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Monday, September 9, 2024

IONQ has built it's quantum computers and Quantum technology in such a way, we don't think competitors are even close to their technology and efficiency

In Seattle IONQ is building the future!

IONQ's quantum computing technology has certain unique characteristics that give it a huge edge in specific aspects of the quantum computing race:

  1. Smaller and More Mobile: IONQ’s trapped-ion quantum computers are generally more compact compared to some of the larger superconducting quantum computers that competitors like IBM or Google use. The hardware behind trapped-ion systems doesn’t require the same extreme infrastructure (such as large cryogenic systems) that superconducting systems need, making them inherently more scalable and mobile.

  2. Room-Temperature Operation: One of IONQ’s biggest advantages is that its quantum computers can operate at or near room temperature. In contrast, many other quantum computers, especially those using superconducting qubits, require extremely low temperatures, often just fractions of a degree above absolute zero. 

  3. This gives IONQ's technology an advantage in terms of operational logistics, reducing the need for complex cooling infrastructure and making it potentially easier to deploy in various environments.

  4. Mobility and Deployment: The combination of these factors makes IONQ’s quantum computers more feasible for deployment in a broader range of environments outside specialized labs. 

  5. This is a significant advantage in the race to commercialize quantum technology, as industries look for more practical solutions that don't require extreme conditions to operate.

These features indeed provide IONQ with a unique competitive advantage, particularly when it comes to bringing quantum computing into practical, business-ready applications. 

This flexibility can accelerate adoption in sectors that require mobility, ease of installation, and room-temperature functionality, giving IONQ an edge in terms of accessibility and scalability.

IONQ's ION Trap Technology chip

We asked ChatGPT4o 

"If you were a business, would you employ IONQ technology"?

ChatGPT gave us the following reply!

If I were running a business in healthcare, finance, robotics, or industry, I would strongly consider employing IONQ’s technology, depending on my business's specific needs and the potential advantages that quantum computing could provide.

Here’s how IONQ's technology could impact each of these sectors:

  1. Healthcare:

    • Drug Discovery and Genomics: Quantum computing could dramatically accelerate drug discovery by simulating molecular interactions at a quantum level, potentially leading to breakthroughs in personalized medicine. IONQ’s quantum computers, with their high-fidelity trapped-ion qubits, would be well-suited for this kind of complex simulation, where traditional computers struggle due to the sheer number of variables involved.
    • Medical Imaging and Diagnostics: Quantum algorithms could enhance image analysis for diagnostics, providing faster and more accurate results in areas like cancer detection or brain imaging. For a healthcare business focused on innovation, IONQ’s technology could enable these breakthroughs in imaging and diagnostics.
  2. Finance:

    • Optimization and Risk Management: Finance often requires solving highly complex optimization problems (e.g., portfolio management, asset pricing, risk modeling). Quantum computing can process these calculations exponentially faster. IONQ’s compact, room-temperature quantum systems could offer advantages in bringing quantum finance solutions to market sooner, without the need for huge infrastructure investments.
    • Fraud Detection: Quantum algorithms could improve pattern recognition for fraud detection, making financial systems more secure. IONQ’s capabilities could be useful in this area, especially with their focus on business-ready applications.
  3. Robotics:

    • Path Planning and Decision-Making: Quantum computing could optimize path planning and decision-making processes for autonomous systems, especially in highly dynamic environments where classical optimization methods fall short. In robotics, IONQ’s quantum tech could be integrated into systems that require rapid decision-making, enhancing both efficiency and accuracy.
    • Machine Learning: Robotics increasingly relies on AI, and quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize machine learning models by processing larger datasets more efficiently. IONQ’s room-temperature systems could make these types of quantum AI applications more accessible.
  4. Industry:

    • Supply Chain Optimization: Quantum computers excel in solving optimization problems, such as supply chain logistics. IONQ’s technology could provide more efficient solutions for inventory management, production planning, and distribution, giving businesses a competitive edge by minimizing costs and maximizing operational efficiency.
    • Materials Science: For industries like manufacturing, quantum computers can simulate new materials and chemicals, leading to innovations in product development. IONQ’s hardware, which supports complex quantum simulations, could drive advancements in these areas.

Key Considerations:

  • Partnerships and Ecosystem: IONQ has been building partnerships with major cloud providers (like AWS and Microsoft Azure) and industry players to make their technology more accessible, which is a major advantage for businesses.
  • Technological Maturity: While IONQ’s quantum computers are among the most advanced, quantum computing as a whole is still in its early stages for many practical applications. As a business leader, I would ensure that the specific quantum algorithms or use cases that would benefit my business are well-developed before making a large investment.

In conclusion, IONQ’s technology, with its scalability, mobility, and operational flexibility, would be an excellent choice if my business required advanced computational power to tackle complex problems that classical computers struggle with

However, the decision would depend on the readiness of quantum solutions for my industry’s specific challenges, as well as cost-benefit analysis compared to existing technologies. (From ChatGPT4o)

IONQ is building a new, Quantum factory in Seattle!

