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Showing posts with label batteries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label batteries. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2024

Enovix Corp holds over 130 issued patents, covering various aspects of their innovative battery technology.

Enovix Corporation has developed innovative lithium-ion battery technology, particularly focusing on their proprietary 3D Silicon™ Lithium-ion Battery architecture. The company's technology aims to offer higher energy density, improved performance, and faster charging times compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries.

These patents span areas such as battery architecture, manufacturing processes, and material science, which are key to their development of next-generation lithium-ion batteries.

Robustness of Enovix's Patent Portfolio

1. Extensive Patent Filings:

  • Proprietary Technology Protection: Enovix has filed numerous patents to protect its unique battery architecture and manufacturing processes. While I don't have the exact number of patents and applications, the company has emphasized building a strong intellectual property (IP) portfolio as a core part of its business strategy.

  • Global Coverage: The patents are filed not only in the United States but also in other key markets to ensure broad protection of their technology.

2. Key Areas of Patented Innovations:

  • 3D Cell Architecture:

    • Unique Design: Patents cover their innovative 3D cell architecture that increases energy density by stacking electrodes in a three-dimensional configuration.
    • Improved Performance: This design allows for more active material within the same battery volume, enhancing capacity without increasing size.
  • Silicon Anode Technology:

    • High Energy Density: Patents related to the use of silicon in the anode, which offers significantly higher capacity than traditional graphite anodes.
    • Durability Solutions: Innovations addressing the expansion issues of silicon during charging and discharging cycles, improving battery lifespan.
  • Manufacturing Processes:

    • Precision Engineering: Patents on proprietary manufacturing techniques that enable the production of their advanced battery designs at scale.
    • Cost Efficiency: Innovations that reduce production costs, making their technology more competitive in the market.

3. Competitive Edge Provided by Patents:

  • Barrier to Entry:

    • Protection from Competitors: A robust patent portfolio deters competitors from replicating Enovix's technology, preserving their market advantage.
    • Market Exclusivity: Enables Enovix to capitalize on their innovations without immediate competition in identical technologies.
  • Licensing Opportunities:

    • Revenue Streams: Patents allow Enovix to license their technology to other companies, creating additional income.
    • Strategic Partnerships: Intellectual property can be leveraged to form alliances with manufacturers and suppliers.
  • Investor Confidence:

    • Attracting Investment: A strong IP portfolio signals to investors that the company has valuable, protected assets, potentially leading to increased funding.
    • Market Valuation: Patents contribute to the overall valuation of the company, which can positively affect stock performance.


Enovix appears to have a robust portfolio of patents and patent applications, which likely gives it a competitive edge in the advanced battery market. The company's focus on protecting its technological innovations through patents can:

  • Secure Market Position: Prevent competitors from easily copying their technology.
  • Enhance Profitability: Allow for premium pricing and licensing deals.
  • Drive Growth: Support expansion into new markets and applications.

Recommendations for Further Information

To obtain the most current and detailed information about Enovix's patent portfolio:

  • Company's Investor Relations:

  • Patent Databases:

    • Search the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database using "Enovix" as the assignee name to find published patents and applications.
    • Use international patent databases like the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for global filings.
  • Financial Reports:

    • Review Enovix's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), such as Form 10-K or 10-Q, where they typically discuss their intellectual property strategy and portfolio.
  • Analyst Reports:

    • Consult recent analyst coverage for professional assessments of how Enovix's patents impact their market position.


Please note that my information is based on data available up to October 2023. There may have been new developments regarding Enovix's patent portfolio after that date. Always refer to the most recent sources for the latest information.

We bought Enovix today ($ENVX on Nasdaq) and here are some reasons why!

Monday, September 2, 2024

QuantumScape Corporation is a pioneering company in the energy storage sector, focusing on the development and commercialization of solid-state lithium-metal batteries!


QuantumScape ($QS on Nasdaq) 

QS's next-generation batteries promise to revolutionize the electric vehicle (EV) industry by offering several key advantages over traditional lithium-ion batteries, including higher energy density, faster charging times, enhanced safety, and a more sustainable lifecycle.

Key Investment Highlights:

  1. Innovative Technology: QuantumScape's solid-state batteries use a unique ceramic separator and an anode-free design, which addresses many of the limitations of current lithium-ion technology. These innovations enable higher energy density and faster charging, which are critical for the widespread adoption of electric vehicles.

  2. Strategic Partnerships: The company has a significant partnership with Volkswagen Group's battery subsidiary, PowerCo. This collaboration is focused on scaling up the production of QuantumScape's batteries, with the potential to reach up to 80 GWh per year, which could power approximately one million vehicles annually. This partnership provides QuantumScape with a strong path to commercialization and market penetration​(Metal Tech News).

  3. Strong Financial Position: As of the second quarter of 2024, QuantumScape holds approximately $900 million in cash and cash equivalents. This robust cash position allows the company to continue its extensive research and development efforts, which are crucial as it moves towards commercial production​(QuantumScape).

  4. Milestones and Progress: QuantumScape has made significant progress in its technology development, recently shipping its Alpha-2 prototype cells to automotive customers. These prototypes serve as a bridge to the company's planned QSE-5 cells, which are expected to be commercialized in the near future. The company is on track to begin high-volume production by 2025​(QuantumScape,Electrek).

  5. Market Potential: The global transition to electric vehicles is a massive growth opportunity. As the EV market expands, the demand for better, more efficient battery technology will surge.

  6.  QuantumScape's solid-state batteries are positioned to meet this demand, potentially capturing a significant share of the market.

