.


While specific details about the supply chain for Xai or Tesla are often not publicly disclosed, the advantages of partnering with TSMC for GPU production or other semiconductor needs are clear. TSMC's advanced manufacturing capabilities, high production quality, capacity to meet high demand, and leadership in semiconductor innovation make it a logical choice for Elon Musk's high-tech ventures and now TSMC is building production facilities in America through the new Chips Act.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Is the buildout of Quantum Generative Ai here or soon to be here?

 D-Wave Quantum Inc. and Zapata AI announced their strategic technical and commercial collaboration on February 8, 2024.  

Zapata is also collaborating with IONQ in this search for the ultimate solution, Quantum Generative Ai!

These multi-year partnerships aim to develop and bring to market commercial applications that combine the power of generative AI and quantum computing technologies

The collaboration will focus on joint technical development and commercial deployment of applications for customers faced with computationally complex problems. 

By leveraging quantum-enabled machine learning algorithms, these applications will harness the capabilities of D-Wave’s quantum technologies, which have been proven to perform coherent quantum annealing with 5,000+ qubits, pushing beyond the boundaries of classical computers

Initially, the collaboration will concentrate on building quantum generative AI models to accelerate the discovery of new molecules. 

Zapata AI gains access to D-Wave’s powerful Advantage™ annealing quantum computing systems, quantum-hybrid solvers, and development resources, which will accelerate commercial application development and provide production access to Zapata’s customers. 

Additionally, the collaboration includes joint go-to-market efforts, with exclusive availability of the commercial applications via a solver hosted in D-Wave’s Leap™ real-time quantum cloud service. 

This partnership represents a significant step toward unlocking previously unattainable value by combining generative AI and quantum computing technologies to tackle complex problems.

QBTS In the news:

Dwave  will be included in the broad-market Russell3000(R) Index , effective at the open of US equity markets on Monday, July 1st, 2024, according to a preliminary list of additions posted on Friday, May 24th, 2024.

Dwave was highlighted this week in the Wall St Journal for it's strides in Quantum Computing and how it is already being used in business through it's many partnerships!

Taylor Swift's team is even using Dwave in their concert lineup! see:

Taylor Swift Concert goes Quantum | by GQuinta | May, 2024 | Medium

Disclosure: We are long Dwave Quantum - QBTS and IONQ and we're adding to both!

D-Wave on X:

"We're 'Enchanted' to hear that GQuinta (via @Medium) was a 'Mastermind' and used D-Wave to create the ultimate @taylorswift13 playlist! Never in our 'Wildest Dreams' did we imagine our #quantum tech used like this! D-Wave + #Swifties = ‘Love Story’! https://t.co/7og11gWjrC $QBTS" / X

Zapata AI and IonQ have also joined forces in a strategic alliance to advance generative AI research

This collaboration builds upon their previous quantum work and focuses specifically on generative AI techniques. Here’s how they’re working together: 

  1. Benchmarking Generative AI Techniques on Quantum Hardware:

  2. Joint Collaboration and Expertise:

  3. Scaling Delivery for Enterprise Customers:

In summary, this collaboration between Zapata AI and IonQ aims to unlock the potential of quantum computing for generative AI, ultimately benefiting businesses and solving complex challengesFor more information, you can visit Zapata AI’s website