Editor note:  

We have been accumulating IONQ stock all summer and into September!

What exactly is, "Blind" Quantum Computing, what are it's benefits, who will use the technology and who is leading the charge?

Sunday, September 8, 2024

These leaders in healthcare are also leading the healthcare charge into Ai technology to further their businesses!


AI is transforming the healthcare sector by enabling faster, more accurate, and personalized care. Here’s how AI is advancing the technology of the healthcare companies mentioned:

1. Moderna

  • AI in Drug Discovery: Moderna uses AI algorithms to analyze biological data and predict optimal mRNA sequences for new drugs and vaccines. AI-driven models accelerate the identification of viable candidates, reducing development time and cost.
  • Automated Data Analysis: AI speeds up the analysis of clinical trial data, identifying patterns and predicting outcomes, helping to optimize drug efficacy.

2. Eli Lilly

  • AI in Clinical Trials: Eli Lilly applies AI to streamline clinical trial processes. AI helps identify the right candidates for trials through predictive modeling, which improves trial design, reduces costs, and accelerates drug approval timelines.
  • Drug Development: AI models analyze massive datasets, discovering potential drug candidates faster and providing insights into drug interactions and side effects before clinical trials begin.

3. Sanofi

  • AI in Drug Target Discovery: Sanofi uses AI to identify novel targets for drug development by analyzing biological and genetic data. AI models can process complex datasets to find patterns that lead to the discovery of new therapeutic targets.
  • Clinical Trial Optimization: AI is used to optimize trial designs and patient recruitment, increasing the likelihood of successful outcomes while reducing time and costs.

4. Google Health (DeepMind)

  • AI in Diagnostics: Google Health, through DeepMind, uses AI for medical image analysis, like detecting breast cancer or diabetic retinopathy from scans, with greater accuracy and speed than traditional methods.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Google employs NLP to analyze electronic health records (EHRs) and other unstructured medical data, helping clinicians gain deeper insights into patient conditions and improving diagnostic accuracy.

5. IBM Watson Health

  • AI in Oncology: IBM Watson Health provides AI-powered decision support tools for oncologists, analyzing clinical data and research to offer personalized treatment options based on genetic profiles and clinical history.
  • Predictive Analytics: Watson’s AI models are used in healthcare systems to predict patient outcomes and optimize care pathways, potentially reducing readmissions and improving overall health outcomes.

6. Nuance Communications

  • AI in Clinical Documentation: Nuance's AI-powered speech recognition and natural language processing (NLP) tools assist healthcare providers in automating clinical documentation. AI interprets voice commands to generate accurate medical notes, reducing administrative burdens for doctors.
  • Virtual Assistants: AI-based virtual assistants enhance patient care by helping physicians retrieve patient data, input orders, and access relevant medical information hands-free.

7. Amazon (AWS Healthcare)

  • AI in Diagnostics and Personalized Medicine: AWS offers AI and machine learning (ML) services to healthcare providers for developing predictive models. These models analyze patient data to predict disease risk, enabling early intervention and personalized treatment plans.
  • AI in Healthcare Infrastructure: AWS’s AI tools assist in automating administrative processes like billing and appointment scheduling, improving operational efficiency within healthcare systems.

8. Philips Healthcare

  • AI in Medical Imaging: Philips applies AI algorithms to medical imaging systems to enhance image quality and improve diagnostic accuracy. AI reduces errors in identifying conditions like cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neurological disorders.
  • Remote Patient Monitoring: Philips uses AI to interpret data from wearable devices and remote patient monitoring systems, allowing healthcare providers to intervene earlier and manage chronic conditions more effectively.

9. Teladoc

  • AI in Telemedicine: Teladoc uses AI-driven triage systems to assess patient symptoms and guide them to appropriate care. AI analyzes patient inputs, medical history, and vital signs to offer personalized health recommendations.
  • Predictive Analytics: AI is used to predict patient health trends and identify those at risk of deteriorating, allowing for proactive care management.

10. Illumina

  • AI in Genomics: Illumina uses AI for genomic sequencing analysis, speeding up the identification of genetic variants linked to diseases. AI models process large-scale genomic data, discovering potential biomarkers for cancer and other diseases.
  • AI in Precision Medicine: AI-driven tools help clinicians interpret genetic data to provide personalized treatment plans based on a patient’s unique genetic profile, improving outcomes in areas like oncology and rare diseases.

Small caps in healthcare:

Adaptive Biotechnologies is leveraging AI technology to advance its healthcare innovations. The company integrates AI and machine learning into its immune medicine platform to analyze the vast data from the adaptive immune system. Specifically, here’s how they use AI:

  1. Immune Repertoire Sequencing: Adaptive Biotechnologies uses AI to analyze the enormous diversity of T-cell and B-cell receptors, which play critical roles in the body’s immune response. This process enables the company to identify patterns in immune system data that can be linked to specific diseases, which helps in diagnosing and monitoring diseases like cancer and autoimmune disorders.