Investment Risks:

  • Technology and Production Risks: While QuantumScape has made significant strides, transitioning from prototype to mass production of solid-state batteries involves complex challenges, including manufacturing scale-up and quality control. The success of these efforts will be critical to the company's future.

  • Commercialization Timeline: QuantumScape's technology is still in the development phase, with full-scale commercial production expected to begin in 2025. Investors need to consider the potential delays and challenges that could arise during this period.

QuantumScape represents a high-risk, high-reward opportunity, with the potential to become a key player in the future of energy storage and electric vehicles. Investors should weigh the company's innovative technology and strong partnerships against the inherent risks of bringing a new technology to market.


QuantumScape has recently achieved several significant milestones as it advances toward the commercialization of its solid-state lithium-metal battery technology. The company has started shipping its Alpha-2 prototype cells to automotive customers. These Alpha-2 cells represent a crucial step in QuantumScape's development process, bridging the gap between its earlier prototypes and the upcoming QSE-5 cells, which are expected to be commercially available later this year. These cells have demonstrated improvements in energy and power density, which are critical for their future application in electric vehicles (EVs)​(QuantumScape,Electrek).

Moreover, QuantumScape has entered into a landmark agreement with Volkswagen's battery subsidiary, PowerCo, to scale up the production of these solid-state batteries. This partnership aims to ramp up production to potentially 80 GWh per year, enough to power around one million vehicles annually. This collaboration is expected to accelerate the industrialization and global adoption of QuantumScape's technology, which is considered pivotal in overcoming the limitations of traditional lithium-ion batteries, such as safety concerns and energy density​(Metal Tech News).

Overall, QuantumScape is making significant strides in both technology development and strategic partnerships, positioning itself as a key player in the future of EV battery technology.


As of the second quarter of 2024, QuantumScape's financials reflect its ongoing efforts to advance its solid-state battery technology towards commercialization. Here are some key points from their recent financial report:

  1. Revenue: QuantumScape did not report significant revenue for Q2 2024, as the company is still in the pre-commercialization phase of its technology. The primary focus remains on research, development, and prototype production.

  2. Expenses: The company continues to invest heavily in R&D, which constitutes the majority of its expenses. QuantumScape reported R&D expenses of approximately $76 million for the second quarter. This increase is in line with the company's efforts to advance its solid-state battery technology and scale up production capabilities​(QuantumScape).

  3. Net Loss: QuantumScape reported a net loss of around $118 million for Q2 2024, which is typical for a company in this stage of development. This loss is primarily driven by high R&D costs and the lack of revenue from commercial sales​(QuantumScape).

  4. Cash Position: As of the end of the second quarter, QuantumScape had a strong cash position, with approximately $900 million in cash and cash equivalents. This financial cushion is crucial as the company continues to fund its R&D activities and scale up its manufacturing capabilities​(QuantumScape).

  5. Outlook: QuantumScape's financial outlook remains focused on the future commercialization of its solid-state batteries. The company is working towards achieving key milestones in product development and expects to ramp up production by 2025.

This is a company deeply invested in its technology development, with significant resources allocated to R&D and prototype scaling. While it currently operates at a loss, its substantial cash reserves provide a buffer as it works towards commercial viability in late 2024 with it's new QSE 5 cell technology.

We bought Battery manufacturer, Enovix today ($ENVX on Nasdaq) and here some reasons why!

Monday, August 26, 2024

We bought Enovix today ($ENVX on Nasdaq) and here some reasons why!

 Enovix has developed a new battery technology, specifically a 3D Silicon Lithium-ion battery. This technology differs from traditional lithium-ion batteries by utilizing a 3D architecture with a silicon anode, which allows for higher energy density, improved safety, and longer battery life. 

The company's innovative approach enables more efficient use of space within the battery, potentially leading to smaller, lighter, and more powerful batteries.

Impact on the Battery Market:

  1. Higher Energy Density: Enovix's technology could significantly increase the energy density of batteries, making them more suitable for high-demand applications like electric vehicles (EVs), consumer electronics, and wearable devices. This could lead to longer-lasting batteries with faster charging times.

  2. Improved Safety: The silicon anode design inherently improves battery safety by reducing the risk of overheating and thermal runaway, which are common concerns with traditional lithium-ion batteries. This could make Enovix's batteries more attractive for use in applications where safety is critical, such as aerospace or medical devices.

  3. Market Disruption: If Enovix can scale its production and reduce costs, its technology could disrupt the existing battery market by challenging incumbent technologies and pushing other companies to innovate. This could lead to more competition, potentially driving down prices and accelerating advancements in battery technology.

  4. Environmental Impact: By increasing the efficiency and lifespan of batteries, Enovix's technology could contribute to a reduction in battery waste and the environmental footprint of battery production and disposal.

Overall, Enovix's new battery technology has the potential to impact various sectors by providing more efficient, safer, and longer-lasting energy storage solutions, potentially reshaping the competitive landscape of the battery industry.

The impact of Enovix's new battery technology on its share price could be influenced by several factors:

  1. Market Adoption and Demand: If Enovix's technology gains traction in high-growth sectors such as electric vehicles, consumer electronics, or energy storage, this could drive significant demand for its products. Successful commercial adoption could lead to increased revenue and profitability, positively impacting the stock price.

  2. Partnerships and Contracts: Securing strategic partnerships with major players in industries like automotive, electronics, or energy could boost investor confidence and lead to an appreciation in the stock price. Announcements of large contracts or collaborations could serve as catalysts for upward movement.

  3. Production Scaling and Cost Management: The ability to scale production efficiently and manage costs will be critical. If Enovix can demonstrate that it can manufacture its batteries at a competitive cost while maintaining high quality, this would likely attract more investors, positively affecting the stock price.