  2. Partnership with Microsoft: Adaptive has partnered with Microsoft to use AI and cloud computing to decode the human immune system. Their joint initiative, called "ImmunoSEQ Dx," leverages Microsoft's machine learning algorithms to interpret immune system data and develop diagnostic tests. This partnership is key in Adaptive’s effort to create a universal blood test that can detect various diseases, including infectious diseases and cancer, by analyzing the immune response.

  3. Drug Discovery and Development: Adaptive applies AI to accelerate drug discovery. By using AI to analyze immune system data, they can identify therapeutic targets and create personalized therapies more efficiently. This is particularly important in developing T-cell therapies for cancer treatment, where AI helps identify and optimize the best T-cell receptors for specific patient needs.

In summary, Adaptive Biotechnologies employs AI to interpret immune system data, develop diagnostic tools, and enhance personalized drug discovery, significantly improving healthcare technology.

Ginkgo Bioworks is employing AI technology extensively to advance their healthcare and synthetic biology initiatives. Here’s how they are leveraging AI in healthcare:

  1. AI-Driven Organism Engineering: Ginkgo Bioworks uses AI to design and optimize microorganisms, which can be used in healthcare for drug production, diagnostics, and even therapies. By applying machine learning algorithms, they can analyze biological data to identify genetic modifications that improve the performance of engineered cells or organisms.

  2. Machine Learning for Biological Data: Ginkgo’s platform collects vast amounts of data from the genetic sequences, growth conditions, and performance of engineered organisms. AI and machine learning are used to process this data, finding patterns that guide the development of more efficient biological systems, including those related to healthcare products, like biologics and vaccines.

  3. Biopharma Partnerships: Ginkgo Bioworks partners with biopharmaceutical companies to leverage its AI-driven synthetic biology platform for healthcare applications. For example, they collaborate with companies like Moderna, helping them develop better microbial strains for vaccine production. AI aids in optimizing the process and ensuring scalability for such developments.

  4. Drug Discovery and Development: AI helps Ginkgo identify novel biological pathways and molecules that could serve as the basis for new drugs. By combining genetic engineering and AI-powered data analysis, they can accelerate the discovery of therapeutic compounds.

  5. Cellular Therapeutics and Diagnostics: Ginkgo applies AI to create engineered cells for potential use in cellular therapies and diagnostic tools. AI helps predict how cells will behave in complex environments and aids in refining them for specific medical applications, such as targeted cancer treatments or precision diagnostics.

In summary, Ginkgo Bioworks employs AI across its platform to enhance microorganism engineering, accelerate drug discovery, and improve biomanufacturing processes in healthcare applications. AI plays a crucial role in processing biological data, optimizing cell design, and driving innovations in the healthcare sector.

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 TransCode's technology is designed to target  cancer progression, metastasis, and resistance to existing therapies.

Key Takeaways:

  • Faster Drug Discovery: AI shortens the drug discovery process by analyzing massive datasets quickly and predicting drug candidates with better accuracy.
  • Improved Diagnostics: AI enhances the accuracy of diagnostics through image analysis, pattern recognition, and predictive analytics.
  • Personalized Medicine: AI enables the development of individualized treatment plans by analyzing genetic, clinical, and environmental data.
  • Operational Efficiency: AI automates repetitive tasks, reducing administrative burdens and allowing healthcare professionals to focus more on patient care.

By integrating AI into their operations, these companies are not only improving patient outcomes but also driving efficiencies in healthcare processes, from R&D to patient care.

These "Microcap" companies operate in innovative and emerging sectors, which may position them for significant growth.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

As Tech giant, Apple, prepares to announce it's jump into the Ai realm, new partnerships will most likely become investment targets!


Besides partnering with, and using the technology of, Ai leader Open Ai (still a privately held company) here are three publicly traded companies currently under the radar, that could also become partners providing Apple with new technology for the jump into Ai!

1. Opera is known for its web browser that includes several advanced features such as:

  1. Built-in AI system: Opera integrates AI-based tools, such as ChatGPT and other AI-powered enhancements.
  2. Free VPN: Opera offers a free, unlimited VPN service directly integrated into the browser.
  3. Built-in ad blocker: Opera provides an ad-blocker to improve user experience and speed.
  4. Integrated crypto wallets: The browser has built-in cryptocurrency wallets to support crypto transactions.

While there haven't been official announcements of a partnership between Opera and Apple, the company's innovative features and expanding reach could make them a potential partner for tech giants like Apple in the future.

2. Mozilla, with its product Firefox and their focus on user privacy and personalized experiences. Mozilla is developing its own generative AI models with a strong focus on user data privacy, ensuring that AI learns from user activities in a privacy-centric way, unlike broader models like ChatGPT that rely on vast datasets without specific tailoring to individual users. 

Mozilla’s AI aims to create personalized experiences while keeping user data secure, aligning with Apple's vision of creating personalized AI devices through its Apple Intelligence initiative. Mozilla’s approach could make it an ideal partner for Apple in future AI projects, especially those focused on personalization and privacy.

3. Enovix. Enovix has developed proprietar3D silicon batteries, creasing energy demands of modern devices, including those using AI, making Enovix well-positioned to play a significant role in the next era of Apple's AI-driven devices.

This advanced battery technology aligns with Apple's potential needs for more efficient energy solutions as they continue to develop AI-powered hardware, making Enovix a strong candidate to partner with Apple.

Editor note:  

While it is pure speculation that these three companies may partner with Apple to help produce Apple Ai Intelligence, we have bought shares in one of these companies already and plan to add the other two to our portfolio on Monday, Sept 9th!

As AI and quantum computing boom, several companies could be attractive takeover targets for large tech companies due to their advanced technology, niche expertise, or significant intellectual property portfolios.

Here are 10 potential takeover targets:

AI-Focused Companies

  1. C3.ai – Focuses on enterprise AI applications. Its generative AI capabilities, combined with a well-established customer base, could be appealing for big tech firms looking to bolster their AI offerings.

  2. SambaNova Systems – A leading AI hardware and software platform provider, specializing in advanced AI models and efficient processing. Their AI chips are optimized for AI workloads and could be a valuable asset for companies looking to enhance their AI infrastructure.

  3. Hugging Face – Hugging Face is known for its open-source natural language processing (NLP) models. Its leadership in NLP and machine learning models could attract companies looking to expand in these areas.

  4. Scale AI – Specializes in AI data labeling and providing data for machine learning models. Scale AI's data annotation platform could be crucial for tech companies aiming to improve their AI training processes.

  5. Adept AI – A company building general AI agents that can interact with software tools and automate tasks. Its focus on user-friendly AI solutions could make it attractive for companies aiming to improve AI-driven automation.

Of the above Ai companies mentioned, only C3Ai is publicly traded at this writing 

while 2 through 5 are all currently private companies!

Quantum Computing-Focused Companies

  1. Rigetti Computing – Known for its work in hybrid quantum-classical computing. It has been working on quantum hardware and software integration, making it attractive to tech giants like IBM, Google, or Microsoft aiming to accelerate quantum computing development.

  2. IonQ – A leader in trapped-ion quantum computing, offering a unique hardware approach. Their quantum computers are already being deployed in partnerships with major tech firms, which makes them an attractive acquisition target.

  3. PsiQuantum – Focused on building fault-tolerant quantum computers using photonic technology. This could be highly appealing to a big tech company aiming for breakthroughs in scalable quantum hardware.

  4. D-Wave Systems – Specializes in quantum annealing systems. Although it's been more niche, its longstanding expertise and business use cases could be of interest to tech companies looking for a more commercial quantum solution.

  5. Zapata Computing – Specializing in quantum algorithms and software platforms. Its expertise in hybrid quantum solutions and advanced algorithm development could make it attractive for tech companies that want to integrate quantum technology with AI.

Except for PsiQuantum (Which is privately held) these companies are all traded publicly on the Nasdaq Exchange. 

These companies are leaders in their fields and would bring valuable technology, intellectual property, and talent to big tech firms looking to expand in AI and quantum computing.

Editor note:  We own shares in 5 of the companies listed now!

What is Quantum Annealing and where does it fit in the race to Quantum technology supremacy

Friday, September 6, 2024

Evolv Technology was instrumental in enhancing security during the 2024 Olympics with its AI-powered Evolv Express® systems, which provided non-intrusive, real-time weapons detection across high-traffic areas like entry points and public venues.


As of 2024, Evolv holds over 200 patents and patent applications, with a focus on technologies that use AI and machine learning to enhance public safety at major venues like airports, schools, stadiums, and event spaces​(Evolv Safe)​(MDPI).

Evolv's flagship product, Evolv Express, provides non-intrusive, real-time screening for weapons, detecting items such as guns and knives without requiring visitors to stop or empty their bags. 

This technology uses a combination of advanced sensors, AI-powered software, and integrated analytics to scan large groups of people quickly, making it ideal for high-traffic locations like airports, stadiums, and concert venues​(Evolv Safe).

The company has screened over 1 billion people globally, significantly enhancing security by stopping nearly 1,000 weapons from entering secure areas daily. 

Its systems are designed to improve over time through continuous data collection and AI refinement, offering a flexible, scalable solution that integrates with existing security infrastructure, such as video management systems and communication platforms​(MDPI).

In terms of market position, Evolv is increasingly becoming the go-to provider for AI-based security solutions. With more than 4,000 active subscriptions of its detection systems, Evolv continues to expand its reach, adding venues like schools, hospitals, and public spaces to its client list, while also receiving certifications like the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s SAFETY Act designation​!

This unique combination of cutting-edge AI and real-time detection is making Evolv Technology a critical player in enhancing public safety at large events and transportation hubs.

Evolv Technology was instrumental in enhancing security during the 2024 Olympics with its AI-powered Evolv Express® systems, which provided non-intrusive, real-time weapons detection across high-traffic areas like entry points and public venues. 