  4. Technological Validation: Positive results from testing and validation of the technology, especially if independently verified or endorsed by industry leaders, could lead to a surge in investor interest and a corresponding rise in the stock price.

  5. Market Sentiment and Speculation: Investor sentiment plays a significant role in stock price movements. If the market perceives Enovix as a leader in next-generation battery technology, speculation and future growth potential could drive the stock price higher. Conversely, any delays, technical setbacks, or market skepticism could negatively impact the stock.

  6. Broader Market Conditions: The stock price of Enovix will also be influenced by broader market conditions, including economic trends, investor appetite for growth stocks, and sector-specific dynamics in the technology and energy markets.

Enovix has formed several strategic partnerships and collaborations that leverage its innovative battery technology. While some of these partnerships are well-publicized, others may be more speculative or emerging as the technology gains traction.

Companies that have Partnered with Enovix:

  1. YBS International: Enovix has partnered with YBS International to develop and scale the production of its batteries. YBS International is known for its expertise in manufacturing and quality control, which is critical for scaling up production of new battery technologies.

  2. Brigade Electronics: Brigade, a global leader in safety products and solutions for vehicles, has collaborated with Enovix to explore the use of their advanced batteries in next-generation safety devices for the automotive industry.

  3. Rogers Corporation: Enovix has also partnered with Rogers Corporation, a materials technology company, to optimize materials used in its 3D Silicon Lithium-ion batteries, enhancing performance and manufacturability.

Companies that Might Benefit Most from Enovix's Technology:

  1. Tesla and Other EV Manufacturers: The electric vehicle industry could greatly benefit from Enovix's high-energy-density batteries. Companies like Tesla, Rivian, Lucid Motors, and traditional automakers transitioning to EVs could see performance and range improvements, making their vehicles more competitive.

  2. Apple and Consumer Electronics Companies: Companies in the consumer electronics space, such as Apple, Samsung, and others, could benefit from Enovix's batteries in smartphones, wearables, and laptops, offering longer battery life and faster charging times.

  3. Energy Storage Companies: Companies focused on renewable energy storage, such as NextEra Energy and Tesla (with its Powerwall), might find Enovix's technology useful for developing more efficient and compact energy storage solutions, which are crucial for the integration of renewable energy sources.

  4. Medical Device Manufacturers: Companies like Medtronic and Boston Scientific, which develop portable or implantable medical devices, could use Enovix's batteries to extend the life and reliability of their products, improving patient outcomes.

  5. Aerospace and Defense: Aerospace and defense companies such as Lockheed Martin and Boeing could benefit from the improved safety and energy density of Enovix’s batteries, which could be used in various applications, including drones, satellites, and other advanced systems.

Potential Future Partnerships:

Enovix's technology could attract partnerships with major players in these industries as they seek to integrate more advanced, reliable, and efficient energy solutions into their products. If Enovix can demonstrate the scalability and cost-effectiveness of its batteries, it's likely to see increased interest from a broad range of industries, further enhancing its market position and driving value for its partners.

If Enovix's technology proves to be a game-changer, its stock price could experience significant appreciation as investors position themselves for potential long-term growth. However, it's also essential to consider the risks and volatility associated with emerging technology companies.

Editor notes:

500 years ago, Voltaire said that, "the rich require many of the poor"!

If he were alive today he might say, "the rich require many robots"

It goes without saying that, "Robots require many batteries"

QuantumScape Corporation is a pioneering company in the energy storage sector, focusing on the development and commercialization of solid-state lithium-metal batteries!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Lomiko Metals drilling for more Graphite in Quebec

Drill Permit Issued for Lomiko's La Loutre Crystalline Flake Graphite Property in Quebec 
 by Marketwire

Lomiko Metals Inc. ("Lomiko") (TSX VENTURE: LMR)(PINKSHEETS: LMRMF)(FRANKFURT: DH8B) and Canada Strategic Metals Inc. ("Strategic Metals" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE: CJC)(FRANKFURT: YXEN)(OTCBB: CJCFF) are very pleased to announce that a drilling permit for the La Loutre Crystalline Flake Graphite Property has been issued which allows for up to 29 drill holes. On September 23, 2014 Lomiko optioned 40% interest in the La Loutre Crystalline Flake Graphite Property located in Quebec last month. A full set of results was reported in that news release.

The goal of the exploration program is to identify high-grade, near-surface graphite mineralization suitable for conversion to battery-grade graphite. The graphite industry could see exponential growth based on new demand for lithium-ion batteries, which use 10 to 15 times as much graphite as lithium.
Telsa Motor Cars and Panasonic announced a new Lithium-ion Giga-factory in Nevada which is estimated to double the yearly supply of Li-ion batteries by 2020. Currently, synthetic graphite with consistent carbon purity of 99% or more is used in Li-ion batteries. This effects the graphite market in two ways. One, the price of synthetic graphite is likely to increase based on increased demand for all graphite products. Two, if a natural, cost-effective source of consistently high carbon purity graphite is derived from a property, groups such as Telsa could use the material directly in their batteries.

Of particular interest to Lomiko was an area of the property which reported grab samples up to 22.04% Carbon Flake Graphite (CFG) and Carbon Purity Test results reporting up to 100.00% Carbon Purity in the Large and Extra Large Flake Graphite. 

Graphite grab sample assay results derived from a recent sampling and mapping program on the has confirmed a graphite bearing structure covering an area approximately 7 kilometers by 1 kilometer with results of up to 22.04% graphite in multiple parallel zones of 30-50 meters wide. Another area has also been identified covering approximately 2 kilometers by 1 kilometer in multiple parallel zones of 20-50 meters wide which includes results up to 18% graphite. Grab samples are selective by nature and are unlikely to represent the average grade of a deposit. The drilling program is designed to test these areas.