This technology allowed for faster, more efficient screening of large crowds without compromising safety, helping to manage large-scale events seamlessly.

Financially, Evolv reported record revenues in 2024, with $25.5 million in Q2, a 29% increase from the previous year, driven by growing demand for its subscription-based systems​(Evolv Safe)​(EvolvTechnologies Holdings, Inc.).

Evolv Technology's prospects as a stock are promising due to its strong growth trajectory in AI-powered security solutions. The company has experienced increasing adoption of its subscription-based Evolv Express® systems, as seen in events like the 2024 Olympics, where it provided efficient, non-intrusive screening for large crowds. Financially, Evolv is expanding its recurring revenue, with a 29% year-over-year increase in Q2 2024​(Evolv Technologies Holdings, Inc.). 

However, investors should consider market volatility, competition, and the broader economic environment when evaluating its long-term potential.

In terms of stock outlook, Evolv Technologies has a consensus analyst rating of "Moderate Buy" with a price target around $5.75, suggesting a potential upside of about 53.7%.

 Institutional ownership remains high at 66.65%, showing continued confidence from large investors, t

Looking forward, the prospects for Evolv's new AI-powered security technology remain strong, especially with the ongoing adoption of its systems in high-traffic areas like stadiums and airports. Its financial performance, marked by rising revenues, suggests positive growth, though the stock's future performance will likely depend on broader market conditions and ongoing technological innovations.4 sites

As of 2024, institutional investors hold approximately 66.65% of Evolv Technologies' stock, reflecting strong confidence from major investment firms. 

Some of the largest institutional holders include Vanguard Group, which owns about 4.61% of the company (7.19 million shares), BlackRock with 4.98% (7.77 million shares), and Key Colony Management LLC, which owns about 2.93% (4.57 million shares). Other notable holders include Edge Capital Group and Glenview Capital Management.

Additionally, Gates Frontier LLC is a significant insider, holding about 11.95% of the company's shares (18.66 million shares), highlighting the confidence of internal stakeholders in the company's future.

These institutional investments indicate strong market confidence, despite some recent insider selling. Evolv’s AI-driven security solutions continue to attract attention in various sectors, driving interest from both retail and institutional investors​(MarketBeat)​(WallStreetZen)(Nasdaq).

Disclosure: Editor owns stock in $EVLV Technology!


EVOLV's new, cutting edge, screening devices are the future of securing sporting events!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

As SynBio leader, Ginkgo Bioworks, prepares to enter 2025, it is undertaking several strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing its financial performance and strengthening its market position.


These initiatives are designed to drive revenue growth, improve operational efficiency, and capitalize on emerging opportunities in synthetic biology and biomanufacturing. Here are key steps Ginkgo is taking:

1. Expanding Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations

  • Diversifying Applications: Ginkgo continues to expand its partnerships across various industries, including pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and environmental sustainability. By diversifying the application of its synthetic biology platform, Ginkgo aims to capture revenue from multiple high-growth sectors.
  • High-Value Partnerships: Ginkgo has formed key collaborations with companies such as Bayer (for agricultural biotech) and Synlogic (for synthetic biology-driven therapeutics). These partnerships provide immediate revenue opportunities while enhancing Ginkgo’s market credibility.
  • New Partnerships: The company has been exploring partnerships with biosecurity and biomanufacturing players, positioning itself as a leader in these fields. In areas like pandemic preparedness and government contracts, it sees ongoing demand for biosecurity solutions, which can lead to stable long-term revenue.

2. Scaling its Biomanufacturing Platform

  • Increasing Production Capacity: Ginkgo is scaling up its biomanufacturing capabilities to meet the growing demand for customized microbes. This includes investments in automation and robotics to increase the efficiency and speed of its platform. These efforts will not only enable Ginkgo to handle more projects but also lower the cost per project, improving profit margins.
  • Reducing Costs: By automating more processes and integrating advanced data analytics into its workflow, Ginkgo aims to reduce its operational costs. Automation will allow Ginkgo to reduce the time it takes to design and deliver biological solutions, helping to increase its output and lower costs.

3. Focusing on High-Margin Revenue Streams

  • Cell Programming: Ginkgo is increasingly focusing on its cell programming business, which offers high-margin revenue streams. By providing custom-engineered cells and microorganisms to partners in pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and chemicals, Ginkgo can command premium prices.
  • Intellectual Property: The company continues to enhance its IP portfolio, licensing proprietary technologies to partners and clients. As its IP portfolio grows, this could become an additional revenue stream with high profitability.
  • Biosecurity: Biosecurity has become an essential component of Ginkgo’s revenue model, particularly during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Ginkgo has played a major role in biosecurity testing and surveillance, and it is expected to continue capitalizing on this high-margin, government-backed work.