Jean-Sebastien Lavallee (OGQ #773), geologist, a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical content of this release.

On Behalf of the Board
A. Paul Gill, Chief Executive Officer
We seek safe harbor. Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Lomiko Metals Inc.
A. Paul Gill
Chief Executive Officer

SOURCE: Lomiko Metals Inc.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Focus Graphite Announces R&D Agreement Between Grafoid Inc. and Hydro-Quebec's IREQ for Next Generation LFP-Graphene Batteries

20 hours ago by Marketwire Focus Graphite Inc (TSX VENTURE: FMS)(OTCQX: FCSMF)(FRANKFURT: FKC) is pleased to announce that Grafoid Inc. - in which Focus Graphite holds a 40% ownership stake - has executed a three-year research and development agreement with Hydro-Quebec's Research Institute for the development of next generation rechargeable batteries using graphene with lithium iron phosphate materials.

Focus Graphite President and CEO Gary Economo, who holds the same position with Grafoid, announced the signing of the joint R&D agreement with Dr. Karim Zaghib, Director Storage and Conversion of Energy at Hydro-Quebec's research and development division, l'Institut de recherche d'Hydro-Quebec (IREQ).
The 50-50 collaborative agreement sets out terms with the objective of creating patentable inventions by combining graphene, supplied by Grafoid, with Hydro-Quebec's patented lithium iron phosphate technologies.

Two key, specific commercial target markets - the rechargeable automobile battery sectors and batteries for mobile electronic devices used in smartphones, computing tablets and laptop computers - were identified in the agreement. 

Hydro-Quebec will study Grafoid's graphene conductivity, electrochemical performance and its effects in electrode formulations, electrolyte and separator optimizations. Detailed characterizations of Grafoid's supplied materials will be undertaken at IREQ's cutting edge facilities using its advanced electron microscopy, spectrographic and other in-house technologies.

Hydro-Quebec will also supply lithium iron phosphate materials and its electrochemistry know how which it acquired under license from famed American inventor Dr. John Goodenough.

Grafoid, in addition to providing graphene materials, brings knowledge acquired during its own development of functionalized graphene and its experience in proving graphene's economic scalability.

"This agreement is noteworthy for numerous reasons," said Mr. Economo.

"This is our first major graphene collaboration with a Quebec and a Canadian global giant in renewable energy research and development. And the source of our graphene is Focus Graphite's Lac Knife, Quebec technology graphite deposit.

"Commercially, and ultimately, our technology development partnership with Hydro-Quebec aims to produce high capacity, LFP-graphene batteries with ultra short charging times and longer recyclable lifetimes," Mr. Economo said. 

He said the parties chose to focus their collaboration on LFP-graphene batteries and materials because of their short-term-to-market potential.

About Focus Graphite
Focus Graphite Inc. is an emerging mid-tier junior mining development company, a technology solutions supplier and a business innovator. Focus is the owner of the Lac Knife graphite deposit located in the Cote-Nord region of northeastern Quebec. The Lac Knife project hosts a NI 43-101 compliant Measured and Indicated mineral resource of 4.972 Mt grading 15.7% carbon as crystalline graphite with an additional Inferred mineral resource of 3.000 Mt grading 15.6% crystalline graphite Focus' goal is to assume an industry leadership position by becoming a low-cost producer of technology-grade graphite. On October 29th, 2012 the Company released the results of a Preliminary Economic Analysis ("PEA") of the Lac Knife project which demonstrates that the project has robust economics and excellent potential to become a profitable producer of graphite. As a technology-oriented enterprise with a view to building long-term, sustainable shareholder value, Focus Graphite is also investing in the development of graphene applications and patents through Grafoid Inc.

About Grafoid Inc.
Grafoid, Inc. is a privately held Canadian corporation investing in graphene applications and economically scalable production processes for graphene and graphene derivatives from raw, unprocessed, graphite ore. Focus Graphite Inc., holds a 40% interest in Grafoid Inc.
About IREQ
Hydro-Quebec's research institute, IREQ, is a global leader in the development of advanced materials for battery manufacturing and creates leading edge processes from its state of the art facilities. IREQ holds more than 100 patent rights and has issued over 40 licenses for battery materials to some of the world's most successful battery manufacturers and materials suppliers. Its areas of expertise include energy storage and IREQ is a lead partner with private sector companies in Quebec to build EV and HEV charging stations in support of its technology developments. Its material development contributions are helping to develop safe, high-performance lithium ion batteries that can be charged more quickly and a greater number of times. IREQ promotes open innovation and partners with private firms, universities, government agencies and research centers in Quebec and abroad. Its partnerships allow IREQ to develop, industrialize and market technologies resulting from those innovation projects.
About Hydro-Quebec
Hydro-Quebec is Canada's largest electricity producer among the world's largest hydroelectric power producers and a public utility that generates, transmits and distributes electricity. Its sole shareholder is the Quebec government. It primarily exploits renewable generating options, in particular hydropower, and supports the development of wind energy through purchases from independent power producers. Its research institute, IREQ, conducts R&D in energy efficiency, energy storage and other energy-related fields. Hydro-Quebec invests more than $100 million per year in research.
Focus Graphite Inc.
Mr. Gary Economo
President and CEO
613-691-1091 ext. 101

SOURCE: Focus Graphite Inc.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Potash will be a valuable by-product of Rodinia Lithium's operation at Diabillos.

Rodinia Lithium Successfully Harvests Sylvinite On Site At Diablillos
Toronto, Canada, May 14, 2012: Rodinia Lithium Inc. (“Rodinia” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: RM; OTCQX: RDNAF) is pleased to report that sylvinite has been successfully produced and harvested at the Company’s 100% owned Diablillos lithium-potash brine project (“Project” or “Salar” or “Diablillos”) in Salta, Argentina.   Sylvinite, a potash and sodium chloride salt, has been harvested during operation of the pilot engineering program being conducted on site.  The results of the brine geochemical development during this pilot cycle was within the Company’s expectations and offers significant confirmation of the initial portion of the metallurgical process described in the Company’s Preliminary Economic Assessment conducted on Diablillos dated December 22, 2011 and filed on the SEDAR profile of the Company at www.sedar.com (the “PEA”).
William Randall, Rodinia’s President & CEO, commented, “Having harvested sylvinite during the regular operation of our pilot engineering program is a major milestone for the Company.  We remain confident that these results confirm our ability to produce potash from Diablillos using conventional methods employed by other major brine producers in South and North America.  This asset continues to meet our targeted milestones as we advance towards feasibility and production.”
This initial result from the pilot engineering program is from the first series of solar evaporation tests at ambient conditions of the Salar.  The evaporation was started May 2011 and concluded in April 2012.  The first series is one of five evaporation tests in progress.  Each test in pools and pans were started at different times of the year to see the effect of weather on the evaporation cycle chemistry.  The resultant brine from these evaporation tests will subsequently be processed for recovery of boron and lithium products.
The process engineering department continues to monitor the evolution of both the pools and pans installed on site at approximately 4050 metres above sea level.  As announced previously, a first stage of magnesium and sulphate removal has been completed, followed by successful removal of sylvinite in the ensuing step, confirming that potash is going to be a valuable by-product of an eventual lithium carbonate production facility.

Rodinia Lithium Inc. is a Canadian mineral exploration and development company with a primary focus on Lithium exploration and development in North and South America.  The Company is also actively exploring the commercialization of a significant Potash co-product that is expected to be recoverable through the lithium harvesting process.
Rodinia’s Salar de Diablillos lithium-brine project in Salta, Argentina, contains a recoverable resource of 2.82 million tonnes lithium carbonate equivalent and 11.27 million tonnes potassium chloride equivalent.  The project contains a recoverable inferred resource of 952,553,000 m3 grading 556 mg/L lithium and 6,206 mg/L potassium. Throughout 2011, Rodinia will focus on continuing to develop the Diablillos project by completing additional drilling and advancing through scoping study.
The Company also holds 100% mineral rights to approximately 70,000 acres in Nevada’s lithium-rich Clayton Valley in Esmeralda County, and is currently in the process of assessing the size, quality and processing alternatives of this deposit.  The Clayton Valley project is located in the only known lithium-brine bearing salt lake in North America, and looks to represent the only new source for domestic lithium carbonate supply.
The Projects are supervised by Ray Spanjers, Rodinia’s Manager of Exploration. Mr. Spanjers is considered a Qualified Person, as defined by National Instrument 43‐101 and has read and approved the scientific and technical information contained in this release.
Readers are cautioned that the PEA is preliminary in nature and is partly based on inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves. There is no certainty that the PEA based on these mineral resources will be realized. The results depend on inputs that are subject to a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those presented here.

Please visit the Company’s web site at www.rodinialithium.com or write us at info@rodinialithium.com
For further information please contact
Investor Cubed Inc.                                                                                       
Investor Relations                                                                                         
Tel: +1 (647) 258-3311                                                                                   
Aaron Wolfe
Vice-President, Corporate Development
Tel: +1 (416) 309-2696
Cautionary Notes
Except for statements of historical fact contained herein, the information in this press release constitutes “forward-looking information” within the meaning of Canadian securities law. Such forward-looking information may be identified by words such as “plans”, “proposes”, “estimates”, “intends”, “expects”, “believes”, “may”, “will” and include without limitation, statements regarding the anticipated timing with respect to the development of the property; the results of the pilot engineering program;  the potential of the Diablillos property; the potential results and timetable for further exploration with respect to the Clayton Valley project and the Diablillos property, the timetable with respect to future acquisitions and exploration developments at Clayton Valley and Diablillos, timetable for further exploration, analysis and development, title disputes or claims; and governmental approvals and regulation. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from such statements.  Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, among others, metal prices, competition, financing risks, acquisition risks, risks inherent in the mining industry, and regulatory risks. Most of these factors are outside the control of the Company. Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking information. Except as otherwise required by applicable securities statutes or regulation, the Company expressly disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Portable Battery-Powered Market at $611 Billion by 2016 - Market Reseach

SOURCE: MarketResearch.com
January 06, 2012 07:08 ET

ROCKVILLE, MD--(Marketwire - Jan 6, 2012) - MarketResearch.com has announced the addition of the new report "Portable Battery Powered Products: Global Markets" to their collection of Energy market reports. For more information, visit http://www.marketresearch.com/BCC-Research-v374/Portable-Battery-Powered-Products-Global-6727715/

neon batteryImage by jimmiehomeschoolmom via FlickrThe market for portable, battery-powered products has grown from a few well-established niches such as flashlights and wristwatches to a diverse, rapidly growing market that encompasses computing, communications, entertainment, photographic, and publishing products; a variety of cordless tools; and entirely new classes of military and medical products. This diversity has been accomplished because of a unique synergy between the products themselves, the batteries they employ, and the battery chargers and power-management systems that recharge the batteries.