4. Pursuing New Market Opportunities

  • Environmental and Sustainability Solutions: Ginkgo is positioning itself as a leader in synthetic biology-driven sustainability. It is working on projects related to sustainable materials, carbon capture, and reducing environmental impact through biomanufacturing processes. This shift opens new markets, particularly as industries aim to reduce their carbon footprints and meet ESG (environmental, social, and governance) goals.
  • Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Applications: Ginkgo is expanding its offerings in the healthcare space by working on new biopharmaceuticals and therapeutics, which offer potentially lucrative market opportunities. Collaborations with biotech companies to engineer cells for drug discovery and development could be significant drivers of future revenue.

5. Acquisitions and Strategic Investments

  • Acquisition Strategy: Ginkgo has been acquiring smaller biotech companies and technologies that complement its platform. These acquisitions not only broaden its technological capabilities but also accelerate its growth by bringing in new revenue streams and expanding its customer base.
  • Investment in New Technologies: Ginkgo has been actively investing in cutting-edge technologies that enhance its ability to design and scale biological products. This includes automation, machine learning, and AI-powered data analysis to improve efficiency and reduce the time-to-market for new biomanufacturing projects.

6. Financial Management and Reducing Cash Burn

  • Cost Control: Ginkgo is working to control its cash burn rate by optimizing its R&D expenditures and increasing efficiency in its operations. This will be critical as it continues to grow and seeks to become profitable in the long term.
  • Cash Reserves: The company’s substantial cash reserves give it flexibility to invest in high-growth areas while maintaining financial stability. Ginkgo is likely to continue utilizing its strong cash position to support R&D and strategic acquisitions, positioning it for long-term growth.
  • Path to Profitability: While still operating at a loss, Ginkgo is focused on improving its revenue-to-cost ratio by scaling its platform more effectively and tapping into higher-margin projects. Investors are watching closely for signs that Ginkgo is making progress toward profitability, which would significantly enhance its stock valuation and financial standing.

7. Building Market Leadership in Synthetic Biology

  • Establishing Industry Leadership: Ginkgo continues to position itself as the leader in the synthetic biology space. Its partnerships, technological advancements, and high-profile contracts with government and private sector players are designed to solidify its leadership.
  • Raising Awareness and Visibility: Ginkgo is also focusing on raising awareness about its capabilities in synthetic biology through media campaigns and thought leadership. As the field of synthetic biology grows in prominence, Ginkgo aims to be seen as the go-to partner for companies looking to leverage biological engineering.

8. Stock Performance and Investor Relations

  • Improving Investor Confidence: Ginkgo has been actively communicating its long-term growth strategy to investors, emphasizing its potential in synthetic biology’s emerging markets. As it scales, the company will likely continue to focus on investor relations to maintain confidence and potentially drive stock price appreciation.
  • Future Public Offerings: Given its cash needs and growth trajectory, Ginkgo may consider secondary stock offerings or other financing methods, but it will focus on reducing dilution by improving its revenue streams.


As Ginkgo Bioworks heads toward 2025, it is focusing on expanding partnerships, scaling its biomanufacturing platform, and enhancing operational efficiency. The company is also **diversifying into new markets

The information provided is a synthesis of both Ginkgo Bioworks' own public communications (such as investor reports, press releases, and earnings calls) and independent analyses from third-party sources like industry experts, financial analysts, and market reports. Here's how the sources break down:

  1. Ginkgo Bioworks' Communications:

    • Revenue growth strategies, partnerships, and technology development plans are often highlighted in Ginkgo’s quarterly earnings reports and press releases. The company's forward-looking statements often outline plans to scale biomanufacturing, expand into new markets, and enhance automation.
    • Ginkgo’s cash position, debt status, and financial strategies are typically reported in their financial filings (like 10-Q or 10-K filings) and discussed during investor calls.
  2. Independent Sources:

    • Analyst Reports: Independent financial and industry analysts provide projections on Ginkgo’s market opportunities, challenges, and growth prospects. These reports help gauge how Ginkgo’s strategies are perceived in the broader context of the biotech and synthetic biology sectors.
    • Market Trends: Broader trends in synthetic biology, biomanufacturing, and biotechnology sectors are drawn from independent sources. These include assessments of the potential for sectors like pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and biosecurity, which are aligned with Ginkgo’s activities.
    • Competitor Comparisons: Independent analysts also provide comparisons of Ginkgo’s financial position and business strategy relative to competitors, offering insights into its market positioning and leadership in synthetic biology.

In summary, while much of the data about Ginkgo's internal operations comes from their own reporting, key perspectives on the company's market prospects and financial health also come from independent analyses and industry reports.

Bayer, Roche, Moderna, Cronos, Synlogic, Sumitomo, Biogen, Aldevron, are just some of the big companies now partnered with Ginkgo Bioworks SynBio platform!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

All about Rigetti computing, their background and the Quantum technology being developed at Rigetti

Rigetti Computing is a prominent player in the quantum computing space, founded in 2013 by Chad Rigetti, a former researcher at IBM. Chad Rigetti holds a Ph.D. in applied physics from Yale University, where he specialized in quantum computing. Before founding Rigetti Computing, he worked in IBM’s quantum computing group, gaining valuable experience in the field. His vision for the company was to make quantum computing accessible to industries for practical use cases by developing quantum hardware and integrated cloud solutions.