More than $423 billion worth of portable battery-powered products were sold in 2010, up from $410 billion sold in 2006. The market reached an estimated $479.6 billion by the end of 2011, and will reach more than $611 billion by 2016, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5%.

Several entirely new classes of batteries have been commercialized during the past 25 years, including nickel-metal hydride, zinc-air, lithium polymer, and the widely used lithium-ion design. Meanwhile, improved microelectronic battery charger controller technology allows the commercialization of higher-performance, smaller, and safer designs. This, in turn, has allowed for the commercialization of portable products that would be impossible without improved battery chargers, notably portable computers, cell phones, digital cameras, multi-functional touch-screen devices, and cordless hand tools. At the same time, competitively priced non-rechargeable primary batteries remain established power sources for many kinds of portable products.
As this synergy continues to develop, there are areas in which the portable product, battery, and battery charger industries could experience the explosive growth usually associated with emerging industries.
The communication/multi-functional segment accounts for roughly 30% of the total portable battery-powered product market. This segment is estimated to have reached nearly $141 billion in 2011 and will grow to $181.5 billion by 2016 at a CAGR of 5.2%.

Computers are the second largest market segment with a 28% share. BCC forecasted this market segment would reach $133 billion by the end of 2011 and reach nearly $189 billion by 2016 at a CAGR of 7.2%.
For more information, visit http://www.marketresearch.com/BCC-Research-v374/Portable-Battery-Powered-Products-Global-6727715/

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MarketResearch.com is the leading provider of global market intelligence products and services. With over 300,000 research reports from more than 700 top consulting and advisory firms, MarketResearch.com offers instant online access to the world's most extensive database of expert insights on global industries, companies, products, and trends. For more information, call Veronica Franco at 240-747-3016 or visit www.MarketResearch.com.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rodinia Lithium Confirms Brine Grade and Quality at Diabillos lithium property

Rodinia Lithium Inc.Rodinia Lithium Inc.


September 20, 2011 07:30 ET

 Diamond Drill Results

- Granulometry Determines Greater Than 90% Sand and Gravel in Diablillos Aquifers
- Bailer Tests Confirm Reverse Circulation Brine Sample Results, Increasing Confidence in Grade and Quality of Resource
- Basement Depths Reached, Fractured Basement Increasing Possible Resource Area
- First Pump Test Completed

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Sept. 20, 2011) - Rodinia Lithium Inc. ("Rodinia" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:RM)(OTCQX:RDNAF) is pleased to provide an update on progress at its Salar de Diablillos Project ("Diablillos" or "Salar") located in Salta Province, Argentina. Diamond drilling on the Salar is ongoing, having completed six drill holes for a total of 1,008 vertical metres. Drilling consistently encountered sand and gravel dominant lithologies, with recoveries varying between 10% and 100%. Sections with high recovery were sent for granulometric analysis with results varying between 85% and 95% fine sand or greater diameter grain size.

During diamond drilling, brine was sampled using bailer tests, where one and one-half times the volume was removed before collecting the sample. D-DD-01 intersected 150 metres grading 521 mg/l lithium ("Li"), 5,254 mg/l potassium ("K"), 660 mg/l boron ("B"). This hole was drilled in the northeastern portion of the Salar where intersections consistent with the one observed in D-DD-01 are expected. Fractured basement was encountered from 189 metres to the end of hole. The fractured basement was saturated with lithium brine averaging 557 mg/l lithium.

William Randall, President & CEO of Rodinia, commented "Confirming the positive properties of the acquifers, from brine quality and grade to favourable lithologies, is an important step in increasing certainty and de-risking the project. We have now drilled and sampled the deposit with various different methodologies and have found consistent and positive results throughout. In addition, we have now completed our first pump test with final results expected shortly."

D-DD-02 encountered heavy artesian conditions limiting brine sampling to irregular intervals. However, all values collected between 42 metres and 156 metres depth averaged 510 mg/l Li. This hole was drilled in close proximity to D-RC-16, which also encountered heavy artesian conditions with brine values averaging 575 mg/l between 42 metres and 102 metres (for additional information please refer to press release dated January 13, 2011).

This is also the location of the first pump test which was successfully completed last week. Final reports on the pump test results are expected shortly and will be released accordingly.

The Project is supervised by Ray Spanjers, Rodinia's Manager of Exploration. Mr. Spanjers is considered a qualified person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101, and has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information in this release. According to the Company's sampling protocol, sample size is to exceed 500 millilitres and be stored in clean, secure containers for transportation. The prepared samples are then forwarded to the ALS Laboratory Group, Environmental Division, in Fort Collins, Co (USA) for analysis. A rigorous QA/QC program is implemented consisting of regular insertion of standards and blanks to ensure laboratory integrity.

About Rodinia Lithium Inc.:
Rodinia Lithium Inc. is a Canadian mineral exploration and development company with a primary focus on Lithium exploration and development in North and South America. The Company is also actively exploring the commercialization of a significant Potash co-product that is expected to be recoverable through the lithium harvesting process.

Rodinia's Salar de Diablillos lithium-brine project in Salta, Argentina, contains a recoverable resource of 2.82 million tonnes lithium carbonate equivalent and 11.27 million tonnes potassium chloride equivalent.

The project contains a recoverable inferred resource of 952,553,000 m3 grading 556 mg/L lithium and 6,206 mg/L potassium. Throughout 2011, Rodinia will focus on continuing to develop the Diablillos project by completing additional drilling and advancing through scoping study.