Rigetti's quantum technology is based on superconducting qubits, which are processed in their own chip fabrication facility known as "Fab-1" located in Fremont, California. The company’s hybrid approach combines quantum and classical computing to address complex computational problems.

The technology at Rigetti has been integrated into cloud-based quantum computing platforms like Amazon Braket and Microsoft Azure Quantum, allowing broader access for researchers and developers to test and develop quantum applications.

Rigetti Computing’s "hybrid approach" in quantum computing has a conceptual analogy to the hybrid approach used in electric vehicles (EVs), though the specifics of each system differ in terms of their operational mechanics.

In the case of electric vehicles, the hybrid approach typically involves a combination of two power sources, such as an internal combustion engine (ICE) and an electric motor. These vehicles switch between, or combine, the two power sources depending on driving conditions to optimize efficiency, reduce fuel consumption, and enhance performance. The hybrid system allows for the benefits of both electric and traditional fuel sources to be harnessed in a complementary way.

For Rigetti Computing's hybrid approach in quantum computing, the concept is similar but applied to computation rather than power. In this approach, classical computers (traditional systems like CPUs and GPUs) work alongside quantum computers to solve complex problems.

The analogy:

  • Complementary nature: Just as an EV uses a combination of electric and gas-powered systems to perform optimally, Rigetti's hybrid quantum-classical system uses classical computing for tasks that are well-suited to traditional processors, while quantum computers handle problems that are better addressed by qubits (such as certain optimization problems or simulations).
  • Optimization and efficiency: In both cases, the hybrid system seeks to leverage the strengths of each technology. EVs use electric power when it’s more efficient (e.g., low-speed driving), while Rigetti's system uses classical computing for parts of a problem that are easier for classical computers (e.g., data processing), and quantum computing for tasks where qubits have a unique advantage (like solving complex mathematical models).
  • Interfacing between two systems: Both hybrid vehicles and Rigetti's approach require seamless interaction between the two systems. In a hybrid vehicle, the ICE and electric motor must coordinate smoothly for optimal performance. In Rigetti’s approach, classical and quantum computers must communicate efficiently to share and process data, which is handled through their Quantum Cloud Services (QCS) platform.

In essence, just like hybrid vehicles combine two power sources for better overall performance, Rigetti's hybrid quantum computing model leverages both classical and quantum processors to tackle problems more effectively than either system could on its own.

In addition to founder Chad Rigetti, Rigetti Computing has attracted a number of prominent developers and scientists in the quantum computing field. The company has a multidisciplinary team of experts in physics, engineering, computer science, and quantum information theory. Some key contributors and scientists who have played significant roles in the development of Rigetti’s technology include:

1. Dr. Mark HodsonSenior Vice President of Quantum Engineering

  • Dr. Hodson has been a pivotal figure in developing Rigetti's quantum hardware. With a background in cryogenic systems and quantum processors, he oversees the design and optimization of Rigetti’s quantum computing architecture.
  • He has extensive experience in superconducting qubits, which form the foundation of the quantum processing units (QPUs) that Rigetti develops.

2. Dr. Michael ReagorPrincipal Quantum Engineer

  • Dr. Reagor is a key figure in developing Rigetti's quantum devices, particularly in improving the coherence times and performance of superconducting qubits.
  • He has contributed to major advancements in quantum chip fabrication and architecture, helping improve quantum error correction and gate fidelities.

3. Dr. David IbbersonSenior Quantum Research Scientist

  • Specializing in quantum algorithms and applications, Dr. Ibberson has helped lead efforts to explore and build hybrid quantum-classical algorithms that are tailored for industrial applications.
  • His work spans quantum software development, with a focus on integrating quantum computing into classical workflows via Rigetti’s Quantum Cloud Services (QCS) platform.

4. Dr. Andrew BestwickVice President of Quantum Devices

  • With a Ph.D. in physics, Dr. Bestwick has contributed to research on quantum materials and devices. At Rigetti, he leads efforts to innovate around superconducting qubits and the design of quantum processors.
  • He is responsible for pushing the boundaries of Rigetti's quantum chip fabrication and improving the scaling of quantum systems.

5. Dr. Colm RyanVice President of Quantum Software

  • Dr. Ryan leads Rigetti's quantum software team, working on algorithms, programming tools, and cloud services for quantum computing.
  • He oversees the development of Quil (Quantum Instruction Language), which is used to program quantum computers on the Rigetti platform.

6. Dr. Frederic T. ChongAdvisor

  • Dr. Chong is a professor of computer science at the University of Chicago and has worked closely with Rigetti in an advisory role, particularly on quantum architecture and error correction.
  • His expertise in quantum systems and scalable architectures helps inform the direction of Rigetti's long-term technology strategy.

7. Dr. Will ZengFormer Head of Quantum Cloud Services

  • Dr. Zeng played a central role in creating Rigetti's cloud-based quantum computing platform, Quantum Cloud Services (QCS). His background in quantum programming languages and algorithms has been critical in the company’s development of software tools that allow users to run quantum programs in a hybrid quantum-classical environment.