The Company also holds 100% mineral rights to approximately 70,000 acres in Nevada's lithium-rich Clayton Valley in Esmeralda County, and is currently in the process of assessing the size, quality and processing alternatives of this deposit. The Clayton Valley project is located in the only known lithium-brine bearing salt lake in North America, and looks to represent the only new source for domestic lithium carbonate supply.
The Projects are supervised by Ray Spanjers, Rodinia's Manager of Exploration. Mr. Spanjers is considered a Qualified Person, as defined by National Instrument 43‐101.

Please visit the Company's web site at www.rodinialithium.com or write us at info@rodinialithium.com.
Cautionary Notes
Except for statements of historical fact contained herein, the information in this press release constitutes "forward-looking information" within the meaning of Canadian securities law. Such forward-looking information may be identified by words such as "plans", "proposes", "estimates", "intends", "expects", "believes", "may", "will" and include without limitation, statements regarding the impact of the drill program at the Diablillos property and results of such drill program; the potential of the Diablillos property and Clayton Valley project; anticipated timing with respect to the completion of a preliminary economic assessment, the potential results and timetable for further exploration with respect to the Clayton Valley project and the Diablillos property, the timetable with respect to future acquisitions and exploration developments at Clayton Valley and Diablillos, timetable for further exploration, analysis and development, title disputes or claims; and governmental approvals and regulation. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from such statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, among others, metal prices, competition, financing risks, acquisition risks, risks inherent in the mining industry, and regulatory risks. Most of these factors are outside the control of the Company. Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking information. Except as otherwise required by applicable securities statutes or regulation, the Company expressly disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Contact Information

Investor Cubed Inc.
Investor Relations
+1 (647) 258-3311

Rodinia Lithium Inc.
Aaron Wolfe
Vice-President, Corporate Development
+1 (416) 309-2696
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Friday, September 2, 2011

Talison Lithium to Report Fiscal Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2011 Financial Results on September 12

September 02, 2011 08:13 ET

Conference Call at 9:00 a.m. EST -

(Marketwire - Sept. 2, 2011)

  Talison Lithium Limited (TSX:TLH) announced today that it will release financial results for the fiscal fourth quarter and full year 2011 before the market open on Monday, September 12, 2011. An investor conference call will be held at 9:00 a.m. EST. Peter Oliver, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, and Lorry Mignacca, Chief Financial Officer, will host the call.

Investors in North America interested in participating in the live call should dial +1 (800) 295-4740 and enter passcode: 56641749. Those calling from outside North America should dial +1 (617) 614-3925 and use the same passcode. A telephone replay will be available approximately two hours after the call concludes through Tuesday, September 20, 2011 by dialing +1 (888) 286-8010 from North America, or +1 (617) 801-6888 from outside North America, and entering passcode: 69190363.

There will also be a simultaneous live webcast and presentation used during this call that will be available on the Company's website at www.talisonlithium.com.

About Talison Lithium
Talison Lithium Ltd. (TSX: TLH | US: TLTHF) mines and processes lithium bearing mineral spodumene at Greenbushes near Perth, Western Australia. The company produces a range of lithium concentrates that are distributed to a well-established global customer base, including China.

The Greenbushes ore body is a highly mineralised zoned pegmatite with a
strike length of more than 3km. The Greenbushes Lithium Operations Mineral Reserve is unique among known lithium deposits in that it contains approximately 50% spodumene.

The Greenbushes Lithium Operations have two processing plants located at
the mining operations. One plant produces technical-grade lithium concentrates, the other produces chemical-grade lithium concentrate. 

In September 2010, Talison Lithium merged with Salares Lithium Inc which gave it exposure to prospective lithium brine projects in Chile.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Certain information contained in this press release, including any information as to Talison's strategy, projects, plans, prospects, future outlook, anticipated events or results or future financial or operating performance, may constitute "forward-looking information" within the meaning of Canadian securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, constitute forward-looking information. Forward-looking information can often, but not always, be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", "predicts", "potential", "continue" or "believes", or variations (including negative variations) of such words, or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "should", "might", "potential to", or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved or other similar expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts. The purpose of forward-looking information is to provide the reader with information about Talison's expectations and plans. Readers are cautioned that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. All forward-looking statements made or incorporated in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements.
Forward-looking statements are necessarily based on a number of factors, estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by Talison, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies. Such factors, estimates and assumptions include, but are not limited to: anticipated financial and operating performance of Talison, its subsidiaries and their respective projects; Talison's market position; future prices of lithium or lithium concentrates; estimation of mineral reserves and mineral resources; realization of mineral reserve and mineral resource estimates; timing, amount and costs of estimated future production; grade, quality and content of concentrate produced; sale of production; capital, operating and exploration expenditures; costs and timing of the expansion of the Greenbushes Lithium Operations; exploration and development of the Salares 7 lithium project; costs and timing of future exploration; requirements for additional capital; government regulation of exploration, development and mining operations; environmental risks; reclamation and rehabilitation expenses; title disputes or claims; absence of significant risks relating to Talison's mining operations; the costs of Talison's hedging policy; sales risks related to China; currency; interest rates, and limitations of insurance coverage. While Talison considers these factors, estimates and assumptions to be reasonable based on information currently available to it, they may prove to be incorrect and actual results may vary. Readers are cautioned that forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Talison and/or its subsidiaries to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. Such risk factors include, among others, those described in the unaudited interim consolidated financial statements of Talison and the related notes thereto as at and for the three and nine month interim periods ended March 31, 2011 dated May 11, 2011 and under the heading "Risk Factors" in the annual information form of Talison for the year ended June 30, 2010 dated January 12, 2011 and in the short form prospectus of Talison dated February 8, 2011, each of which can be found on Talison's SEDAR profile at www.sedar.com. While Talison considers these assumptions to be reasonable based on information currently available to it, they may prove to be incorrect and actual results may vary.
Although Talison has attempted to identify statements containing important factors that could cause actual actions, event or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results to differ from those anticipated, estimated or intended. Forward-looking information contained herein is made as of the date of this press release based on the opinions and estimates of Talison on the date statements containing such forward-looking information are made. Except as required by law, Talison disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, estimates or opinions, future events or results or otherwise. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information.

Contact Information

  • ICR, LLC.
    Gary Dvorchak, CFA
    Senior Vice President
    Investor Relations Consultant
    +1 (310) 954-1123

Talison Lithium trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol TLH.
and on the OTCBB as TLTHF
Talison is not yet listed on the NYSE or HKSE.

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Rodinia Lithium Provides Update on the Salar de Diablillos Project

Rodinia Lithium Inc.Rodinia Lithium Inc.


August 04, 2011 10:57 ET

- Diamond Drilling Successfully Confirms Sand and Gravel Dominant Lithologies
- Additional Aquifer Identified in the Fractured Basement, Potentially Increasing Resource
- First Pump Test Well Successfully Drilled and Installed
- Two of Three Planned Monitoring Wells Completed

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Aug. 4, 2011) - Rodinia Lithium Inc. ("Rodinia" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:RM)(OTCQX:RDNAF) is pleased to provide an update on progress at its Salar de Diablillos project ("Diablillos" or "Salar") located in Salta Province, Argentina. Diamond drilling on the Salar commenced during the first week of July and has successfully confirmed the dominant lithologies identified by the Company's extensive reverse circulation drilling campaign. The vast majority of the lithologies intersected during diamond drilling have been sand and gravel. Both of these units tend to produce acquifers with high specific yield values and are seen by management as favourable for production wells.

In addition, the Company is pleased to announce that drilling and installation of the first pump test well is complete. The first pump test will take place at the site where D-RC-16 was drilled. Two of three planned monitoring wells have also been drilled and are in the process of being screened.

William Randall, President & CEO of Rodinia, commented "The lithologies intersected during diamond drilling confirm the favourable aquifer properties identified during reverse circulation drilling last year. This is a major step towards de-risking the project and will provide a great deal of certainty as to the potential of the deposit. Having completed the first pump test well, we are now well on our way to defining the productive capacity of Diablillos."

Diamond drill holes D-DD-01 and D-DD-02 have been completed, intersecting the basement at 186 metres and 102 metres respectively. The drill holes continued within the basement encountering highly fractured material with brine from 102 to 156 metres in the case of D-DD-01. This represents a potential aquifer that was not included in the previously reported recoverable resource estimate. Rodinia will issue a detailed press release on holes D-DD-01 and D-DD-02 once sample results have been received from the laboratory.

The Project is supervised by Ray Spanjers, Rodinia's Manager of Exploration. Mr. Spanjers is considered a qualified person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101, and has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information in this release. According to the Company's sampling protocol, sample size is to exceed 500 millilitres and be stored in clean, secure containers for transportation. The prepared samples are then forwarded to the ALS Laboratory Group, Environmental Division, in Fort Collins, Co (USA) for analysis. A rigorous QA/QC program is implemented consisting of regular insertion of standards and blanks to ensure laboratory integrity.

About Rodinia Lithium Inc.:
Rodinia Lithium Inc. is a Canadian mineral exploration and development company with a primary focus on Lithium exploration and development in North and South America. The Company is also actively exploring the commercialization of a significant Potash co-product that is expected to be recoverable through the lithium harvesting process.

Rodinia's Salar de Diablillos lithium-brine project in Salta, Argentina, contains a recoverable resource of 2.82 million tonnes lithium carbonate equivalent and 11.27 million tonnes potassium chloride equivalent. The project contains a recoverable inferred resource of 952,553,000 m3 grading 556 mg/L lithium and 6,206 mg/L potassium.

Throughout 2011, Rodinia will focus on continuing to develop the Diablillos project by completing additional drilling and advancing through scoping study.

The Company also holds 100% mineral rights to approximately 70,000 acres in Nevada's lithium-rich Clayton Valley in Esmeralda County, and is currently in the process of assessing the size, quality and processing alternatives of this deposit. The Clayton Valley project is located in the only known lithium-brine bearing salt lake in North America, and looks to represent the only new source for domestic lithium carbonate supply.

The Projects are supervised by Ray Spanjers, Rodinia's Manager of Exploration. Mr. Spanjers is considered a Qualified Person, as defined by National Instrument 43‐101. Please visit the Company's web site at www.rodinialithium.com or write us at info@rodinialithium.com.

Cautionary Notes
Except for statements of historical fact contained herein, the information in this press release constitutes "forward-looking information" within the meaning of Canadian securities law. Such forward-looking information may be identified by words such as "plans", "proposes", "estimates", "intends", "expects", "believes", "may", "will" and include without limitation, statements regarding the impact of the drill program at the Diablillos property and results of such drill program; the potential of the Diablillos property; anticipated timing with respect to the completion of a preliminary economic assessment, the potential results and timetable for further exploration with respect to the Clayton Valley project and the Diablillos property, the timetable with respect to future acquisitions and exploration developments at Clayton Valley and Diablillos, timetable for further exploration, analysis and development, title disputes or claims; and governmental approvals and regulation. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate; actual results and future events could differ materially from such statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, among others, metal prices, competition, financing risks, acquisition risks, risks inherent in the mining industry, and regulatory risks. Most of these factors are outside the control of the Company. Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking information. Except as otherwise required by applicable securities statutes or regulation, the Company expressly disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Contact Information

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