Collaboration with Universities and Research Institutions

  • Rigetti also collaborates closely with various academic and research institutions to push forward quantum computing research. Universities like MIT, Yale, and the University of Chicago have had researchers who collaborate with Rigetti to develop both hardware and software solutions.

These individuals, along with many other scientists and engineers at Rigetti, contribute to the advancement of quantum computing technology, from improving quantum processor performance to enabling practical applications of quantum systems through software development.

Also, Rigetti Computing has several contracts and partnerships with industry, government agencies, and academic institutions. 

These collaborations are vital for the development, deployment, and testing of its quantum computing technology in real-world applications.

Some of the most notable partnerships include:

1. Amazon Web Services (AWS) – Amazon Braket

  • Partnership Scope: Rigetti is integrated into Amazon Braket, AWS’s quantum computing platform. Through this partnership, Rigetti’s quantum computers are accessible via the cloud, allowing businesses and researchers to use Rigetti's quantum processing units (QPUs) alongside other quantum hardware available on Braket.
  • Significance: This partnership allows Rigetti to reach a broader audience by providing access to its quantum technology to companies, startups, and academic institutions worldwide through AWS.

2. Microsoft Azure Quantum

  • Partnership Scope: Similar to the Amazon Braket partnership, Rigetti’s quantum computing technology is accessible via Microsoft Azure Quantum. Microsoft’s cloud-based quantum platform allows developers and enterprises to explore Rigetti’s hybrid quantum-classical systems.
  • Significance: This integration makes Rigetti’s QPUs available through one of the largest cloud ecosystems, supporting broader adoption of quantum computing and enabling research in various industries like materials science, optimization, and machine learning.


  • Contract Scope: Rigetti entered into a partnership with NASA to explore how quantum computing can be applied to solve optimization problems related to space exploration.
  • Significance: NASA's work with Rigetti includes the exploration of hybrid quantum-classical algorithms to improve computational performance for large-scale optimization and machine learning tasks, which are crucial for space mission planning, simulations, and autonomous operations.

4. U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

  • Contract Scope: Rigetti has partnered with the DOE as part of their Quantum Systems Accelerator (QSA) program. This initiative brings together national labs, universities, and companies to advance quantum computing.
  • Significance: Rigetti’s work with the DOE is focused on pushing the boundaries of quantum hardware and software and exploring its applications in solving energy-related challenges, such as grid optimization and advanced materials research.

5. U.S. Air Force and DARPA

  • Contract Scope: Rigetti has won contracts from the U.S. Air Force and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to explore quantum computing applications for defense-related problems, including optimization, machine learning, and simulations.
  • Significance: These contracts provide funding for Rigetti to develop quantum computing technologies that can be applied to defense and national security, which require complex computations and problem-solving.

6. Partnership with Standard Chartered Bank

  • Partnership Scope: In collaboration with Standard Chartered Bank, Rigetti is exploring the use of quantum computing in the financial sector, particularly for solving problems in risk management, portfolio optimization, and financial modeling.
  • Significance: This partnership demonstrates Rigetti’s involvement in applying quantum computing to real-world commercial applications within the financial services industry, which is highly computationally intensive.

7. Partnership with ADIA Lab (Abu Dhabi Investment Authority)

  • Partnership Scope: Rigetti and ADIA Lab are working together to advance research in quantum machine learning and optimization, focusing on applications in financial services and other commercial domains.
  • Significance: This partnership aligns with efforts to bring quantum computing into industries that can benefit from the optimization and predictive power of quantum algorithms, especially in the Middle East.

8. Collaborations with Universities and Research Labs

  • University Partnerships: Rigetti collaborates with top academic institutions, including Yale, MIT, and the University of Chicago, for quantum computing research and development.
  • Research Institutions: The company works with institutions such as Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory to enhance quantum technologies and address fundamental scientific problems.

Industry Applications:

Through these partnerships, Rigetti is applying quantum computing to industries including:

  • Finance: Quantum algorithms for risk analysis, portfolio optimization, and cryptography.
  • Healthcare: Drug discovery and molecular simulations.
  • Energy: Grid optimization and materials research for energy storage.
  • Logistics: Solving complex optimization problems in supply chains and operations.
  • Aerospace: Developing simulations and optimization solutions for space missions.

These partnerships underscore Rigetti’s commitment to working with both public and private sectors to advance quantum computing for practical, industry-specific applications.

In August 2024, Rigetti Introduced a Novel Chip Fabrication Process

For Scalable, High Performing QPUs

Rigetti's novel technique, Alternating-Bias Assisted Annealing (ABAA), allows for more precise qubit frequency targeting, enabling improved execution of 2-qubit gates and a reduction in defects, which both contribute to higher fidelity. 

This work was recently published in Nature Communications Materials.

What is Quantum Annealing and where does it fit in the race to Quantum technology supremacy